How long does it take to read Pride and?

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Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen and first published in 1813, follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of the British Regency. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman living near the fictional town of Meryton in Hertfordshire, near London.

The book has gained international fame and is frequently assigned as reading in middle and high school. Two movies have been made from the book and numerous parodies have spun off including Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

  • How Long Is the Pride and Prejudice Book?
  • How Long Are the Pride and Prejudice Movies?
    • Main Movies
    • Parody and Spinoff Movies
  • About Pride and Prejudice

The Pride and Prejudice book contains 681,005 characters, 122,189 words, and 2,118 paragraphs. Pride and Prejudice will take approximately 7 hours to read based on the average reading speed of 300 words per minute.

How Long Are the Pride and Prejudice Movies?

Main Movies

Pride and Prejudice (1940): The 1940 movie is 1 hour and 58 minutes long.

Pride and Prejudice (2005): The 2005 movie is 2 hours and 15 minutes long.

Parody and Spinoff Movies

Pride And Prejudice (TV Series – 1980): 5 episodes, 4 hours and 28 minutes
Becoming Jane (2007): 2 hours
Sense and Sensibility (1995):2 hours and 16 minutes

Pride And Prejudice And Zombies (2016): 1 hour and 47 minutes

About Pride and Prejudice

  • Pages: 182
  • Price: $9.99 (paperback), $0.99 (Kindle)
  • Written: 1797 – 1813
  • Published: 1813

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I just started reading Pride and Prejudice and I'm having a hard time reading this. I'm reading words instead of paragraphs. It sounds very choppy in my head and it's frustrating. I'm only 20 pages in (a very long 20 pages) and the English probably won't get more familiar.

Am I just bad at reading? Do you guys have trouble reading older books? (Pride and Prejudice was published in 1813). I'm about to ditch this for another time and pick up The Quiet American instead.

P.S. The "Submit A Text-Post" link took me forever to find. I was beginning to think I needed a secret password or something from the mods to post.

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Is this book really that hard to read? I want to give this book a shot but the review below said it's really hard to read since this book classifies as a classic ones. And English is my second language. Can anyone help me to get through this?

Sarah Hi there! First of all, I want to say that I really admire your resolve to read this book. Here you are, a non-native speaker, attempting to read this book that many native speakers would balk at. You have guts, and I respect that.

I'm going to really try to give the fullest answer I can to help you through this book, so forgive me if this gets lengthy.

First thing's first: Pride and Prejudice is not that hard. But it is challenging. I don't want you to get so discouraged by what others say that you don't even attempt the book. Go for it. The best thing to do is try. And if you decide this book isn't for you, then that's completely fine! I'll list some alternative novels which are easier to read at the end of this answer. But if you do decide to power through Pride and Prejudice you're going to need some help, and there's no shame in that. So here's a list of things that I strongly recommend you do.

1. Download the Merriam-Webster dictionary app on your cell phone and keep it next to you while you read. Jane Austen used a higher level of vocabulary than we use today. A dictionary provides easy access to definitions which you might not understand.

2. Buy an annotated (meaning it has notes) edition of Pride and Prejudice. I have the Barnes and Nobles annotated edition myself. Annotations will really help you understand the time period and social circumstances of the Edwardian Age. B&N offers an introduction (which is basically a summary of the plot; don't read it if you mind spoilers), endnotes (which give you the politics of the age and definitions of words that modern readers may not understand), and footnotes (which are similar to endnotes).

3. Use summary sites as you read, like Sparknotes (// and Litcharts (// These sites summarize chapters individually and offer awesome analyses which can really help you if you don't understand what's going on. It's really helpful to use these sites as a guide. Even I use them! I usually prefer Litcharts over Sparknotes.

4. If you can, get a native English speaker to read it with you, or just answer your questions. You don't really need to do this part, but it would be moderately beneficial.

5. There may be times when you feel like you don't understand what is going on. That's okay. Just take a deep breath, read the part over once or twice, then move on. That's it, don't dwell on it. Use your resources: the dictionary, summary sites, etc.

Remember, you got this. It's okay if you think it's really hard. And it's perfectly fine to set the book down for a while. But I recommend at least trying to read a few chapters first before you decide.

And as promised, here are some easier classic literature alternatives: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Black Beauty by Anna Sewell, and Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, if you feel like taking on an easier Austen novel.

Good luck and happy reading!

Laura Cruz Hey! English is also my second language & I first tried to read persuasion, also a Jane Austen's novel , in english and it was too difficult to me, so I decided to start with the book I like the most (Pride and prejudice) and I must confess I read it knowing by heart all the dialogues of the 2005 movie and I read it first in my language that's why I could understand everything. It may be difficult to understand, but it is a great challenge and if I could you can. Here it is my comment in the other question of people who finds difficult to understand this master piece of literature:
It is difficult to understand the expressions and the grammar.
To understand it first I read it in spanish, then I watch the movie a couple of times (but I recommend you the series of 1995 because it is just like the book) and then I read it in english in my Kindle so I could consult the dictionary any time. That helped me to understand that complicated language and now I can read persuasion, sense & sensibility with no problem :)

Kiran Habibullah Not at all, I remember reading it at 11-12 in school along with little women and enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm not all that smart either. So I'm certain you'll find it quite delightful.

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How long does it take to read all of Pride and Prejudice?

Pride and Prejudice will take approximately 7 hours to read based on the average reading speed of 300 words per minute.

Is it difficult to read Pride and Prejudice?

It's one of the world's great novels, but for most people in the modern age, not an easy read. If you want to really enjoy it, try watching a couple of the movies that were based on it, then dip into it. Don't push it though.

What level of reading is Pride and Prejudice?

Pride and Prejudice.

How long is Pride and Prejudice book pages?

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