Lost Ark what to do after Punika

US/EU Servers are still on the "beginning" stages. There are TONS more incoming on future patches. But, for now.....

- Start working on getting those skill points potions from the Dragon's Heart, Island Stones, etc..

- Gear Alts to T3. Tier 3 is where you really make money from your alts.

- Slowly, don't rush it, slowly work on gearing and leveling your main's Tri-gears.

- Work on the Achievement: The songs specially. You will need to play each songs around 150 times to get those "Charisma" points so you can get your Reputation up on some NPCs that has those important Dragon's Heart.

6 Sep @ 1:47pm

Reliable way to get t3 armor after punika solo

Title. I just finished Punika's main story stuff, and promptly went to the star 1 chaos dungeon or whatever it's called to replace my +15 Tier 2s. Did it 4 times, and managed to not get a tier 3 chest armor to drop.. Tried the auction house and I can only find purple and orange t3 chest pieces for sale, no blues, and the purple/orange ones wont let me war them until I hit gear score 1375 first or something like that, which is hard for me to reach while still rocking a tier 2 chest armor. Doing the chaos dungeon more times than the 2 daily seems to not drop any armor at all, so I can't just keep grinding that.

Is there a vendor or something that sells basic t3 armor? Kinda bummed the dungeon at the end of Punika's story didn't give me a set from a 1st time clear chest or something.

Last, kinda doubt it, but is there an island like dreamgull island for t3 honing materials? Or at least, which islands should I focus on to get t3 honing mats the fastest?

Date Posted: 6 Sep @ 1:47pm

Posts: 19

Punika is currently the furthest possible location the story of Lost Ark progresses, though that won't always be the case. This island is full of an absurd amount of beautiful people, a Guardian, one of the most annoying Field Bosses, and a lot of story quests. And, funnily enough, it's one of the only places in the game safe from bots spamming the Area Chat.

Now, players who are in Tier 3 in terms of their Item Level know this by now, but it can be pretty tedious trying to blitz through the onslaught of endless story missions that Rohendel, Yorn, Feiton, and even Punika have to offer when they're just trying to catch up to their friends. And, maybe just because not a ton of people have made it here yet, there aren't a lot of resources that tell players exactly where they're at in regard to finishing each continent's story and how long they have left.

So, with that in mind, let's go over exactly how many missions Lost Ark'sPunika has, how involved they are, and how long the Continent takes to beat in general so that players have some sort of idea of when they'll beat it and run their Chaos Dungeon to see if they break into the realm of Tier 3.

All Story Missions Of Punika, In Order

Without further ado, here is the list of all 32 Punika missions, from beginning to end. Obviously, as seen in the image above, Punika has a lot more than 32 Quests to offer in total, but these are the ones needed to "beat" the region and unlock its Chaos Dungeon to get Tier 3 gear. Players who want a concrete picture of how far they are in the story just need to find the name of the quest they're currently on and then find how far down it is on this list to get a decent idea:

  • One Step At A Time
  • Lailai Preparations With Everyone
  • To Mellow Beach
  • Nia and the Investigation
  • Her Whereabouts
  • Go to Where She Is
  • Nia's Confidant
  • Reddened Sky
  • Serene Cliff
  • Suspicious Movement
  • The Stench of Blood
  • Greatest Healer
  • Relaxing at the Hot Springs
  • Determination
  • Courageous Nia
  • Nia's Instructions
  • Demon Attack
  • Follow the Traces
  • Protect the Root
  • Rescue Operation
  • The Things Occupying the Altar
  • Rescue Operation Continues
  • Another Problem
  • Another Obstacle
  • The Swamp Demon
  • Demon's Whispers
  • The Protector
  • Final Preparations
  • Protect the Seed of Harmony!
  • Precious Things, Barely Protected
  • Getting Ready for the Festival
  • Festival Adventure

How Many Of These Involve Dungeons?

Now, players might be wondering, exactly how many of these missions involve instanced areas or Dungeons that they'll have to chug through. Because, compared to somewhere like Rohendel, this number can either be as small as two or as large as five. Well, don't worry, Punika is pretty light on that stuff, thee are only two Dungeons to run, Naruna Hot Springs and Oreha's Well. And, even better, both of these Dungeons are pretty short, especially compared to Arthetine's Dungeons.

  • Naruna Hot Springs: An area that's actually pretty good for farming Providence Stones, as the scared captives that are sprinkled all throughout this Dungeon have a chance to drop a Mystery Box that has Providence Stones in it. This Dungeon is pretty much a straight shot that ends with a fight against Seto, one of the most visually hilarious boss fights in the game.
  • Oreha's Well: A bit more tedious, as players have multiple bosses to fight in here and have to interact or break a few objects, but for the most part it's equally as simple and ends with a fight against a crazed Albion that only gets more ridiculous when done in the Abyssal Dungeon.

How Long To Beat?

So after everything is said and done, how long does it take the standard player to Lailai through this tropical island's story? Well, if the player is spamming "G" through every conversation, traveling between mission points as efficiently as possible, and ignoring side quests, it can be done in anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours.

And, thankfully, the Side Quests in Punika don't take much time or require some additional Emote/Song to complete, so they won't add more than half an hour to that completion time either. As a rough estimate, players should expect to be committed to the Punika story from anywhere to one and a half to two and a half hours.

Lost Ark is available on PC via Steam.

MORE: Lost Ark: The Biggest Fixes The MMO Needs

What continent is after Punika lost ark?

South Vern is a brand new region in Lost Ark that joins Punika as the second Tier 3 continent, requiring an item level of 1340 to begin.

How long does Punika quest last?

As a rough estimate, players should expect to be committed to the Punika story from anywhere to one and a half to two and a half hours. Lost Ark is available on PC via Steam.


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