How long can pumpkin purée sit out

Posted byu/[deleted]7 years ago

I made pumpkin scones about 6 hours ago, and I want to make another batch, but I forgot to refrigerate the pumpkin purée I used after I made them. Is it safe for me to use it now? It's been sitting out about 6 hours.


(Image credit: Joe Lingeman)

You opened a can of pumpkin purée for cooking last week and now you’re wondering, Is this stuff still edible? Especially since it can be hard to detect off odors in squash puree! Here we’ll tell you how long your fresh and canned pumpkin will last in the fridge and freezer, plus a few ideas for using it up before it goes bad.

(Image credit: Kelli Foster)

How Long Does Pumpkin Purée Last Once Opened?

Once opened, a can of pumpkin lasts five to seven days in the fridge. It is best to move the leftover purée from the can to an airtight container with a date and label. Should you push the best-by date of your pumpkin purée to day eight, be sure to examine the purée for any signs of mold and give it a deep sniff before proceeding to use or toss. To extend the life of your pumpkin purée, move it to the freezer where it will stay fresh for up to three months.

These same store and shelf life rules apply to homemade pumpkin purée as well.

What About Expired Canned Pumpkin?

Let’s say you have a can of pumpkin purée from last fall still in your pantry and you’re wondering if it is cool to use it. First check the can’s best-by date. But also know that best-by dates are the manufacturer’s guidelines for how long the pumpkin will be “best,” not how long they will be safe to eat. Discard cans of pumpkin that are busted or bulged and past their expiration date.

Need some ideas for using your purée up? We’ve got you!

Are you with any leftover pumpkin puree and you are wondering how long it would last in the fridge or if you should freeze it? Well, wonder no more! I have put together a few simple pointers on how long pumpkin puree can last both in the fridge and the freezer.

It's that time of year when pumpkin is in season and one can find it everywhere from the grocery store to your favorite bar. It's right in your face, and you finally succumbed and bought a whole pumpkin to make your own puree or a canned one because life is simply too short to be able to prepare one.

You have leftovers, now what? The question of how long does pumpkin last in the fridge may seem like a silly one, but it's actually really important to know. If you're not careful, you may be chucking it in the bin before you even get to use it, especially if it was homemade.

So to make sure that doesn't happen here are the steps you should take to keep your food safe and avoid wastage.

Opened canned or homemade pumpkin puree will last in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Although the canned variety advises that you store it for 7 days, I believe it is better to keep things short and sweet, as all refrigerators are not created equal.  Transfer any leftovers from the can into an airtight container before storing them in the fridge.

There are many ways you can extend the life of your pumpkin puree if it does not get used up before then. You can freeze it for up to 1 year, I prefer to use it within 6 months for the best quality. Freeze it in small portions for convenience and defrost them as needed.

As you can see from this article, knowing how long the pumpkin purée lasts in the fridge or freezer is important to avoiding wastage. The best way to ensure your pumpkin purées last as long as they can is to store them properly.

Once opened, fresh homemade or canned pumpkin will only last for about a week if kept in the refrigerator. If you want it to last longer than that you can freeze it and keep it for up to 1 year.

Can you freeze canned pumpkin puree

Yes! canned pumpkin puree can be frozen in the freezer for 6 to 8 months. When freezing store-bought or homemade pumpkin, it is best to freeze it in an airtight container or Ziploc bag so that the flavors do not get contaminated by odors and tastes from other foods. Be sure to use a permanent marker to label the pumpkin with the date you are freezing it.

If you store the puree in an ice cube tray, it's important to transfer it to a freezer-safe bag to avoid freezer burn. For those kept in a container, make sure there is enough room at the top so they may expand when freezing.

Tip: use frozen pumpkin directly in smoothies, milkshakes, and other blended drinks instead of ice cubes for more flavor and even consistency.

Remember that you should never refreeze the pumpkin purée that has already been thawed.

How to thaw pumpkin puree

Thawing your pumpkin puree can be done in either the refrigerator, microwave, or under running water if time is of the essence

Microwave method: use the defrost function of your microwave and defrost as per instructions of your microwave.

In the fridge: Allow it to defrost overnight in the refrigerator. While defrosting pumpkin puree this way is the safest and most reliable method, it can takes up to 6 hours or longer.

Under cold running water: If you need your pumpkin puree immediately then defrosting under warm running water is the fastest method to thaw. Alternatively, soak it in warm water (while still in its container or freezer bag) for about 1 hour. You may be able to use it well before then

Note: If thawed on the counter, use within 24 hours. If thawed in the refrigerator, use within 3 days.  

What to do with leftover pumpkin puree      

Here are some simple recipes to make with your pumpkin puree after it has been thawed

make this simple pumpkin spice milk from the dinner bite

Pumpkin pie smoothie from shugary sweets

Whipped pumpkin cream cheese from good life eats

Pumpkin syrup

Air fryer pumpkin twist from Simply Stacie

Pumpkin bread is just as good as banana bread, recipe via Once upon a chef

How to tell if pumpkin puree is bad 

To tell if your canned or homemade pumpkin puree has spoiled, look for any signs of mold growth. If you can see any green or blue-grey patches on the surface, throw away the whole container as it's most likely no longer safe to consume.

The same goes if it smells bad, or flat, or looks separated in any way, throw it away fast. It has gone off and shouldn't be used and it can make you sick.

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In conclusion

Don't get discouraged from buying a can of this fall's favorite ingredients or making it at home yourself. Now you know you refrigerate it for a few days and you can freeze it for a longer period of time. It is important to freeze it quickly as soon as you can so it doesn't lose its flavor whilst sitting in the fridge.

With these tips, you should be ready to enjoy pumpkin all year long.

How To Make Pumpkin Puree And How Long To Store It

Are you with any leftover pumpkin puree and you are wondering how long it would last in the fridge or if you should freeze it. Well, wonder no more! I have put together a few simple pointers on how long pumpkin puree can last both in the fridge or the freezer.

Prep Time 10 mins

Cook Time 40 mins

Total Time 50 mins

Course How-to

Cuisine American

Servings 3 cups

Calories 118 kcal

  • rimmed baking tray

  • 1 whole sugar pumpkin about 3lb

  • Preheat oven to 200C/400F. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and wash, dry pumpkin thoroughly. Using a sharp knife, cut into halves lengthwise then scoop out fibre and seeds from the center of each half. Save the pumpkin seeds and roast it later.

  • Place cut side down on lined baking sheet, pop it into the oven and roast for about 40-50 minutes or until fork tender. If baking smaller pumpkin then adjust timing accordingly; start checking at 30+ minutes. Remove it from the oven and set aside

  • While the roasted pumpkin is still warm and safe to touch, scoop out its flesh into your food processor. Working in batches process and until smooth! Use as desired or transfer into a clean jar for later use.

  • Store leftover in the fridge for up to 3 days in an airtight container or in the freezer for 6-8 months.

Keyword how to make pumpkin puree, how to store pumpkin puree

Related posts:

Can pumpkin puree sit out overnight?

The USDA says food that has been left out of the fridge for more than two hours should be thrown away. At room temperature, bacteria grows incredibly fast and can make you sick. Reheating something that has been sitting at room temperature for longer than two hours won't be safe from bacteria.

How long is pumpkin puree good for out of the can?

How Long Does Pumpkin Purée Last Once Opened? Once opened, a can of pumpkin lasts five to seven days in the fridge. It is best to move the leftover purée from the can to an airtight container with a date and label.

Does pumpkin puree need to be refrigerated?

Pumpkin puree can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Before storing, always remove any leftover puree from the can and place it in a glass or plastic container with a tight fitting lid. You can also store pumpkin puree in freezer bags. To save space, lay the bags on a baking tray until frozen.

Does canned pumpkin need refrigeration after opening?

To maximize the shelf life of canned pumpkin after opening, refrigerate in a covered glass or plastic container. Pumpkin that has been continuously refrigerated will keep for about 5 to 7 days on average.


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