How much protein to eat to gain muscle

  • New research suggests getting enough protein each day can help maximize strength gains.
  • About 0.7 grams per pound of body weight may be optimal, according to data.
  • For best results, do strength training, eat enough, and focus on whole foods, a dietitian said. 

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The ideal amount of protein you need to build strength may be less than you think, new research suggests. 

Eating at least 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight (or 0.7 grams per pound) daily may be enough to maximize strength gains, according to a meta-analysis (a study of previous studies) published September 4 in Sports Medicine Open. 

For example, a person who weights 68 kilograms (150 pounds) would need to eat 105 grams of protein per day, according to the findings. 

The results aren't groundbreaking, but suggest it is sufficient to stay on the lower end of previous recommendations, according to sports dietitian Angie Asche, RD, CSSD. The International Society of Sports Nutrition, for instance, recommends between 1.4 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.

"It confirms what we already knew," Asche told Insider. "It's interesting to see that more doesn't necessarily lead to more benefits. But it depends on the person and what their goals are."

The optimal amount and sources of protein for each person varies depending on fitness goals and whether you're looking to build muscle mass, burn fat, or support athletic performance, Asche said. 

Eating more protein may still help with weight loss or muscle gain

The most recent study focused on the ideal amount of protein to support strength gains, but those recommendations may not be the same for increasing muscle size, or changing overall body composition, Asche said. 

For example, if you wanted to gain muscle mass or strength while losing body fat at the same time (known as recomposition), it might make sense to eat more protein because it's more filling, helping you to maintain the calorie deficit needed for fat loss.

"Satiety is a big factor," Asche said. "If your goal is muscle strength and you want to decrease fat, than upping your intake might be helpful," 

Protein also takes more energy to digest than other foods, which may offer a small advantage if you're trying to lose weight, she said. 

It is possible to eat too much protein, however.

High protein foods can also have a lot of fat and be very calorie dense as a result, which is an important factor if your goal is weight loss or maintenance, according to Asche. 

"Anything in excess, if you're not wanting to gain weight, may not be helpful," she said. 

Protein alone won't build muscle — you need strength exercises like weight lifting

One important caveat in the study is that protein only helps to build muscle if you're doing resistance training as well.

"The wishful thinking is that just by eating a protein bar or protein cookie then poof, you've got lean muscles, but it doesn't work that way," Asche said.

Exercises that help build muscle include weight lifting and bodyweight movements that put your muscles under tension to prompt them to grow bigger and stronger.

For the best muscle-building results, opt for whole food protein sources like 

 You also don't need to rely on supplements like shakes or bars, or look for added protein in foods like chips, ice cream, and pizza, according to Asche. 

"It's very much become a marketing scam," she said. "There's this push for protein in all these ultra-processed foods but it's kind of leaning people in the wrong direction because just an excess of protein isn't going to change your body composition. It should come primarily from whole foods and being consistent with resistance training."

Protein supplements can be convenient, but foods like meat, fish, beans, and yogurt, are naturally high in protein as well as other nutrients like vitamins and minerals, and should be your first choice, Asche said. 

You need to eat enough to build muscle, so don't neglect getting enough calories and other nutrients like fat and carbs, she said. 

When it comes to building muscle, your gym routine is only part of the puzzle — your diet, particularly your protein intake, is the other key factor.  

In general, you need between 1.2 – 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight daily to encourage muscle growth.1  

While specific factors can play a role in where you fall on that range, supplying your muscles with quality protein from your diet is the key to promoting muscle growth. Read on to learn about how to make the most of your protein intake.  

How much protein do you need to build muscle? 

Now that you know the general range of protein needed to build muscle, let’s dive deeper into the specifics, based on your sex and body type. These are estimates, and vary based on your age and level of activity.

  Underweight  Healthy Weight  Overweight  Obese 
Male  2.0g/ per KG bodyweight  1.4 g/ per KG bodyweight  1.2g/ per KG bodyweight  1.2g/ per KG bodyweight 
Female  1.8g/ per KG bodyweight  1.2g/ per KG bodyweight  1g/ per KG bodyweight  1g/ per KG bodyweight 

What is protein? 

Protein is one of the three macronutrients along with fat and carbs. It provides 4 calories per gram and is made up of amino acids.  

Protein comes from both animal and plant sources, like meat, eggs, dairy products, beans and peas. While it occurs naturally in many foods, there are also a wide variety of protein supplements on the market. 

How does protein contribute to muscle growth? 

Much of our body is made up of protein, including muscle, bones, skin, and hair. Because its function is so widespread, theres a constant turnover of proteins in our body  some being broken down (catabolism) and some being built up (anabolism).  

The amount of protein we consume in our diets can influence whether we are in a building or breaking down state. 

Exercising causes stress on our muscles, making tiny tears or injuries in the muscle proteins that need to be repaired. Consuming more calories and protein in our diet than we are breaking down provides the building blocks for our muscles to repair and gain mass over time.  

How to calculate your protein requirements for muscle mass 

If you want to calculate how much protein you need to build muscle mass, there are a few approaches you can take.  

1. The simplest approach is the grams per kilogram calculation using the table above. If you are a female and currently at a healthy weight of 150 lbs, you need 1.2 g/kg protein to build mass. 

150lbs / 2.2 lbs/kg = 68.2 kg bodyweight x 1.2 g/kg protein = 82 grams protein per day 

2. You can also use a macro approach, like our simple macro calculator. It will give you recommendations for carbs and fat as well, based on your gender, age, weight, and goals. This does all the maths for you! 

3. The third option is to calculate your protein intake as a certain percentage of your total calorie intake  between 10-30% is a reasonable range. If you want to gain mass, we’d recommend between 20-25% of your calories coming from protein. For example, if you follow a 2000 calorie diet: 

2000 calories x 0.30 = 500 calories from protein / 4 calories per gram = 125 grams protein per day 

Which factors could affect your calculations? 

You might have higher or lower protein needs for different reasons. Women typically have less lean mass than men and require less protein in general.  

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding have higher protein needs. Also, if youre recovering from any kind of injury, your needs may be higher as your body is in a state of repair.  

If youre trying to lose weight and are currently consuming too many calories, you might have to cut back on protein intake as part of an overall lower-calorie diet.  

However, keeping your percentage of calories from protein the same will help preserve your lean muscle mass and potentially promote muscle growth based on exercise. 

High-protein foods to help you build muscle 

The table below lists some highprotein foods and compares the amount of protein in each food based on a 100g serving.2 However, remember 100g is not necessarily the serving size of each of these foods 

While chia seeds are high per 100g, you would likely not consume more than 10g at a time — you might consume more than 100g of milk at once. 

Classification  Food  Grams protein per 100g food 
Meat  Chicken Breast  31g 
Turkey Breast  30g 
Pork Chops  30g 
Lamb Chops  26g 
Ground beef  26g 
Fish  Salmon  22g 
Sardines  25g 
Tuna  24g 
Mackerel  26g 
Nuts & Seeds  Chia Seeds  16g 
  Peanuts  24g 
  Almonds  21g 
Eggs  Whole eggs  12g 
  Egg whites  11g 
Dairy Products  Skimmed milk  3.5g 
  Greek yogurt  6g 
  Cheddar cheese  25g 
Soy Products  Soy beans  11g 
  Soy milk  4g 
  Tofu  16g 

Protein for muscle growth — frequently asked questions 

Do males need more protein than females? 

Males generally have a higher proportion of muscle than females, which would require higher levels of protein for muscle growth or maintenance. However, based on the height, weight, and muscle mass, a female could require more than a male with less muscle mass. 

Will protein make me gain weight? 

Too many calories from any source can make you gain weight. If you want to gain muscle, you will likely see the number on the scale increase.  

Muscle tissue holds water while fat does not; this is why you might see changes in your body composition but not see weight loss. Too much protein  more than your body needs  can be stored as fat for later usage and also lead to weight gain. 

What is the best protein to build muscle? 

The best proteins to build muscle are those that contain all of the essential amino acids  the building blocks for protein that the body can’t make on its own  which are called “complete” proteins.  

Varying your protein sources in your diet can help assure you get a wide range of amino acids. Research shows that protein sources high in the amino acid leucine can increase muscle growth.3 Dairy foods, like whey protein, are high in leucine. 

What is the best vegan protein for muscle growth? 

There are many high protein vegan supplements on the market  soy, rice, pea, etc. A blend can be a good option to make sure you are obtaining all the amino acids. Look for one with higher levels of leucine and compare labels to find the one with the most protein per 100g. 

Is it possible to consume too much protein? 

Its possible to consume too much of any nutrient  and what our body doesn’t need to burn for energy, it will store.  

Our kidneys are involved in the processing of the protein in our diet, and extremely high levels of protein can be harmful over time. However, studies show that up to 3.5g/kg bodyweight per day does not cause negative side effects.4 

Take Home Message 

Protein is a key nutrient found in many of our foods, and available in many supplement forms.   

As the key muscle builder, protein in our diet, along with exercise that challenges our muscles, causes them to repair and grow.  

Following an eating pattern that includes high quality protein is an important part of building muscle and meeting your strength goals. 

How much protein should I eat for muscle gain?

To increase muscle mass in combination with physical activity, it is recommended that a person that lifts weights regularly or is training for a running or cycling event eat a range of 1.2-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, or 0.5 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight.

How do I calculate how much protein I need?

To determine your daily protein intake, you can multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36, or use this online protein calculator. For a 50-year-old woman who weighs 140 pounds woman and who is sedentary (doesn't exercise), that translates into 53 grams of protein a day.

How many protein should I eat a day to gain muscle calculator?

The recommended range of protein intake is between 0.8 g/kg and 1.8 g/kg of body weight, dependent on the many factors listed above. People who are highly active, or who wish to build more muscle should generally consume more protein. Some sources suggest consuming between 1.8 to 2 g/kg for those who are highly active.

How do I know if I'm eating enough protein to gain muscle?

Multiple sporting bodies have said that a minimum intake for those looking to gain muscle, lose fat, and improve athletic performance is 0.54 to 0.77 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.


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