How to cut a Tank Top into a halter

To make a halter top from a t-shirt, start by drawing 1 line at a 45° angle from just below the armpit of the right side seam to the collar, and a second line from the left side seam to the collar. Then, cut along the lines through both layers before you cut off the rest of the collar. Next, fold the front of the shirt down, draw a chalk line from seam to seam on the back of the shirt just above the fold, and cut off the top part of the back of the shirt. Finish your halter by rolling a rope along the shirt’s neckline into a loop of fabric, and hand-stitching the loop closed. To learn how to make a halter top from a skirt, a scarf, or a spaghetti-strap tank, keep reading!

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Can you turn a tank top into a halter top?

Transforming a Spaghetti Strap Tank Top into a Halter Top If you choose to use a seam ripper for this project, you will be able to remove the entire strap from the back of the tank top neatly. If you do not have a seam ripper, you may use a pair of scissors to cut the straps off the back of the t-shirt.

How do you turn a tank top into a crop top?

Create a Crop Top Start by putting you tank top on, then take one arm out. Holding onto the loose strap, pull it over and then under the bottom of the piece, all way through. Then, put the strap back on. The result will be a 'ruched' crop top look.


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