So im a spider so what light novel volume 15

It’s Set-up as a Set-up for the final battle. White faces her most worthy for yet… her classmates. THAT’S RIGHT! After 14 volumes, she is finally forced to confront her fellow classmates! She looks around for ANYONE who can be her interpreter. Vampy? Hard Pass. Look! She’s not even paying attention! So much so, she’s sound asleep! And Mr. Oni? No such luck either. He’s leaning against the wall on her left looking like a smooth criminal. So it’s up to White to break out of her anti-social shell… yeah right. She’d rather have a full-on, All-out fight with Güille Güille. No holds barred, all bets off, good, old fashioned fist-a-cuffs. Surely THAT is a whole world easier….right? Right?!

With the Potimas problem officially behind us (like, for real this time), I can finally focus on destroying this god-awful system!is what I'd like to say. But it looks like a certain someone won't let that happen without a fight. I swear, every time you think you're about to blaze through the final encounter, the devs crank out a hotfix. And by that, I mean D decided to activate some World Quest that clued the entire population in on the fate of the world. So now everyone has to pick a side in this battle of the gods- Black or White. And no matter who they side with, they're probably gonna die. Sucks, right? Well, how do you think I feel?! Do you think I asked to be put in the middle of all this?! No waaay!

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Is so I'm a Spider, So What light novel finished?

Light novels The series' main story ended with its 16th volume released on January 8, 2022.

What is the ending of so I'm a Spider, So What?

Sophia confesses that she was using Hugo all along as nothing but a pawn to attack the elves. Feeling ashamed, Hugo attacks Sophia. As Sophia is about to kill Hugo, Kumoko appears to stop her and everyone pretty instantly recognizes her as Wakaba. Thus ends the first season of So, I'm a Spider, So What?

How many chapters of Im a Spider, So What are there?

The Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? web novel's author is Okina Baba, the first chapter came out on March 27, 2015, and ended on January 28, 2022. It ended with 600 chapters, with the main story having 355 chapters, and the many side story chapters accompanying it.

Will there be more episodes of so I'm a Spider, So What?

The 16th and last volume of the light novel series was on June 21st, 2022, and another set to release on November 22nd, 2022. There are still plenty of volumes left to cover for season 2. We will update this space once the anime gets officially renewed. So I'm a Spider, So What?


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