How to get window chalk off car windows

Car window paint is used to write on or otherwise decorate car windows. People often use it to write “Just Married” on the back window of a couple’s vehicle. Sometimes people use it to decorate their own car windows with their school colors or their children’s school colors. Very often parents will write the names of their children on the windows of their own vehicles to celebrate a happy occasion such as a graduation.

The process of car window paint removal can sometimes be a difficult one. There are two different types of car window paint, water based and oil based. The steps listed below can be used as a guide when attempting to remove both types.

Tools Required:

  • Paint dispenser
  • Paint removing razor
  • Hand broom
  • Dust pan
  • Water based liquid detergent
  • Clean towels
  • Rubber gloves
  • Spray can of WD40
  • Container of acetone
  • Water based liquid detergent
  • Clean, dry towels

Step 1: Type of Car Window Paint

Determine what type of car window paint you are dealing with. Check whether the paint is water based or oil based.

Step 2: Remove Debris

Use a razor designed to remove paint to scrape off as much of the paint as you can, removing the debris as you go. The razor will not totally remove the paint, but will simply make the next two steps more effective.

Step 3: Clean Car Window Paint

Thoroughly clean the painted area using a solution of warm water and a water-based liquid detergent. This alone will remove any water-based car window paint.

In the case of oil-based car window paint, you can either go for the WD40 method or the acetone method.

WD40 Method: Thoroughly wash the painted area with a solution of warm water and water-based liquid detergent. The goal here is to remove any surface dirt and grime. Use a clean cotton towel to apply a light coat of WD40 to the car window paint. Allow 10 to 20 minutes for the WD40 to deactivate the paint. This may take more than one application. Clean the painted area once again with the warm water and a water-based detergent solution. Repeat if necessary.

Acetone Method: To use this method you will need a well ventilated area, preferably outside. Thoroughly clean the painted area with a solution of warm water and a water-based liquid detergent. Take the rags and the acetone outside to the vehicle. Put on the rubber gloves. Use a clean and dry rag to apply the acetone to the window. Be careful not to inhale the vapors put out by the acetone. The paint should begin to come off immediately.

Step 4: Wash the Window

Both types of car window paint can leave a nasty residue that, if not cleaned properly, will tend to linger for a long time. In order to get the windows absolutely clean you must complete this last step. Thoroughly wash the area of the window that has been painted with water-based liquid detergent.

Car window paint is definitely fun to use when celebrating a special occasion, and removing it once the celebration is over does not have to be difficult.

More and more people choose window markers to write congratulatory messages and greetings on their car windows. Also known as window chalk markers or windshield markers, working with this art media spurs fun and creativity.

This allows you to express and parade your feelings and celebrate with your loved ones artistically. Of course, you have to take them off eventually. The good news is that you can wipe them clean effortlessly.

But take note, these markers are meant for windows.

So, what if you have accidentally written over car paint? Will it stain? Can you clean window markers easily? The next step is to think of the best ways how to get window marker off car paint without damaging it. I will show you how in this detailed guide.

Table of Contents

1st Method: Simply Clean It With Water and Dish Soap

Does window marker stain car paint? This is probably your main concern when window markers get on your car paint. Fortunately, trying to remove window paint from car paint will not be a tough thing to do. Sometimes, water and dish soap will do.

Things You Will Need

  • Mild dish soap or detergent
  • Clean water
  • An empty container or bucket
  • A microfiber cloth

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Step 1: Fill the container or bucket with clean water.
  • Step 2: Mix the mild dish soap or detergent into the water.
  • Step 3: Wet the microfiber cloth with soapy water.
  • Step 4: Use the wet microfiber cloth to gently eliminate the window marker on the car paint. Wipe it in a circular motion to thoroughly remove it.
  • Step 5: When you are done, wipe it clean with a dry microfiber cloth.

2nd Method: Use an Automotive Glass Cleaner

Glass cleaner is also a good window marker removal. However, make sure to use a glass cleaner for automotive surfaces to prevent any damage to your car paint. Household glass cleaners are not advisable since some of them usually contain ammonia that can damage car paint.

Things You Will Need

  • Protective gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • A glass cleaner for automotive surfaces
  • A dry microfiber cloth

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Step 1: Because automotive glass cleaners contain chemicals, it is best to wear protective gloves to keep the chemicals off your hands. You may also consider wearing eye protection such as safety goggles.
  • Step 2: Automotive glass cleaners usually come in spray bottles. Thus, simply spray it over the marker writings on the car paint.
  • Step 3: Use a dry microfiber cloth or soft cloth to wipe them off.
  • Step 4: Repeat the process until you take all of the marker writings away completely.

3rd Method: Clean It With an All-purpose Cleaner

Using an all-purpose cleaner is one of the quick and easy solutions to remove car window marker writings on your car’s body paint. Take note that we are talking about all-purpose cleaners for automotive here and not the household kind.

Since all-purpose cleaners are carefully formulated for all types of surfaces, they provide effective cleaning properties that can also work on car surfaces. No wonder they have been a staple addition to many car owners’ cleaning kits.

Things You Will Need

  • Protective gloves
  • An all-purpose cleaner
  • A dry microfiber cloth

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Step 1: Just like glass cleaners, all-purpose cleaners also contain chemicals. Wear protective gloves before spraying. You may also wear safety glasses for added protection.
  • Step 2: Make sure to read the product’s instructions for the proper application. Some all-purpose cleaners require dilution.
  • Step 3: If the cleaner does not require dilution, simply spray the all-purpose cleaner all over the marker writings.
  • Step 4: Use a dry microfiber cloth to gently wipe them clean. Do this in a circular motion to remove the markings completely.

4th Method: Use Wd-40 to Wipe the Window Marker Off

WD-40 is among the popular cleaning products that can effectively eradicate different kinds of stains and dirt and keep surfaces spotless. Luckily, it contains ingredients that are completely safe to use on car paint.

Therefore, when you need to get window paint off car body surfaces, this product can do a thorough cleaning job. This product also works great on oil-based window markers or chalk markers.

Things You Will Need

  • WD-40
  • A microfiber cloth
  • Soapy water

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Step 1: Apply a thin layer of WD-40 to the microfiber cloth.
  • Step 2: Wipe the window marker off the car paint.
  • Step 3: Leave it for 10 to 20 minutes. Allow the product to completely remove the marker writings.
  • Step 4: Wash and clean the surface with soapy water.
  • Step 5: Use a dry microfiber cloth to dry the surface.

5th Method: Try a Small Amount of Toothpaste

When you do not have any of the cleaning products mentioned, you probably need something you can easily find in your home. That’s right. You can use toothpaste for this procedure. The best part? You can also use this hack for permanent marker stains.

Things You Will Need

  • Toothpaste
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Soapy water

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Step 1: Use your finger and get a small amount of toothpaste.
  • Step 2: Gently lather it on the surface where the markings are. Move your fingers in a circular motion. At this point, you will see the marker stains disappearing.
  • Step 3: Use a microfiber cloth and soapy water to clean the surface and dissolve any residues.
  • Step 4: Repeat the process until you get rid of the markings completely.

Additional Tips on How to Safely Clean Window Markers and Maintain Car Paint

When you remove window marker from car paint, it is important to remember the following pointers. In this way, you can ensure the pristine appearance of your car paint and prevent any further damage.

  • Some users recommend acetone to get rid of window markers. Although this product has been commonly used to eradicate stubborn stains, it is not advisable for car paint. Excessive use of acetone and leaving it for long periods on the car’s surface may damage car paint.
  • If you are going to use soapy water, do not use abrasive detergent cleaners.
  • Do not use rough brushes or cleaning clothes. Always use microfiber cloths for cleaning the car’s surface.
  • Do not use sharp objects to remove tough stains or writings on your car’s body paint.
  • When trying out new products or cleaning methods, it is best to try them first on an inconspicuous part of the car’s surface. This lets you determine whether it can be effective or harsh on your vehicle’s exterior.
  • If you want to use a marker to decorate or write on your vehicle, make sure it is washable or removable. There are a lot of chalk markers or window markers that are suitable and completely safe to use on car windows.

Also, check this video to find out how to get window marker off car paint and salvage yard parts:


When you realize you have been writing on car paint, you need to think of a quick and easy fix. Though window markers or chalk markers are usually removable and washable, they may still leave residues when used on car paint.

Luckily, there are ways you can try to keep your car paint squeaky clean and free from window marker writings. Hopefully, the methods mentioned above will help you complete this cleaning task.

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Molly Enholm

Art has always been a part of my life; it influences my upbringing and later my career choice. For me, it is always a part of my parenting technique. So for whichever purpose that you come to art, you can start here with us.

How do you get window chalk off a car?

Following these steps, you can clean off chalk marker from your car's windows:.
Apply a small amount of WD-40 to a microfiber towel..
Clean the car's paint by wiping away the window marker..
Let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes. ... .
Utilizing soapy water, wash and clean the surface..
Dry the surface with a dry microfiber cloth..

Will chalk markers come off car windows?

For water-based chalk markers, use a clean razor blade designed to remove paint to scrape it off the glass. Use a cloth towel to remove the chalk as it accumulates, to keep the razor blade grime-free during the process. Next, clean the painted area with a mixture of water-based liquid detergent and warm water.

How do you remove window marker?

Use water, glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner or liquid dish soap to wash the surface. After washing, the surface should be wiped with a dry towel to remove chalk-like residue.

How do you remove chalk marks from glass?

Brush and rinse as much of the chalk stain from the surface as possible with a sponge. Remove the remaining chalk stain with a damp sponge and Soft Scrub. With a clean, damp sponge, remove any remaining Soft Scrub.


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