How to block ads on reddit app

My preferred way to surf Reddit is via the mobile website. It lets me quickly check a few of my favorite subreddits to see which posts are bubbling up. Since I’m not usually logged in, it helps me manage my screen time, too; you can only scroll down so far in comment threads until Reddit prompts you to enter your username and password. I take that as a sign that I’ve scrolled far enough and move on.

I have one big complaint with the mobile site, though: it constantly shoves a large banner into my face suggesting that I abandon all of that and install the app instead. Here’s a picture of that banner from my phone, which you may have seen before:

No, I don’t want to view the page in the app, thanks.

Typically, I just close the prompt to make it go away, but sooner or later, it reappears, requiring me to close it again and again and again. The cycle never ends — or so I thought.

Today, thanks to Android Police, I learned I can disable that pop-up forever. It’s actually very easy to turn off:

  • On Reddit’s mobile website, tap the three-line / hamburger menu at the top right of the screen
  • You’ll be shown a number of options. Tap “Settings” near the bottom.
  • Uncheck the box for “Ask To Open In App.” That’s it!

Uncheck the “Ask To Open In App” option to banish the banner.

This isn’t a new solution — TNW wrote about it back in November 2018 — and if you delete your browsing history or go to Reddit in incognito mode, you’ll have to turn the prompt off again. But thanks to this simple tweak, my mobile Reddit browsing experience has already changed for the better. I hope it can for you, too.

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I don't like Reddit at all and a good blocklist is essential, which is why I prefer to use alternatives like Raddle or Lemmy. Apart from expanding Vivaldi's blockers list, I recommend using Blokada on Android as well.

A small list of the BigBrothers which track us on Reddit.

Blacklight detected this website sending user data to Alphabet, the technology conglomerate that encompasses Google and associated companies like Nest. The Silicon Valley giant collects data from twice the number of websites as its closest competitor, Facebook. An Alphabet spokesperson told The Markup that internet users can go here if they want to opt out of the company showing them targeted ads based on their browsing history.

The site sent information to the following domains,

Company description accurate on Sept. 3, 2020
Read Google's Privacy Policy

Blacklight detected the inspected website sending user data to comScore, a company that monitors traffic on millions of websites to create market research data on how people use the internet, which it sells to advertisers, according to The Guardian. The company’s analytics also incorporate user data collected from its dozens of corporate partners, such as Facebook, Oracle, and Salesforce, according to its own website. Representatives from comScore did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

The site sent information to the following domain

Company description accurate on Oct. 5, 2011
Read comScore's Privacy Policy

Blacklight detected the inspected website sending user data to DoubleVerify, an ad tech company that says it helps advertisers, online advertising exchanges, and site operators track ad performance, prevent fraud, and ensure ads are only running next to content with which advertisers are comfortable. Representatives from DoubleVerify did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

The site sent information to the following domain

Company description accurate on Sept. 3, 2020
Read DoubleVerify's Privacy Policy

Blacklight detected the inspected website sending user data to the analytics company Quantcast. A Quantcast spokesperson told The Markup that the company collects data about a website’s visitors and “provides it in aggregated, de-identified form to publishers based on the overall demographics of the collection of user cookies based on visits to their websites.” Quantcast builds “psychographic” metrics of the types of people who visit a given site, which are enhanced with third-party data about web users from the company’s corporate partners. The company claims to have data about the audience visiting more than 100 million mobile and web destinations.

The site sent information to the following domain

Company description accurate on Sept. 3, 2020
Read Quantcast's Privacy Policy

Blacklight detected the inspected website sending user data to Tower Data, an ad tech company that creates profiles of web users anchored to their email address, according to its website. It also sells data about voters to political campaigns. Representatives from Tower Data did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

The site sent information to the following domain

Company description accurate on Sept. 3, 2020
Read TowerData's Privacy Policy

That means, that when you post in Reddit, all big advertising sites and others in internet knows you. Worst than Facebook.
Most of these sites I can't acces, because Trace and also uBO blocked them as suspicious. Also in VT they are flagged as Malicious-(.


Does Reddit app have ads?

Reddit places more emphasis on native advertising to ensure paid ads match the look and feel of other content on the platform. The ad formats available to marketers are non-disruptive and expose viewers to targeted advertising content without disturbing their browsing experience.

How do I block all in app ads?

Blocking ads and popups on an Android browser..
AdAway. Despite being a free app, AdAway is capable of blocking ads device-wide. ... .
AdBlock. For straightforward ad-blocking, check out AdBlock, a solid option in the category of free ad remover for Android. ... .
TrustGo Ad Detector..

Why do I see ads on Reddit?

Reddit allows advertisers to pay for promoted content to appear as interstitial posts within the main Reddit post feed (note that this is separate from Google and Amazon display ads which appear on the side rails of Reddit's webpage).

How do I block the Reddit app on my iPhone?

How to stop access to Reddit on iPhone.
On your iPhone running iOS 12 or later, go to Settings..
Tap Screen Time. ... .
Tap Use Screen Time Passcode. ... .
Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions. ... .
Enable Content & Privacy Restrictions..
Tap Content Restrictions > Web Content..


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