How to use argan oil for low porosity hair

Your natural hair is a gift of genetics, but everyone has a different type of texture.

Most people think of curly or straight hair when it comes to styles.

There’s another feature that influences your daily styling techniques, however.  Your hair’s porosity can either be low, medium, or high.

Low-porosity hair has tight cuticles or outside shafts.

Although this feature contributes to a shiny hairdo, you’ll also struggle with moisturizing those locks.

Discover how you can effectively care for low-porosity hair with these tips.

1. Style With Dampness

You confront several issues when you style your low-porosity hair, including:

  • Excessive moisture impeding styling habits
  • Dry hair creating “frizzy” conditions

The answer to this dilemma is waiting until your hair is damp.

Allow it to slightly dry after a shower, or spray your dry hairdo with a water bottle.

The dampness makes your hair more manageable. Moisture gives some weight to the hair so that it can be curled or styled in another way.

You won’t deal with a dry and damaged hair, which is nearly impossible to style without wayward locks finding their own place on your scalp.

Be aware that this moisture will evaporate as you work through the hair shafts so use hairspray and other products to hold it in place.

2. Seal With Lightweight Oils

You’ve seen essential oils in the store before, but you never knew their value until now.

The best oil for low-porosity hair is argan oil. This pure product comes from trees grown indigenously to Morocco. Argan oil offers specific benefits to your hair, such as

  • Lightweight feeling
  • Moisturizes the hair shaft
  • No greasy sensation

An added benefit to argan oil is its nutrient-packed consistency. You’ll find fatty acids, vitamins, and other elements that only nourish your hair.

Regular, argan-oil use will only lead to a healthier head of hair with exquisite shininess.

Simply apply the oil to the hair shaft as you move it down its length with your hands.

The pureness of the product is felt almost immediately as it’s rubbed between your fingers and hair.

In most cases, the oil lasts the entire day as it slowly absorbs into your cuticle.

3. Deep Clean Regularly

It’s true that many products will rest on your cuticles as you style your hair each day.

After a month or longer, the hair looks practically wilted. You need to clarify it with a buildup cleanser.

Try a few different treatments, including:

  • • Cherry Lola
  • Clay
  • Baking soda

It’s not necessary to perform these treatments every day.

In fact, your hair benefits from some buildup because it nourishes the shaft.

Try a monthly or bimonthly ritual to cleanse your hair.

After the fact, your hair will actually absorb more products as a result of a healthier cuticle.

4. Warm It Up

A simple tip to help anyone with low-porosity hair is employing warmth.

Carefully warm your conditioner, essential oil, and other products used in the shower or afterward.

The temperature makes a difference as the product absorbs into the hair.

You’ll notice a marked difference in your hair’s quality when everything applied to it has a warm temperature.

Manage your hair with ease by following these tips.

Share this article with friends so that everyone understands the science behind those locks.

Low-porosity hair can be easy to style when you have clever strategies and oils on your bathroom counter.


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Hair porosity is the determining factor of how your hair routine will look since it will highly influence your choice of hair products based on the components that can moisturize your hair.

Millions of girls have low porosity hair, and if you do, you probably suffer from your hair not absorbing moisture. No matter how hard you try, it just insists on staying dry! Moisturizing, check. Deep conditioning, check. Greenhousing, check. And still, nothing works!

I’ve been in your shoes, but I was determined, relentless, and persistent to find something that works until I did.

The secret?

The 10 best oils for low porosity hair, which I decided to share with you today.

Table Of Contents

  • List of the Best Oils for Low Porosity Hair
    • Argan Oil
    • Jojoba Oil
    • Sweet Almond Oil
    • Grapeseed Oil
    • Baobab Oil
    • Fractionated Coconut Oil
    • Pomegranate Oil
    • Apricot Oil
    • Sunflower Seed Oil
    • Safflower Seed Oil
  • What Is Low Porosity Hair?
  • The 10 Best Oils for Low Porosity Hair
    • 1. Argan Oil
    • Argan Oil
    • 2. Jojoba Oil
    • Jojoba Oil
    • 3. Sweet Almond Oil
    • Sweet Almond Oil
    • 4. Grapeseed Oil
    • Grapeseed Oil
    • 5. Baobab Oil
    • Baobab Oil
    • 6. Fractionated Coconut Oil
    • Fractionated Coconut Oil
    • 7. Pomegranate Oil
    • Pomegranate Oil
    • 8. Apricot Oil
    • Apricot Oil
    • 9. Sunflower Seed Oil
    • Sunflower Seed Oil
    • 10. Safflower Seed Oil
    • Safflower Seed Oil
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • How Do You Moisturize Low Porosity Hair?
    • Use light oils
    • Clarify your hair
    • Always deep condition
    • Tone down your conditioner
    • Sleep with a satin cap or on a satin pillowcase.
    • Use the greenhouse/baggy method
    • Avoid styling products
  • Why You Should Avoid Heavy Oils
  • Final Thoughts
    • Josie Maran Argan Oil

List of the Best Oils for Low Porosity Hair

What Is Low Porosity Hair?

The question probably sounds naive, but it really isn’t. Actually, the core issue can sometimes be that you’re categorizing your hair as something that it isn’t. Yes, you might have high porosity while you consistently consider its low porosity.

So, let me just summarize what low porosity is.

Hair with low porosity is identified when the cuticle layer of the hair is rather flat and tightly drawn close together to protect your hair.

As an immediate result, this makes it super difficult for water to penetrate your hair, and accordingly, moisture is prevented from being absorbed. That’s when you start witnessing product buildup, and you feel that your hair is dry and greasy all of the time.

Therefore, low porosity hair requires a longer process in order to be saturated with water and requires special products that not only provide but hold moisture to your hair. Most commonly, these special products are light-weighted oils, since they’re easy to absorb.

A very simple test will determine whether your hair is low porosity, normal porosity, or high porosity.

It’s called the float test, and here’s how you can do it at home:

Take a couple of clean hair strands off your hair. Again, I’m stressing on cleaning because oils, creams, or any hair products can alter the results.

Place them in a glass of water with room temperature.

Observe what happens for 2-4 minutes.

If you find that your hair strands are still floating, that’s your confirmation!

You have low porosity hair.

On the other hand, if your strands instantly sink, you have high porosity hair, my friend. What about if they’re between this and that? Not floating but not really sinking, either? That’s normal porosity.

The 10 Best Oils for Low Porosity Hair

Out of experience and after many trials with products for low porosity hair, I’ve compiled a list of the best oils for low porosity hair that are easily absorbed and, at the same time, aren’t heavy enough to weigh down your hair.

So, let me introduce you to my favorite oils and tell you the details of each and why I chose them.

1. Argan Oil

Commonly known as Moroccan Oil, argan oil is among the rarest yet most precious hair oils in the world. It works perfectly well with low porosity hair, and I can easily call it the best oil for low porosity hair for different reasons.

Firstly, argan oil can moisturize your hair in ways you probably didn’t know were possible. Why so? Because by nature, it has moisturizing properties that empower it to form a layer around your hair, which means you can finally have moisture locked in until your next wash!

In other words, argan oil is your new deep conditioner, hair mask, hair styling product, and heat protectant. And on those summery days that electrify our hair, argan oil will be your frizz-free hair enabler while being your UV-protector.

Other than the moisturizing benefit, argan oil also has tremendous benefits that strengthen your hair and treat your scalp because of its mineral composition.

It contains vitamin E, ferulic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids that work together towards making your hair healthier.

Lastly, let me just say that argan oil offers great value for the money. You can use it for your skin too as a moisturizer and combat anti-aging effects. Not to mention, it can be used in the kitchen, of course!

2. Jojoba Oil

Extracted from the Jojoba plant seeds in North America, jojoba oil is among the most popular oils for low porosity hair and natural hair promoters in general. This is not only due to its moisturizing effects but also its characteristics, which resemble our natural hair oil.

I don’t want to take you into too many details, but it’s worth noting that jojoba oil is made out of fatty acids and esters that are produced out of straight-chain alcohols.

What concerns you about this is this precise composition makes jojoba oil difficult to rid the hair of, which is exactly what we want for our moisture-blocking, low porosity hair.

And when I say difficult to rid the hair of, I don’t mean that it will cause buildup. Quite the opposite, actually. Jojoba oil has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that make residues nearly impossible.

In addition, jojoba oil is super easy to be absorbed by the hair, and is quite light as well, which is great! The fact that it’s very similar to our hair’s natural oils is also great, guaranteeing safe results whenever used.

Finally, the fact that jojoba oil is so light makes it a valid option to combine with other oils to maximize your hair’s results!

3. Sweet Almond Oil

I like to start with the source, especially when it has to do with nuts. Yes, your thought is right! Sweet almond oil is extracted from the Almond Tree, known as The King of Nuts, and is one excellent low porosity hair oil!

Sweet almond oil contains quite a unique combination of elements that are all great for moisture. To name a few, it contains vitamin A, vitamin E, proteins, zinc, and potassium. On the acid front, sweet almond oil contains oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid, and linoleic acid.

Putting aside the chemistry, linoleic acid, in particular, is great for moisture retention. And to make the perfect combo, stearic acid is your deep conditioner while being light at the same time.

Oh, and did I mention that these very same components also maintain softness and radiance while promoting thicker and longer hair?

Do you still need any other incentives to go for sweet almond oil? I don’t think so! But if you do, let me tell you that it can be used for the skin too! Win-win.

4. Grapeseed Oil

If you find every oil heavy on your hair and you’re tired of looking for light oils, then grapeseed oil will be your new best friend. Grapeseed oil, extracted by cold-pressing grape seeds, is one of the most light for low hair porosity, making it ideal for even the thinnest hair.

Grapeseed oil is the go-to for girls with oily scalps like myself and those with thin hair due to its magnificent ability to seal in moisture without being heavy on the hair or making it greasy.

Furthermore, grapeseed oil is frequently used as a heat protectant before heat styling with flat irons or blow dryers, so if you need a great, natural alternative to heat protectant products, you’ve found the one!

By the way, if you have a sensitive nose that picks up on smells and that’s why you tend to avoid oils, let me assure you that this one is odorless.

5. Baobab Oil

Baobab oil isn’t as popular as most oils, although I wish everyone with low porosity hair knew about it! Derived from the Baobab tree in Africa known as the Tree of Life, baobab oil lives up to the name and provides extreme nourishment to your hair.

If you’ve been putting away taking those hair vitamins or you simply don’t believe in their effects, listen to this: baobab oil is one of the rare natural oils that have omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9 fatty acids. So, you’re getting the benefits on a gold platter.

In addition, it contains a great selection of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, D, E, and F, which have endless benefits to low porosity hair that’s exceptionally dry or maybe brittle. If your hair is dry as a result of your dry scalp, be sure that baobab oil will soothe it.

That’s not it; the oil also contains the infamous linoleic acid, the same one we discussed in sweet almond oil, remember? The moisture retention king!

All these features combined together make this oil great for strengthening your hair while significantly enhancing moisture penetration and giving it an extra shine. It’s an excellent pick, right?

6. Fractionated Coconut Oil

Coconut oil and low porosity hair don’t mix (more on that later). But what does work is fractionated coconut oil, which has had fatty acids removed from it and is extremely beneficial for low porosity hair.

I, for one, suffer from extreme frizziness. Even when my hair is moisturized, the frizz is still there. What helps tame it? Fractionated coconut oil. I found that my hair easily absorbs it, and it doesn’t leave that ‘extra’ shiny look either; it isn’t even visible on the surface of my hair.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that fractionated coconut oil can easily be used with essential oils as a carrier oil. Because of the hydrolysis process, it goes through to remove the fatty acids, it’s very soluble.

7. Pomegranate Oil

Just like its name suggests, pomegranate oil is extracted from the fruit itself. What’s so great about this oil is that it requires a minimal amount to enjoy its benefits fully. Plus, it’s largely scented and will make your hair smell beautiful all day long.

And what are those benefits? Nourishing your low porosity hair starting from its follicles by stimulating blood flow.

Also, if your hair has been taking forever to grow just 2 inches, count on pomegranate oil to stimulate hair growth, since it contains punicic acid, vitamin C, and linoleic acid.

Let me not forget: this oil is magic when it comes to hair loss reduction and dandruff elimination. I’ve noticed both myself and seeing the results really put an end to my misery.

Last but not least, pomegranate oil is very light, which is why it’s one of the best oils for low porosity hair. Also, it’s unlike other oils in that it isn’t commonly used in shampoos and moisturizers, so it’s a rare one!

8. Apricot Oil

I hope you’re loving the names as much as I am! It makes them so much easier to remember. Back to the point, apricot oil is ideal for low porosity hair because of how absorbable it is, enabling your hair to retain moisture for long periods of time.

Derived from apricot kernels in Asia, apricot oil barely leaves any residue when applied, but its effects are long-lasting, especially the softness.

The oil contains several acids; linoleic acids, alpha-linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid, which all cumulatively work on improving your hair’s moisture absorption levels, as well as restoring its overall health.

What’s also unique about this oil is that its lubrication process is a breeze; you’ll find it very light and gentle on your hair. In addition, it manages to reach every hair strand so smoothly. Fun fact: these two reasons are actually what make it popular as a great massage cream ingredient!

9. Sunflower Seed Oil

Extracted from the sunflower plant, the sunflower seed oil is one of the most favored and used by those with low porosity hair for being light, absorbable, and double-functioning as a moisturizer and deep conditioner.

If you find your hair to be in its best shape when it’s conditioned, you should rely on sunflower seed oil to continuously condition your hair. And since it’s a natural oil, it will also promote hair growth, strength, and luster in the process.

Not just that, if you have a dry scalp that can get itchy, sunflower oil contains vitamin A and vitamin E, which are both antioxidants that fight bacteria. Therefore, your scalp is restored back to normal, too! And a healthy scalp leads to healthy hair.

Last but not least, if split ends are one of your endless hair problems (I know it’s one of mine!), sunflower seed oil also keeps them to the bare minimum. It even prevents hair thinning as well. So, if you miss your long, thick hair, you might be welcoming it back soon!

10. Safflower Seed Oil

Safflower seed oil is derived from the Saffron flower and is commonly used by builders, painters, and constructors since it was originally a dye plant. Today, the safflower seed oil is most popularly recognized for its remarkable hair growth capabilities.

For starters, safflower seed oil works on solving one common problem among those with low porosity hair: hair loss. It noticeably reduces hair fall and then works on supplying your hair with sufficient nourishing for it to start growing by enhancing blood flow to your scalp.

Furthermore, it’s a perfect moisturizer as well, mainly due to the presence of linoleic acid. So, not only will your hair stop falling and start growing, but it will also be moisturized and soft enough to glow!

Last but not least, safflower seed oil can very well be used with other products or oils; it’s an effective emulsifier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Olive Oil Good for Low Porosity Hair?

Not at all! Olive oil for low porosity hair will only sit on top of it rather than get absorbed. Also, it’s a heavy oil, which will weigh down low porosity hair and cause more harm than good.

Is Jamaican Black Castor Oil Good for Low Porosity Hair?

That’s another no! In all cases, castor oil is not a beneficial oil for low porosity hair, mainly because it’s a very thick oil that would barely be able to penetrate low porosity hair.

If you really want to use Jamaican black castor oil, only do so once per month as a clarifying shampoo that removes residue. Other than that, avoid it by all means because it will weigh your hair down and cause greasiness as well.

Is Shea Butter Good for Low Porosity Hair?

Yes! Shea butter is actually one of the best moisturizers out there because it’s rich in emollients. It creates a unique coating on your hair strands that manages to keep moisture locked. Not to mention, it doesn’t create any buildup.

How Do You Moisturize Low Porosity Hair?

There are several tips that come in really handy to lock in moisture in low porosity hair without resorting to chemical products. Here are some of the ones I’ve tried:

Use light oils

I’ve already shared my favorites, so try them out either a couple of hours before you wash your hair or use a thermal heat cap for around 30 minutes and then wash your hair thoroughly.

Clarify your hair

Low porosity hair is usually a victim of buildup from different products. Therefore, use a clarifying shampoo to remove the buildup.

Always deep condition

It works wonders for low porosity hair, especially when combined with heat. Again, the thermal heat cap can come in handy here; the heat doesn’t have to be direct. I would also highly recommend a hair steamer, whether with conditioner or oil, since it creates the necessary steam that opens up hair cuticles to make the oil dissolve better and get absorbed by the hair.

Tone down your conditioner

Conditioners can be heavy on low porosity hair, so don’t use them right out of the bottle. Water down your conditioner and work it throughout your hair so that it penetrates every hair strand.

Sleep with a satin cap or on a satin pillowcase.

It won’t strip away your hair’s moisture, as is the case with cotton. Not to mention, it also tames down frizz big-time!

Related: Why silk pillowcases are better for your hair

Use the greenhouse/baggy method

After moisturizing your hair, cover it with a plastic cap or hair turban and leave it covered overnight. The aim of this process is to create a humid setting with sufficient moisture for your hair to absorb it.

Avoid styling products

Especially the heavy ones! Not only do they cause buildup, but they also add weight to your hair.

Why You Should Avoid Heavy Oils

Before I wrap up, I just want to emphasize the importance of only using light oils for low porosity hair and completely avoiding any type of heavy oil for low porosity hair to reach the desired moisture levels.

If you’ve noticed, the list I compiled of oils for low porosity hair consists of light oils. If you’re still wondering why, it’s simply because light oils don’t weigh down the hair. Furthermore, they’re absorbed very easily and quickly.

A heavy oil for low porosity hair, such as olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, and similar, will only end up sitting on your hair and causing buildup instead of moisture.

That’s because the hair won’t be able to fully absorb the oil in the first place. Have you ever noticed that your hair gets flaky after you using coconut oil? Yes, me too!

That was a real bummer for me because coconut oil was always my go-to when it came to putting in effort with my hair. When I came across a social media group for natural hair embracing, I was truly shocked to know that coconut oil doesn’t work with low porosity hair.

The reasoning behind that is that virgin coconut oil is solid at room temperature, which leads it to just sit on the scalp and solidify back, leading to the flaky substance. Therefore, I recommended fractionated coconut oil since it’s in a liquid form.

Because I know that the benefits of such oils are highly advertised, I want to tell you that some people mix different types of oil together to increase the absorption rate of the heavier oil involved. So, if you really want to use heavy oil, make sure you try it through a blend.

Final Thoughts

By understanding your hair porosity, you’re already halfway there on the road to embracing your natural hair! Don’t lose hope in your natural hair and resort to heat just because you have low hair porosity.

As you saw, it’s not impossible to lock in moisture with low hair porosity; it just requires some special steps. And I gave you the key: the best oils for low porosity hair. Now, you’re one step closer to rocking that natural hair of yours!

Also, remember that oils aren’t the only way to ensure moisture with low hair porosity, and always refer back to the tips we’ve discussed above.

You’ll see a difference once you start incorporating these changes into your hair routine, so keep going! Embrace the process, and have the most fun while taking care of your hair; it’s your crown, anyway.

How do you apply oil to low porosity hair?

For low porosity hair, hot oil treatments will leave your hair moisturized and revitalized. Heat the oil and massage it into your hair and scalp. Sit under a dryer or wrap your hair in a towel/plastic cap. Leave it in for as long as possible.

Is argan oil too heavy for low porosity hair?

Argan oil is extremely effective at penetrating your hair because it is so lightweight, which makes it perfect for low porosity hair.

Should I use oil on low porosity hair?

In summary, The best oils for low porosity hair are light oils that don't weigh down your hair and are easily absorbed. If you have low porosity hair, avoid the heavier oils such as Olive Oil and Castor Oil. These Oils are not easily absorbed and so they will only end up sitting on your hair.

How often should I oil my low porosity hair?

Usually, a couple of times a week works for extra-dry hair. For everyone else, once a week should do the trick. If your hair feels dry every day and you're wondering how to moisturize low porosity hair daily, you can hydrate using water and a leave-in conditioner.


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