How do you solve the puzzle in Luckys tale?

This question is about a set of puzzles in the video game "Super Lucky's Tale" (as well as its Nintendo Switch remake "New Super Lucky's Tale"). They are known as statue puzzles as they involve sliding statues around.

Here is a YouTube video which shows all of the statue puzzles in the game and how to solve them.

However, I don't want someone to tell me the solution to each puzzle, I want to know what method I should use if I am trying to solve the puzzle myself. The first few puzzles in the game I solved by randomly performing actions until I solved them, but when I got to the harder ones, I found myself going around in circles. I am sure there must be some kind of methodical way to solve such puzzles.

Before anyone asks, I did post this question already over on Arqade (Gaming SE) over six months ago and no one has replied. I was hoping to get more answers on Puzzling SE.

I will describe the puzzle conceptually so as to save people having to watch the video.

The puzzle is made up of a set of floor-tiles arranged adjacent to each other (so any tile has another tile either upward, below, to the left or to the right of it). Some tiles are marked with a "+" symbol. In the initial puzzle state, each tile either has a fox statue on it, a golem statue on it, or no statue on it. There will always be the same number of fox statues as "+" tiles.

The object of the puzzle is to get to a state where all fox statues are on "+" tiles. (The golem statues will, logically, not be on "+" tiles in this final state.)

An action in the puzzle consists of pushing a statue up, down, left or right. The statue will continue to slide across the tiles until it either runs out of tiles or hits another statue.

Here I will give an example puzzle in case the above explanation was not clear. This puzzle is the one starting at around timestamp 7:50 in the above-linked video.

In this diagram,

  • The letters A-E and numbers 1-3 are not part of the specification directly, they are just references to help with the explanation
  • Grey squares indicate tiles
  • Green circled "+" indicates a "+" tile (tiles C1, B3 and D3)
  • Boxed "F" indicates the starting position of a fox statue
  • Boxed "G" indicates the starting position of a golem statue

Now I will describe the solution to this particular puzzle.

Let's call the fox statue at A1 "F1", the fox statue at A3 "F2", and the fox statue at E3 "F3" to differentiate. (Please don't get confused between the fox statue references like F1 and grid references like E1!)

Goal will be to get each fox statue onto a "+" tile:

  • F1 onto C1
  • F2 onto D3
  • F3 onto B3

Puzzle can be solved in 8 moves:

  1. Push fox statue F2 to the right; it moves to position D3
  2. Push golem statue to the left; it moves to position B1
  3. Push golem statue down; it moves to position B3
  4. Push fox statue F2 up; it moves to position D1
  5. Push fox statue F1 to the right; it moves to position C1
  6. Push golem statue to the left; it moves to position A3
  7. Push fox statue F3 to the left; it moves to position B3
  8. Push fox statue F2 down; it moves to position D3

What I am looking for is how would you solve such a puzzle methodically without having the solution, or any other puzzle of this type?

This is a 2D level where you have to make your way up the platforms to the top of the area. To begin, bounce on the yellow star and make your way up. The letter L is on top of a bird on the right. Bounce up to the checkpoint and flip the switch on the left. This will bring the platforms out from the wall, so climb them and jump onto the moving platforms above. Jump over the spinning spiked log and flip the switch. The letter U is in the wooden crate on your left. Bounce up to the platform which has appeared when you hit the switch, then hit the other switch to reveal the next platform. Hit the checkpoint and then bounce up to flip another switch. Continue upwards and to a diamond next to the switch.

Flip the switch and a bouncy star will appear. Bounce up to flip the switch above and drop down onto the platform which has appeared. Bounce on the stars moving up and down to hit the switch on the left, then bounce over to the higher platform. Climb up to the checkpoint and collect the diamond. Enter the foxhole behind the crates on the left. Collect the clock and then the coloured coins within the time limit to get the hidden page. Use the foxhole to head back to the main level.

Bounce on the star, then hit the switch above it to reveal platforms for you to land on. Climb up to the platform above and hit the switch. Jump up to the platforms, then hit the switch here to bounce on the star. Use the star to jump up to the moving platforms above. The letter C is on your left. Use the bouncy star on your right to jump up to a switch. Hit the switch and climb the platforms over to the left. Hit the checkpoint and use the star to climb up on the rotating platforms. Collect all the large coins here to reveal the letter K in the middle, then jump up to the ladder above. Collect all the coins above the bouncy stars to reveal small diamonds and hit the switch in the middle. You should now have enough coins for the 300 coins page.

Hit the checkpoint and use the moving platform on the right to make your way up. Make your way up over the bouncy stars to hit another checkpoint. Use the bouncy star on the left to climb up and hit the switches as you go along to reveal the platforms. The letter Y is above you, so you should now get the LUCKY page. Avoiding the rotating spiked log, hit the switch on your left. This will reveal a bouncy star on the right, so use it to bounce upwards, hit the switch to reveal another star and continue upwards using the stars to climb up. You'll find a yeti at the top and will get the level complete page.

Wrestful Retreat Hub

Back in the main hub, climb the nearby sandy step and enter the foxhole. Time for another sliding block puzzle! The solution is shown below (this one might not be the quickest but at least it works):

  1. Move 3 right (→)
  2. Move 4 left (←)
  3. Move 5 left (←), down (↓) and right (→)
  4. Move 2 right (→), up (↑) and right (→)
  5. Move 4 right (→)
  6. Move 1 right (→)
  7. Move 5 left (←)
  8. Move 1 down (↓) and left (←)
  9. Move 3 left (←), up (↑) and left (←)
  10. Move 4 left (←)
  11. Move 2 left (←), down (↓) and right (→)
  12. Move 1 right (→)
  13. Move 5 right (→) and up (↑)
  14. Move 1 left (←)
  15. Move 5 right (→)
  16. Move 4 right (→)
  17. Move 3 right (→) and down (↓)
  18. Move 4 left (←)
  19. Move 5 left (←)
  20. Move 2 left (←)
  21. Move 3 up (↑)
  22. Move 1 right (→) and up (↑)

Collect the page and leave via the foxhole when you're done. There's a portal next to you; beyond the portal are some bones and a cactus. Climb over in this area to find another foxhole.

The solution for this puzzle is:

  1. Move 4 left (←) and up (↑)
  2. Move 3 down (↓) and left (←)
  3. Move 4 right (→)
  4. Move 3 up (↑) and right (→)
  5. Move 4 down (↓), left (←) and up (↑)
  6. Move 2 up (↑)

When you've beaten the puzzle and returned to the hub, go back past the bones and enter the portal to 8-Fold Path.

8-Fold Path

Collect the boxes/coins behind you then jump over the rocky platform to the checkpoint. To kill the firebugs here, you have to burrow underneath them to flip them over, then jump/spin them to kill them when they're on their back. Kill all three bugs to raise a platform. Climb onto the rocks on your right and smash the boxes past the bees for some coins. Drop down and head to the right to find some moving platforms with bouncy stars on them. Climb up and collect the coin on the bouncy star. A line of coins will move across the screen; collect them all for the letter L.

Head across the bridge on the left-hand side and over to the checkpoint. Cross the moving platforms and hit all of the yellow birds for the letter U, then go across to the large flower. Go left across the bony spine and jump over the rotating platforms, avoiding the spiked sections. At the top, collect the buried coins for the letter C. You can spin the medals for some coins. Cross the platforms to the next large flower, over the rotating spiked platforms and back onto solid ground. Collecting all of the large coins on these rotating platforms will reveal a large diamond at the end.

Looking right, collect the clock and follow the line of coloured coins over the spine and across the rocky platforms. At the end, there will be a treasure chest with a diamond inside. You should have enough coins for the 300 coin page around this point. Bounce up to the three small purple flowers and kill them all to reveal a foxhole. Enter the foxhole, collect the clock and all the coloured coins across the moving platforms for the hidden page.

Cross over the moving platforms next to the spine to find the letter K. Drop down onto the spine and continue onwards to the right. Cross the moving platforms and collect all of the coins here for the letter Y. That's all the letters now so you'll have the LUCKY page. Use the bouncy star to climb up and ground pound on the target at the end to ring the gong and get the level complete page.

Wrestful Retreat Hub

Cross back to the Ladder Match of the Mind portal, climb up above it and enter the foxhole for another sliding block puzzle:

  1. Move 2 right (→)
  2. Move 3 left (←) and down (↓)
  3. Move 2 up (↑)
  4. Move 4 left (←)
  5. Move 1 right (→)

Collect the page and when you're back in the main hub, go left past the shopkeeper (there's some more costumes for you to collect) and drop down to the foxhole on the wooden platform next to the yeti. The solution for this block puzzle is below:

  1. Move 2 right (→)
  2. Move 4 left (←), up (↑) and right (→)
  3. Move 2 down (↓) and right (→)
  4. Move 3 left (←)
  5. Move 1 right (→), down (↓) and left (←)

Collect the page, climb the wooden platforms and enter the next foxhole further along to the left. The solution for this block puzzle is below:

  1. Move 2 right (→)
  2. Move 3 left (←) and down (↓)
  3. Move 2 up (↑)
  4. Move 1 right (→)
  5. Move 3 left (←)
  6. Move 4 left (←)
  7. Move 2 down (↓)

Back in the main hub, enter the portal on the left to Melon Madness.

Melon Madness

This is another 2D level. To begin, go to the left, burrow under the whirring machinery into the melon and collect the letter L to the left. Head back to the start and continue to the right. Stand on the platform to tip it over to the right and cross the platforms, avoiding the whirring machinery. There's a diamond above the machinery with buried coins below. Wait until the moving melon is at the higher level and cross to the right. Flip the switch to raise up the letter U below you. To collect it, hit the two adjacent switches on the right, and you will be lowered down to collect the letter U.

Hit the switch to raise you back up, and head right past the bees, collecting the diamond as you pass. Reach the checkpoint, climb over the boxes, and go left after you climb over the top of the box stack to enter a foxhole, moving you to the background. You have to move around this area and collect all of the coins to reveal the hidden page. You can see the route to take by the broken sections on the front of the boxes. After you've collect them all, the hidden page will appear above the foxhole. Collect it and enter the hole.

Continue to the right and burrow through the melons to avoid the whirring machinery. Collect the clock and follow the line of coloured coins to reveal the letter C in between the two moving platforms. Head right and hit the checkpoint. Drop down into the box and collect the coins to make another one appear. Collect all of the coins for a large diamond. Stand on the platform on the right which is moving up and down. Climb up on top of the platform with spikes on the bottom to reveal the letter K below. Collect all the coins on the top, then drop down to the level below. You will need to burrow in the centre melon to avoid being hit by the whirring machine in order to collect the K.

Go right and hit the switch to raise the platform. A large melon will drop down on the right. Collect the buried coins and head right over the moving platforms to find another diamond. That should be enough coins for the 300 coin page. Hit the checkpoint and the switch to the right. When the whirring blades appear, jump to avoid being hit. Stand on the right of the melon to make it rotate and start moving right. Ride the melon to the right until the letter Y is rotated around. Collect it for the LUCKY page and then collect the level complete page on the right.

Wrestful Retreat Hub

Back in the main hub, go up the ladder adjacent to the portal you just came out of and enter the foxhole. The solution for the sliding block puzzle is below (apologies for #4 being slightly off screen to the bottom right):

  1. Move 1 down (↓) and right (→)
  2. Move 2 left (←), down (↓) and right (→)
  3. Move 3 left (←) and down (↓)
  4. Move 2 left (←)
  5. Move 1 left (←)
  6. Move 2 down (↓)
  7. Move 3 right (→) and down (↓)
  8. Move 2 right (→)
  9. Move 3 down (↓) and right (→)
  10. Move 4 up (↑)
  11. Move 2 right (→), up (↑) and left (←)
  12. Move 3 right (→), up (↑) and left (←)
  13. Move 4 down (↓) and left (←)
  14. Move 3 right (→)
  15. Move 2 right (→)
  16. Move 3 down (↓) and left (←)

Back in the hub, cross the bridge and drop down to the portal for Peaceful Place.

Peaceful Place

To begin, head along the platform, avoiding the spikes as you go. Climb the rotating platform, hit the clock, then collect the coloured coins around the rotating platforms to get the letter L. Continue left past the yeti and use the bouncy balloon to climb up on top of the platform, where you'll find a large diamond and the letter U. Drop down and jump over the platform past the rolling log to get to a checkpoint. Avoid the spikes on the platform in front of you and head over to the left. Climb the rotating platform and climb up on the right to find a diamond and several coins, then head left and enter the foxhole at the end of the platform.

Hit the clock and collect all the buried coins on the platforms to reveal the hidden page. Collect it to return to the main level. You'll find yourself slightly further back in the level next to the yeti. Cross the rolling spiked log again and this time, head right instead of left, over the bouncy balloon and to a large diamond. Collect all of the coins in the moving ring to reveal a large diamond in the middle. Continuing onwards to the right, burrow to avoid the moving spiked log and cross the platform to reach a checkpoint.

Go right to collect a few coins which should net you the 300 coin page, then climb up to find the letter C. Drop down and head forward, where the large stone will roll out of the way and leave the doorway open. Go forward through the ring of spikes to the checkpoint, then go forward past the swinging bones. Fight the enemy here by spinning the bombs it throws back at it. Head to the right to find a clock; collect the coloured coins on the moving platforms above the spikes to get the letter K. Climb up and spin the switch, then drop down to the central platform and head to the other side. Go past the swinging bones, timing your jumps to avoid the spikes below. Hit the switch at the end and go back along the top of the platforms to find the letter Y, which will grant you the LUCKY page. Go forward through the open ribcage to find a few diamonds and a foxhole.

You have to fight several enemies in this next area. First, kill the four caterpillars which appear, then the four bees. Next you'll get two of the enemies which throw bombs at you, so spin them back at them to defeat them. Collect the diamond and coins, then leave the platform and cross the bridge on your right, to find the level complete page.

Wrestful Retreat Hub

When back in the hub, go left up the ramp and into the portal for Crawl, Walk, Run.

Crawl, Walk, Run

Crawl, Walk, Run is another 2D auto-runner. When Lucky starts running to the right, jump on the two higher platforms to find the letter L. When you jump over the next platform, spin the switch to raise the next platform along, allowing you to get the diamond below. Spin the next switch in this lower section to lower a platform further along, allowing you to get to the letter U. Take the higher level with the spikes to get another large diamond. There's a heart slightly further along if you happen to get hit here. Burrow and jump through the spikes, where you'll find the letter C in the middle. Make your way along, past some more spikes (with a diamond), to come to another switch. Flip it to lower another platform further along, which will allow you to enter the lower area and get the hidden page. Continue onwards past some more spikes to find another switch (there's a pipe with water coming out of it in the background). Flip it and some spikes will raise up slightly further along, allowing you to enter the upper area and collect the letter K. Flip the switch beyond the K to exit the upper area. Flip another switch here to reveal the letter Y in between some spikes. After collecting it you'll have the LUCKY page. Continuing to the right, flip the two switches to reveal platforms you can jump on to reach the final diamond. That should be enough for the 300 coins page. When you drop down, you'll reach the end and will receive the level complete page.

Wrestful Retreat Hub

That's all the pages in this hub world, so you'll earn:

  • R&R

    Collect all Pages in Wrestful Retreat.

Go right at the portal and cross the small bridge to find the boss portal.

General Buttons

When the level begins, throw yourself into the tar pit below the platform to earn:

Dodge Lt. Fluffinstuff as he jumps around the platform and tries to squash you. When he goes back onto the ship, fireballs will come out of the cannons next to you; jump to avoid them. When they've stopped, some bombs will be placed down on the platform by you. Tail swipe one of them to throw it back to the boss and damage them. Some bomb-throwing enemies will then appear on the platform; throw their bombs back at them to defeat them.

For the next phase, Lt. Fluffinstuff will jump around the platform again. The fireballs that move across the platform this time will be in a slightly more complicated pattern and so will be more difficult to avoid. You can use your double jump and spin to avoid the rows of fireballs. When the fireballs stop, throw another bomb at General Buttons to damage them again, then defeat the bomb-throwing enemies again. You can basically just stand still in the middle of the platform and spin the bombs when the enemies throw them at you.

For the final phase, Lt. Fluffinstuff will slam down on the platform again. The fireballs will appear in a different pattern with fewer gaps in between. Throw back the final bomb to defeat General Buttons & Lt. Fluffinstuff, earning:

On to the next hub!

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What are the 4 clovers for in Super Lucky's tale?

Each level has four clovers required to attain 100% completion of the game. The four clovers are earned by finding the L-U-C-K-Y collectibles, finding the Hidden Page, gathering 300 coins and completing the level. Hub worlds also have a small number of clovers available that you earn by completing minigames or puzzles.

Is Super Luckys tale hard?

It's not that difficult to "100%" each of the levels, but it does take time, especially on some of the 2D "dungeon crawl" levels, where the game plays a lot like an "endless runner." There isn't much room for error in the "dungeon crawl" levels, so if you mess up, you either need to play to the very end of the level or ...

Where is the C in Lucky's tale?

After dodging the flower's attacks and jumping on their heads, the platform in front will lower and you can jump over to collect the coins on either side. Around this point you should also get the clover for collecting 300 coins. Jump up to the platform on the right and find the letter C.

How do you solve the puzzle in wrestful retreat?

Push the bottom-left statue left, then the bottom-right statue left and down. Push the topmost statue down and left to solve the puzzle and reveal the final page of Wrestful Retreat: You can now continue through the exit door of this hub world, to start your journey through the fourth world, Gilly Island.


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