If you delete a game on PS4 will it save your progress

I have a noob question about deleting games from my PS4 & continuing them at a later point.

I went into "System Storage Management" > "Applications" & for example Wolfenstein: The New Order is 51.86 GB. I finished the game so need for all that space yet I don't want to lose my progress if I want to play it again sometime.

When I go into "Saved Data in System Storage" it says Wolfenstein: TNO is 20.98 MB. I'm guessing this is my saved progress, my profiles, etc.?

If I delete the Application, to free up the the 50gb will I lose my progress as well. Just curious if I wanted to play TNO in the future if I would be able to confine where I left off? Just put the disc back in & everything I completed would still be their?

Same with The Order 1886 which is like 30gb. I'm going to get a bigger hdd soon but for now I want to delete the games I've finished & that don't have online play, however I don't want to lose what I completed.

Us PS4 gamers put in hours upon hours of time into our favorite games, but does deleting a game on PS4 mean you lose all your progress? I decided to find out as losing your progress is a horrible feeling.

Deleting a PS4 game does not lose progress or saved data it only deletes the game files. The only way to delete saved data is to factory reset your PS4 or go into storage and manually delete it. PS Plus users can store game saves on the cloud to save space.

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Why Deleting A Game On PS4 Does Not Lose Progress

The PS4 stores game and saved data separately check this Reddit thread here on numerous PS4 users who have uninstalled games only to have reinstalled them digitally and kept their save progress. I’ve done it myself and you will not have a problem.

It’s because the 500GB for the original PS4 isn’t really enough for modern games, to find out why check my post here.

Sony wants you to buy digital games so it makes no business sense that deleting your game progress would delete your saved data as you always have the option to reinstall and continue where you left off. Deleting saved data is hidden and here’s how to do it

How To Delete PS4 Save Data

  1. Setting->Storage->System Storage->Saved Data->
  2. [Choose the game’s saved data file] P
  3. ress X->Press Options button->Delete

How To Free Up Space On PS4 Without Deleting Games

I know you need to free up space, and clearing space on your PS4 can be a hassle if your anything like me you have a 500GB PS4, and nowadays games files can be MASSIVE so 500GB just does not cut it.

The first step is to check your storage by navigating to settings and then storage and knowing where most of your files are saved. If you have a PS Plus membership there are ways to reduce a lot of space.

  1. Go to settings [Saved Data Management]
  2. Saved Data In Online Storage
  3. Upload To Online storage

What this does is it uploads all your games save files through the many years of playing PS4 into the cloud! Depending on how many games you have this could even be 50Gb as the PS4 has been around since 2013.

The issue is you need an activate PS plus membership and you will not be able to access your save files if you don’t have an active Plus membership which is a shame.

Another option is deleting games off your hard drive, yes I know you don’t want to do that but please check your applications as you might have a demo from years back that is taking 30+GB! Believe me, you can be shocked.

Free Up PS4 Storage Space By Using An External Hard Drive

Upgrading your PS4 memory either with an external hard drive or upgrading the PS4 SSD itself becomes a necessity if you have a 500GB PS4 and still want to play the latest and greatest releaases.

External hard drives give you the freedom to still download the best free PS plus free games ever month and not have to worry about space, sounds good right? Also you can back up all your save files and game data on your hard drive.

Not all external hard drives are compatible with the PS4 my personal recommendation is the WD 4TB Elements Portable External Hard Drive from Amazon, it is considered one of the best and it looks like a mini PS4 so it will fit just right into your setup!

Free Up PS4 Storage Space By Upgrading The Internal Hard Drive

Another option is upgrading your PS4 internal hard drive and it isn’t difficult to do at all! Yes, it might be the most expensive option as it costs around $100 but not missing out on all those free great games is worth it right?

You will be pleased to know that it isn’t all that difficult to upgrade your internal hard drive, you just need a screwdriver for the PS4, any of these from Amazon will work.

For the hard drive, it must be 2.5mm, an ideal one is the 2TB Samsung Seagate Spinpoint that you can get for a great price on Amazon here. You also need a USB drive with at least 1GB of space, the SanDisk 16GB USB from Amazon here is my personal favorite and the one I use.

Remember when upgrading your hard drive you will lose all your data, which is why you need to pick up all your games and save data on an external hard drive like the Seagate above.

The video above by YourSixStudios will give you a step by step guide on installing your new and improved SSD, you should check him out he has great videos.

This is where you need to download the PS4 update in the screenshot above, as you are new installing your PS4 to where it came out of the box, everything needs to be backed up before you do this otherwise you will lose your memory!

How To Upgrade Your PS4s Internal Hard Drive

  1. On your computer download, the latest PS4 systems update that you can find by googling “PS4 system update”
  2. Insert your USB into the computer and format (this will delete everything)
  3. Create a folder on your USB called ‘PS4’ and inside that folder create another one called ‘update’
  4. Place the PS4 system update you downloaded into your download folder and it must be named PS4UPDATE.PUP otherwise it will not work
  5. Remove the cover from your PS4, and screw the two screws from the hard drive, press the took of your PS4 hard drive and it should slide out easily
  6. Remove all four screws from the hard drive and replace with your new hard drive and screw it back. slide back the hard drive and put all the screws you removed and put the cover back on
  7. Put your USB into your PS4 and hold the power button for 7 seconds to boot your PS4 into safe mode, follow all the prompts and install the system software, this will take around 10 minutes so be patient!

Does Deleting A Game On PS4 Delete Trophies?

Once a Trophy is tied to PSN account it is permanently linked to your PSN profile and cannot be deleted, once you have 1% trophy progression in a game, it cannot be removed from your PSN account.

The reason Sony doesn’t allow you to delete trophies from your account is the same reason why you cannot delete games from your account as someone could hack into your account and delete everything!

Also, Sony has more important resources like making this generation the best it can be and improve backward compatibility, fixing a non-broken trophy system is not a priority for them.

However there IS a way to hide trophies so others cannot see them! For you gamers with OCD and that don’t want a game to show with one trophy or those gamers who play naughty games and don’t want it public I have the solution!

How To Hide Games From Your Sony Profile

  1. Login to Sony entertainment network
  2. Go to PSN privacy settings
  3. Select gaming media
  4. hidden games> Edit

If you want to delete trophies that have 0% compleition that yu can do the following.

How To Delete PS4 Trophies With 0% Completion

  • On PlayStation 4 go to 
     [Trophies] and highlight the trophy you want to delete. Press [Options] > [Delete].
  • Press [Options] > [Delete]. On PlayStation App go to [Profile] > [Trophies]. Tap the trophy you want to delete and select [Delete].

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Recommended Products

WD 4TB Elements Portable External Hard Drive – USB 3.0 (Amazon Link Here)

Seagate Spinpoin 2TB Internal Hard Drive(Amazon Link)

Will I lose my progress if I uninstall a game on PS4?

When you delete a game, it usually leaves your saved game files and other game settings on the PS4 in case you later reinstall the game. If you're sure you don't want your game files, you can delete them as well.

Does deleting game data delete progress?

You can delete Play Games data from your Google Account for one or all games that you've played. If you delete data for a game, you might also delete any in-game achievements or progress, depending on how the developer has built the game.


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