Pain in lower left pelvic area male

Pelvic pain is felt in the lower part of your tummy. The type of pain varies, and it may be sudden and severe (acute pelvic pain) or last 6 months or longer (chronic pelvic pain).

Symptoms of pelvic pain

Pelvic pain varies. It may affect a small area around your pelvis (your lower tummy) or the whole area.

Types of pelvic pain include:

  • a sharp, stabbing or burning pain that happens suddenly
  • a pain that comes on slowly but does not go away
  • a dull or heavy ache, or feeling of pressure
  • a twisted or knotted feeling
  • a cramping or throbbing pain, which may come and go
  • pain only when you’re doing something, like exercising, having sex, or peeing

Common causes of pelvic pain

There are lots of causes of pelvic pain. It might be caused by an infection or a condition affecting one of the organs in the pelvic area, such as the bowel or bladder.

Common causes include:

  • constipation or irritable bowel syndrome
  • urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Most causes of pelvic pain are not serious. But there a few conditions that cause pelvic pain and need emergency treatment, such as appendicitis and peritonitis.

But do not self-diagnose – see a GP if you're worried.

Pelvic pain in women

Pelvic pain is more common in women and common causes include:

  • period pain
  • conditions affecting female reproductive organs, such as an ovarian cyst or endometriosis
  • pelvic pain in pregnancy

Rarely it could be something more serious, like an ectopic pregnancy, womb cancer or ovarian cancer.

Pelvic pain in men

Pelvic pain can sometimes be caused by conditions affecting the prostate, such as prostatitis.

Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:

  • pelvic pain does not go away
  • you have been feeling bloated for a while (about 3 weeks)
  • you're losing weight without trying to
  • there's blood in your pee or poo, or an unusual discharge or bleeding from your vagina
  • you have constipation or diarrhoea that does not go away

Urgent advice: Ask for an urgent GP appointment or get help from NHS 111 if:

You have pelvic pain and:

  • it's severe, getting worse or hurts when you move or touch the area
  • you find it difficult to pee or poo
  • you have pain when peeing or need to pee more than usual
  • you have a very high temperature (you feel hot and shivery)
  • you are pregnant or may be pregnant

You can call 111 or get help from 111 online.

Treatments for pelvic pain

Any treatment for pelvic pain will depend on the cause.

A GP might suggest treatments such as:

  • antibiotics
  • painkillers
  • physiotherapy, such as exercises for the pelvic floor muscles
  • hormone treatments

They may refer you for tests or to a specialist if they do not know what is causing your pain.

Page last reviewed: 17 March 2022
Next review due: 17 March 2025


  • 1 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • 2 Cystitis
  • 3 Prostatitis
  • 4 Urinary Stones
  • 5 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • 6 Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
  • 7 Appendicitis
  • 8 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • 9 Hernia
  • 10 Pelvic Fracture
  • 11 Dr Andrew Quoc Dutton Orthopaedic & Sports Clinic Insurance
    • 11.1 About Dr Andrew Quoc Dutton

Not sure why your hips, lower back, and groin hurt? There are several conditions linked to persistent groin pain in men. If examined closely, the reason can go beyond a pulled muscle, and if you don’t get it checked or seek medical attention, that pain and whatever is causing it may worsen.

To help you get a full grasp of what’s at risk, here are ten possible reasons behind pelvic discomfort.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

UTIs are common in women, but men get them too. It’s an infection caused by an unhealthy bacteria buildup anywhere in the urinary tract.

Doctors usually identify them as “upper tract” or “lower tract” infections. The first involves the ureters and kidneys, while the second affects the bladder, prostate and urethra. Your symptoms will vary depending on the area that is infected.

UTI symptoms often include pelvic pain, and it’s also associated with: 

  • Pelvic pressure
  • Painful urination
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Bloody urine


Cystitis is a bacterial infection of the bladder or the lower urinary tract. It comes in different types based on what causes it. As such, it is either called:

  • Bacterial cystitis
  • Drug-induced cystitis
  • Foreign body cystitis
  • Chemical cystitis
  • Radiation cystitis

Symptoms vary depending on the type of cystitis a person has. Typically, it includes pelvic pain, frequent urination, strong-smelling urine, and an intense urge to urinate.

Male infections tend to worsen compared to those in females. Infections can be aggravated by underlying conditions such as a prostate infection, a urinary tract obstruction, prostate enlargement or cancer.


Your prostate is a walnut-sized gland that sits in front of your rectum and below the bladder. Prostatitis is an infection that causes pain and inflammation in those areas. Due to its proximity to the urinary tract, it’s also linked to UTIs.

There are different types of prostatitis, but the most common is Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS). It causes constant pain in the pelvis, perineum (the area between the scrotum and rectum) and the genitals.

Treating UTIs right away can prevent any infection from spreading to the prostate. If sitting can cause pain to your perineum, see your doctor immediately. Early intervention also prevents it from progressing into chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

Urinary Stones

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that cause excruciating pain when it goes down the ureter (the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder). The discomfort may radiate to the pelvis, abdomen or groin.

It’s relatively common in both sexes, but renal stones are more likely to develop in men. Research shows that nearly 11% of males will experience a kidney stone, versus just 6% of females.

The symptoms and pain levels can vary, and the size of the stone isn’t necessarily a measure of how much pain it will cause. But you should see a doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • Pain that doesn’t go away with over-the-counter pain medications 
  • Fever and chills
  • Blood in the urine 
  • Distress that leads to nausea and vomiting
  • Pain while urinating

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

BPH is also a condition that is common in older men. It’s a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland associated with pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

The prostate is located directly beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. An enlargement puts pressure on the urethra and bladder, leading to painful urination, constant urge to urinate, weak urine stream, smelly urine, and pain after ejaculation.

The symptoms of an enlarged prostate may come and go. As a result, most men wait several months or even years before seeing a doctor.

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

Sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia or gonorrhoea can also cause groin pain in men. However, these conditions are often asymptomatic in their early stages, and it takes weeks or months before symptoms like pain, penile discharges and itching are observed.

The only way to know if you have an STI is to get tested. Having no symptoms doesn’t mean that you’re negative. An early diagnosis is crucial in preventing complications such as long-term pelvic pain.

Chlamydia and gonorrhoea are both bacterial infections, for which doctors may prescribe one or two antibiotics treatment. In addition, you and your partner should undergo treatment to prevent reinfection.


Appendicitis is the inflammation or infection of a small, finger-shaped sac that’s attached to your large intestine. It’s usually associated with severe right-sided pelvic or abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and fever. It also gets worse when you cough or sneeze.

A proper assessment can rule out other conditions with similar symptoms such as IBS, constipation, gastroenteritis or pelvic infection. Without prompt treatment, an inflamed appendix may rupture, which requires emergency surgery.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Pelvic pain is a dominant symptom of IBS, a gastrointestinal disorder that affects large intestine function, causing digestive issues. People with IBS use different descriptors to explain how the pain feels. For them, it can be cramping, aching, sharp, stabbing or throbbing in nature. It can be felt anywhere in the abdomen (belly), specifically in the pelvic region. The chronic pain associated with IBS does not indicate structural damage, like ulcers. But the pain is just as real. Doctors may recommend diet and lifestyle changes to provide relief and medications to control other symptoms.


An inguinal hernia usually affects adult males whose abdominal muscles have weakened. As a result, the intestines, fat and other contents of the abdomen are bulging through the lower abdominal wall and even the groin area.

The lump isn’t always painful but some people may feel dull pain when they cough, bend over or lift heavy objects. It can also cause groin weakness or a burning sensation in the area. If the pain intensifies quickly and the bulge turns red or purple, seek medical care immediately.

Pelvic Fracture

A pelvic fracture is a break in any part of the pelvic bone, usually due to high energy trauma. It can cause considerable pain, even when you sit or lie down. In severe forms, this injury can lead to a lifelong disability, which can be life-threatening.

In younger males, sports is the common reason for pelvic fractures. But among the elderly, falls are the usual culprits for broken hips. In addition, the likelihood of these injuries increases in this demographic due to bone degeneration.

The main symptom is a pain in the groin, hip or lower back, which worsens when you move your legs. You may also feel discomfort if the muscles, tendons, ligaments and soft tissues that support the hip joint are damaged. If it’s the socket of the hip joint that is damaged, a person can be disabled permanently.

There’s a range of treatments for fractures depending on the extent of damage and the patient’s age. Some may only require pain relievers and rest, while others need an external device or surgery to immobilise the pelvis.

To know more about other causes of hip pain, here’s a quick word from Dr Andrew Dutton:

Hip pain requires proper diagnosis, especially when you are experiencing the 10 symptoms we’ve mentioned above. With that, doctors can run tests to rule out other conditions or injuries with similar symptoms.

For groin pain in men that stems from musculoskeletal injuries, it’s advisable to get it checked as soon as possible, primarily if it’s disrupting your daily activities.  You can get in touch with Dr Andrew Dutton for an evaluation. Give us a call at (+65) 6836 8000.

Dr Andrew Quoc Dutton Orthopaedic & Sports Clinic Insurance

The Dr Andrew Quoc Dutton Orthopaedic & Sports Clinic offers minimally invasive and surgical treatments for sports-related injuries and orthopaedic conditions.

To aid in the expenses that you may incur, we accept a number of corporate and international insurance. If you have any of the insurance plans below, please let us know when you book an appointment with us. If you need further assistance, you may drop us an e-mail at or call us at (+65) 6836 8000.

  • AIA Health Insurance
  • Alliance Healthcare
  • AXA International Exclusive (IE)/ IE Plus
  • Aviva Myshield
  • Cigna International
  • Fullerton Health
  • Great Eastern Life/ Live Great
  • Integrated Health Plans (IHP)
  • MHC Medical Network
  • NTUC Income
  • Parkway Shenton Insurance/ iXchange
  • Raffles Health Insurance

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About Dr Andrew Quoc Dutton

A/Professor Dutton, also known as, has been in clinical practice since 1996 after graduating from Marist College, Canberra and the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. A/Professor Dutton has worked at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, and the St. George Hospital, Sydney, before completing his orthopaedic surgery training in Singapore. He is currently an associate professor of orthopaedic surgery at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

What causes lower pelvic pain in males?

What are the most common causes of pelvic pain in men? Pelvic pain occurs between the navel and groin. It may result from a urinary tract infection, sexually transmitted infection, or prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate. These issues are relatively common.

When should I be concerned about pelvic pain men?

When to seek medical advice. Get emergency medical care if you have pelvic pain that is severe or accompanied by: Fever. Nausea or vomiting.

Where is pelvic pain located Male?

Male pelvic pain—that which is centered around the lower abdomen or buttocks—can be a sign of several different conditions. Pelvic pain may begin suddenly, as with a kidney stone or a pulled muscle, or it can come on gradually, as with prostatitis or a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Is pelvic pain normal in men?

Many men experience pain in the pelvis at some point in their life. Common symptoms may include difficult, painful, or frequent urination; pain in the area of the bladder, groin, anus, and abdomen; inability to obtain an erection or pain during ejaculation; and fever and chills.


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