How much does it cost to fix a broken molar

“Your enamel may be the hardest substance in the human body but it is as brittle as glass,” says David Chen, D.D.S., a general dentist based in Long Island City, New York and founder of Afterva, an online oral health library. “It is not uncommon to see chipped teeth as a result of biting into forks, olive pits, crab legs or anything hard for that matter. All it takes is just a hard chomp into an unsuspecting, hard textured food,” he says. Similarly, another common cause, experts say, is when people use their teeth as tools—such as using your teeth to tear open a bag of chips.

David Toksoy, D.D.S., a dentist in New York City and founder of Studio Dental NY, adds that a chipped tooth can be caused by other factors including:

  • Trauma to the face or mouth
  • Cavities
  • Large fillings or restorations of teeth that deteriorate and fracture
  • Teeth grinding

How Do You Repair a Chipped Tooth?

After chipping or cracking a tooth, the American Dental Association advises immediately rinsing the area with warm water to help keep it clean. You can also use a cold compress to reduce swelling and should make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.

A cracked tooth may be treated by reattaching the broken off piece of tooth enamel or, in some cases, a small piece of resin or porcelain may be bonded to the tooth to repair the crack. A filling or crown, which is a cap that covers the tooth, may also be recommended.

For severe situations in which a crack in a broken or chipped tooth extends into the tooth’s pulp (the inner soft tissue of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels), a root canal might be required. This is a procedure that involves creating an opening in the top of the tooth, removing the nerve, sealing the root canal with a rubber-like material and placing a temporary filling on the tooth until a crown or permanent filling can be placed.

Dental implants and veneers are other options that may be recommended, depending on the circumstances. Dental implants are used to replace a missing tooth by surgically placing an artificial tooth into the jawbone. Meanwhile, veneers are a type of custom-made shell that covers the front of the teeth to correct chipped, stained or crooked teeth.

A dental professional can determine the best course of treatment to help prevent further damage. “If the chip extends under the gum line, unfortunately, this might sometimes mean that the tooth is not restorable and even an extraction might be necessary,” says Dr. Toksoy. “This is why seeing a dentist immediately after a fracture of the tooth is crucial.”

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Breaking a tooth can be a shocking and traumatic experience, or it can be one that just happens without much notice. However a broken tooth happens, it’s important to see a dentist right away to have it fixed before it causes further dental complications. There are a number of different options available for fixing a broken tooth, depending on the cause of the break and the scope of the damage. Here’s what you need to know.

Possible causes of broken tooth

Tooth enamel is one of the strongest substances in our bodies. But when the enamel wears down, or decay breaks down the structure, the teeth become brittle and more vulnerable to chipping, cracking, or breaking. In order to prevent broken teeth, it’s important to know the possible causes. Here are 6 common causes for broken teeth:

  • Cavities can break down the tooth’s structure, increasing the risk of chips, cracks, or breaks.
  • Biting hard objects like pens, ice, hard candy, fruit stones, or meat bones can result in a broken tooth.
  • Tearing open packages or bottles with your teeth can also cause a broken tooth.
  • Sudden trauma to the mouth by way of an accident, fall, or sports collision can result in a broken tooth.
  • Poor oral hygiene can weaken the enamel and cause decay, breaking down the tooth’s structure from the inside as well as the outside, making the tooth more susceptible to breakage.
  • Bruxism, teeth grinding, causes excessive pressure on the teeth and can result in a broken tooth.

Even if your broken tooth doesn’t hurt, it’s important to get it treated as soon as possible. An untreated broken tooth can lead to infection or other serious complications with your oral health and your overall health as well.

Options and costs for fixing a broken tooth

Fixing a broken tooth can be a simple and straightforward procedure, or it can be more complex, depending on the scope of the damage. Below, we provide a brief outline of some common options for fixing a broken tooth, as well as the average cost range for each one. Keep in mind that the cost may vary depending on the location of the tooth, the materials used, the complexity or severity of the damage, and the location of the dental practice. Here are 5 common dental procedures for fixing a broken tooth:

  • Dental bonding is typically used to fix minor cracks or chips in teeth. The bonding helps reinforce the tooth structure and restore balance to the smile.
    Average cost of dental bonding: $300 to $600 per tooth
  • Veneers are often used to fix broken teeth in the front of the mouth. They work best when the break is minor. Veneers provide structural support and restore the beauty of the smile.
    Average cost of dental veneers: $800 to $2500 per tooth
  • Crowning the broken tooth with a prosthetic cap will provide additional structural support and help to prevent further damage. The crown also allows the dentist to save the natural tooth, which aids in jawbone health.
    Average cost of dental crown: $1000 to $3000 per tooth
  • Root canal therapy may be needed if the crack exposes the tooth pulp or if there are signs of infection in the pulp. The root canal procedure also helps to eliminate the pain associated with nerve exposure or infection.
    Average cost of root canal: $600 to $1800 per tooth
  • Dental implants are used if the broken tooth is too damaged to restore. And because the implant replaces the whole tooth, including the root, it aids in jawbone heath as well.
    Average cost of dental implants: $3000 to $4500 per tooth

If you have dental insurance, you may be eligible for a significant cost reduction of up to 50% or even 60% depending on your insurance plan and the type of procedure you need. At the dental practice of Dr. Pegah Salami, we accept a number of insurance plans, and we offer financing options as well.

Broken tooth repair in Rancho Bernardo, CA

When you come in for a broken tooth consultation with Dr. Salami, she’ll perform an examination to determine the extent of the damage and help you understand the treatment options appropriate for your particular situation. Or if you’re just looking for the best Rancho Bernardo dentist, we offer a comprehensive range of high quality dental services. Please give us a call at (858) 299-6213 to schedule an appointment today.

Can a broken back molar be fixed?

Your dentist might have to recontour your bone with a procedure called a crown lengthening to be able to fix your broken tooth. If you can find the fragments of your broken tooth, your dentist may be able to bond it back together. But if the damage extends below your gum line, it will likely need to be extracted.

Can a molar that is broken in half Be Fixed?

Dental crown If half or more than half of the molar tooth is broken, then the dentist can cover it up with a crown. A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that protects the matter beneath it. They are made from multiple materials such as porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, the metal itself, or ceramic.

What is the cheapest way to fix a broken tooth?

Dental bonding is typically the least expensive, quickest, and easiest way to repair a chipped tooth, with veneers being next. Crowns are used for more extensively chipped or broken teeth when the entire top needs to be replaced. Dental implants are required when the entire tooth needs to be replaced.

How do dentists fix broken molars?

Your dentist may recommend a crown, root canal, or tooth extraction. If your dentist thinks a crown is best, a filling material can repair the crack. If the inside of your tooth is damaged, your dentist may suggest a root canal to remove the damaged tissue. The root canal will be recommended if there's an infection.


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