How many carrots are in a pound of baby carrots?

There are about eight to ten baby carrots in a large carrot.

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The baby carrot is getting its moment in the spotlight.

A group of vegetable processors and packers calling themselves "A Bunch of Carrot Farmers" are paying for a $25 million campaign to make the world sit up and eat its baby carrots. They're trying to up the sex appeal with commercials pushing the crunch appeal.

Let's look closer at baby carrots versus regular carrots.

Cost vs. convenience

One reason for the new campaign is that baby-carrot sales have fallen with the economy, as people cut back by cutting their own.

Is it worth it? We bought a 1-pound bag of organic carrots for $1.49 and several 1-pound bags of organic baby carrots for $2.29 each.

Baby carrots: 80 to 86 carrots per bag. That averages just under 3 cents each.

Whole carrots: Peeling and cutting each carrot into four sticks took about 20 seconds per carrot. But with a yield of 104 carrot sticks, that was a cost of 1 cent each.

Conclusion: Baby carrots are quicker, but they cost three times as much per stick.


In a blind taste test, baby carrots seem sweeter. However, that may be a misperception. According to Tim Hartz, with the department of plant science at the University of California at Davis, baby carrots and regular carrots are the same breed.


There is waste in making baby carrots, which are carrots cut in short lengths and run through a grinder. Like many root vegetables, there is a lot of nutrition just under the skin, but Hartz says very little nutrition is lost in processing. "As long as you're eating something that is fully orange, you're getting beta-carotene, which is the primary benefit of carrots."

Moroccan carrot salad with cumin

Prep: 20 minutes

Cook: 5 minutes

Makes: 4 servings

Adapted from "Best American Recipes 2003-2004," edited by Fran McCullough and Molly Stevens.

1 pound carrots, peeled, cut into thin slices or strips

1 clove garlic, smashed

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon each: ground cumin, sweet paprika

1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper

1/4 teaspoon salt

Cook the carrots and garlic in salted boiling water until tender, 5 to 8 minutes; drain. Whisk together the lemon juice, olive oil, cumin, paprika and ground red pepper in a serving bowl. While carrots are still hot, add to dressing; stir to coat well. Season with salt. Serve at room temperature.

Nutrition information

Per serving: 110 calories, 55% of calories from fat, 7 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 12 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein, 217 mg sodium, 3 g fiber

Butter-maple glazed carrots

Prep: 20 minutes

Cook: 15 minutes

Makes: 4 servings

Adapted from "Bon Appetit Fast Easy Fresh Cookbook," by Barbara Fairchild.

1 1/2 pounds carrots, peeled, cut in 1/2-inch thick rounds

1/3 cup water

3 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons pure maple syrup, preferably Grade B

1 tablespoon packed dark brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

Freshly ground pepper

Place carrots in a heavy skillet with the water, butter, syrup and brown sugar; heat to a boil. Reduce heat to medium; simmer, covered, until carrots are crisp-tender, about 8 minutes. Uncover; cook, stirring frequently to coat carrots, until the juices are reduced to a glaze, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Nutrition information

Per serving: 178 calories, 44% of calories from fat, 9 g fat, 6 g saturated fat, 23 mg cholesterol, 25 g carbohydrates, 2 g protein, 253 mg sodium, 4 g fiber

When comparing baby carrots and regular carrots, you will notice differences in not only size but also appearance and texture. Baby carrots are created in a variety of ways, most notably being harvested prematurely to maintain their actual “baby” size or cutting larger carrots into small pieces for convenient snacking, which are also referred to as “baby-cuts.” 

One medium to large-sized carrot will measure between 7 and 9 inches, allowing for 3 to 4 baby-cut carrots to be produced from one carrot. Baby carrots are cut into 2-inch pieces, then polished and shaved down to create the rounded product found in bags at the store. The number of baby cuts per full carrot will not always be the same as carrots vary in length. 

Baby-cut carrots were created as a way to sell carrots that were too misshapen or irregular to be sold with the other carrots. These variations in shape and size will impact the number of baby-cut carrots that one carrot can yield. The 2-inch standard for baby-cuts is maintained whenever possible to keep baby carrot sizing consistent. 

Because baby-cut carrots have become incredibly popular since their inception in the late 80s and account for 70% of all carrot sales, larger carrots are grown to be skinnier and longer for higher production (Source: Chicago Tribune). Imperator carrots are the most popular species for creating baby carrots as they are thin and average 8 to 10 inches in length (Source: TAMU). 

Imperator carrots are also rich in their orange color, making them the preferred choice for mass production of baby-cut carrots. Imperators come in over 20 varieties as farmers have crossed species of carrots to maximize specific qualities and characteristics (Source: Gardening Know How). These crossings help to make carrot production and sizing more consistent. 

Baby Carrots Per Large Carrot 

Using larger carrots, which will fall closer to the 10-inch length, one can expect 4-5 baby-cut carrots to be produced. Some carrots may be larger than 10 inches, but this is not incredibly common. You can expect around a 2-inch cut for each carrot, but this can be slightly larger or smaller, depending on the manufacturer. 

The 2-inch cut may not always be perfect for the following reasons: 

  • Carrot size variety: When carrots vary in size, the 2-inch cut will be standard for most of the carrot, but not always at the ends. If the cut is slightly different, they will use it. If the cut is too short, it may not be included in the bag. 
  • Peeling: To maintain their consistent rounded and peeled appearance, length may be compromised. This is especially true on the ends of the carrots that need to be shaped more dramatically than the bulk of the carrot. 
  • Manufacturing standards: Not all carrot producers will make baby-cut carrots the same way or at the same length. This size standard was established by a carrot farmer and has been replicated by many farmers to cater to their product needs (Source: Carrot Museum). 

If you want to make baby-cut carrots yourself, the carrots found in grocery stores will typically allow for 3-4 baby carrots. Because they are often thicker than those used for processing, you may need to peel them thinly or create thinner baby-cuts by slicing the carrots in halves. 

Baby Carrots Per Small Carrot 

This same process is used for smaller carrots, but small carrots are not preferred as farmers cannot produce as many baby-cuts per carrot. A small carrot would average around 5 inches, which can only yield 2-3 baby-cut carrots. Nantes and Danvers are popular smaller varieties but are not usually used for baby-cuts (Source: Michigan State University). 

Because smaller carrots are not as efficient for baby-cut carrot production, they are best reserved for recipes and uses that call for using the entire small carrot. Small carrots aren’t always the result of stunted growth but are usually grown and harvested early to maintain their short length. 

Sometimes the carrots you expect to grow to full length will be bent, malformed, or not up to “pristine” standards that are found in the grocery store. Going back to the roots of baby-cut carrots, these imperfections in carrots prevent smaller and different shaped carrots that would be thrown away from going to waste (Source: The Guardian). 

Premature Carrots as Baby Carrots 

Unlike baby-cut carrots, simple baby carrots are small carrots that have been harvested prematurely to maintain their sizing and flavor. These carrots are also highly sought after and are often expensive because of their sweetness and tenderness as compared to the full-grown carrot. 

The Chantenay carrot (originating in France) is one of the shortest carrot varieties at 5 inches, which produces a natural baby carrot. All carrots can be harvested at any edible length and be deemed a baby carrot. Small carrots are also found in multiple colors, including yellow, whites, reds, and purples (Source: WebMD). 

The real “baby carrots” are premature carrots that have been harvested to maintain their cute and small appearance. 

How Many Baby Carrots in a Cup?

A cup is the standard for measuring out one serving of vegetables. One cup of baby carrots is equivalent to 12 baby carrots. If you are monitoring your serving sizes, this means that 12 baby carrots will be in one serving. There are approximately 35 calories per serving of baby carrots (Source: Nutrition Value). 

Cut baby carrots provide the same nutritional value as larger carrots, which include lots of vitamins and antioxidants (Source: Medical News Today). A peeled carrot (like the baby-cut carrot) will offer the same benefits as those that still have the outer skin in place. 

Carrots are particularly rich in the following areas: 

  • Vitamin A: If you have been told that carrots improve your vision, beta carotene, which turns into Vitamin A, is responsible (Source: National Institutes of Health). It is crucial in the absorption of light in the retina as well as eye function. Vitamin A also benefits the immune system and cellular function and makes up 73% of your daily requirements of the vitamin (Source: WebMD). 
  • B vitamins: This includes Biotin and B6, which aid in converting your foods, fats, and proteins into usable energy (Source: Biofactors). 
  • Antioxidants: These compounds found in carrots are designed to prevent the breaking down of cells and have been linked to disease prevention (Source: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health). A serving of carrots makes up 8% of your needed daily intake. 
  • Fiber and potassium: Fiber aids in digestion health, and potassium helps regulate food balance, nerve signals, and muscle health (Source: WebMD). 

Incorporating foods such as carrots into your daily meals will help you to maintain a healthy diet and provide you with many vitamins and minerals that are recommended for daily intake. 

The Truth Behind Baby Carrots  

While real baby carrots are those that are plucked early for their taste and petite sizing, baby-cut carrots have been conveniently shaped and packaged into the perfect snack. Their cute appearance and peeled surface have dominated the carrot market. With 4-5 baby carrots being cut from one large carrot, you can easily make these at home yourself or grab a bag at the store.   

Not only are they an easy snack, but baby-cut carrots are great for you. They offer plenty of nutrients and are low calorie at 35, with 12 carrots per serving! They can be enjoyed alone as a fresh, crunchy snack or served with ranch dip for a bit of flavor. However you enjoy your carrots, there is no denying that they are a fantastic snack!

How many baby carrots come in a 1lb bag?

Baby carrots: 80 to 86 carrots per bag.

How many baby carrots equal a regular carrot?

Approximately 4 baby carrots are equivalent to one medium carrot.

How many baby carrots is 2 pounds?

My daughter and I grabbed a 2lb bag of baby carrots from the grocery store and our food scale and set to work figuring out how many baby carrots we need for some of the most common recipes and portion sizes. ... How many baby carrots in 85 grams?.

How many small carrots equal a pound?

After some research, we found it's easy to locate the fresh baby ones because they come in a 1-pound plastic bag with a label on it that contains about 48 baby carrots.


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