If i start wearing my retainer again will my teeth move back

First, let’s understand how ‘straightening teeth’ works. Braces use bracket-and-wire technology to apply light, continuous pressure on the teeth. Gradually, over time, this pressure shifts the teeth in the desired alignment, creating your perfect smile. When your braces come off and they’re no longer applying pressure to your teeth, your teeth are susceptible to reverting or “relapsing” back to their original position.

That’s why a retainer is so important! Once your braces or Invisalign® phase ends, your retainer phase begins. Your retainer plays the key role of holding your smile in its place. You’re meant to wear your retainer day and night for a period of time.

Orthodontic Relapse

If you choose not to wear your retainer as instructed, you’re likely to experience orthodontic relapse as your teeth shift back to their pre-treatment position. As your retention phase continues, if you experience orthodontic relapse any time in the future, you may be tempted to wear an old retainer to shift your teeth back.

Can you wear an old retainer to shift your teeth back?

Generally speaking, you can use an old retainer to treat an unfortunate case of teeth relapse. If it’s been over a decade since you’ve used the retainer, or your mouth has grown or your teeth have relapsed significantly, do not use an old retainer.

Never try to force your old retainer in your mouth. This can not only damage your retainer, but damage your smile too. If you have to exert any force to fit your retainer, see your orthodontist first and do not put it in your mouth.

When a New Retainer is Necessary

If your old retainer doesn’t fit, we can create a new one for you. The new retainer will only be able to keep your teeth where they currently are; it cannot always realign your teeth back to their fresh-out-of-treatment position.

Teeth that relapse significantly will likely require another orthodontic treatment. Fortunately, realigning teeth that were previously aligned through treatment is simpler than you may think! The teeth may only require a 6-month treatment to return back to the desired position.

What should I do?

If your retainer is no longer fitting, the best thing you can is contact us! We will evaluate the changes to help you make the best decision for your smile.

At Local Orthodontics, we’re here to help you—from your very first visit, to the day your braces or Invisalign treatment is complete! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. We’d love to hear from you.

If you haven’t received your complimentary exam yet, we encourage you to request one today!

Retainers are not ideally made for shifting your teeth back, so they will not work as promptly as Invisalign, but they can move your teeth to some extent. Retainers do not allow precise control to move your teeth back. Therefore, you can not depend solely on retainers to move your teeth back. You have to go through the teeth straightening process; therefore, the Invisalign aligners.

Retainers are meant to stop any dental relapse; you must wear them continuously for the first 3-6 months to ensure your teeth stay in the right position. However, if you have less severe dental issues and your Invisalign treatment is done, your retainers can help move back your teeth slightly.

On the other hand, you can expect your retainers to directly move back your teeth even without going under the Invisalign process. Invisalign aligners are a prerequisite to ensure your retainers work on your teeth and shift them back. Ideally, retainers start showing results within 3-4 months, and you can see a slight difference in your smile.

In addition, for the first 3 months, your dentist will tell you to wear your retainers all time and just remove them when you are eating, brushing, or flossing; this is to ensure that your retainers work effectively. After that, you can weather them only at night or as your dentist recommends.

Different types of retainers are available in the market; you can visit your dentist to give you the one that best suits your condition. You can be prescribed a temporary or plastic retainer if you have slight or less prominent dental issues. In addition, if you suffer from a severe dental problem, your dentist can give permanent or wire-bound retainers.

Lastly, make sure to visit your dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment if you have any issues with your Invisalign.

Will my teeth move back if I start wearing my retainer again even after I haven't worn the retainer in at least 2 years?

As we discussed before, retainers can't move teeth back into place. Your old retainer will not work the same way as Invisalign as they are designed to keep teeth in place, not to move them.

What happens if you stop wearing your retainer then start again?

For whatever reason, if you've stopped wearing your retainer for any significant amount of time, don't attempt to start wearing it again. Your teeth have likely started shifting toward their old positions, and if you try to fit your retainer back in your mouth, you could hurt your teeth or gums.

How long should I wear my retainer to shift my teeth back?

Ideally, retainers start showing results within 3-4 months, and you can see a slight difference in your smile.

Can I wear my retainer after not wearing it for years?

You can usually continue to use your retainer as long as it has not been broken and still fits into your mouth, even if it is a little bit uncomfortable. This indicates that the retainer is still doing its job and that your teeth have not shifted to the point where it is no longer necessary.


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