When do kittens calm down after being neutered

Cat neutering expert Jane explains the benefits of neutering your cat and the age at which kittens can become pregnant.

Want to know more about neutering your cat? Have a read of this blog post which contains some of the answers provided by Cats Protection’s Neutering Manager Jane Clements in our recent neutering Q&A.

Will having my kitten neutered calm him down?

I have three cats – the oldest two are neutered but the youngest isn't. He’s not like the other two, he climbs the curtains and runs riot. Will having him ‘done’ calm him down a little? They are all indoor cats.

It sounds like he is just exhibiting normal kitten behaviour at the moment! Neutering will certainly prevent him from displaying mating behaviours and he will grow out of his kitten behaviours in time.

Our neutering guide below outlines some of the other benefits of neutering.

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See this for some ideas on stimulation for indoor cats: Indoor cats.

Should I neuter a stray cat?

I have a stray tom who I think has adopted us which is lovely. He needs to be neutered but I don't want to upset him. What do you think?

Firstly it will be important that you check he is a stray by advertising locally for any owners who may come forward – take him to a vet to check for a microchip, advertise in local shops, social media etc. Do contact your local Cats Protection branch too (obtain contact details here). This page contains more tips about what to do if you find a stray cat.

If no-one comes forward and you would like to give him a home after two weeks of looking for an owner, it certainly won't upset him to get him neutered. You can find out more in our Neutering advice.

Kittens can breed from four months old; photo by Susan Dobbs

How old do kittens have to be to get pregnant?

I want to neuter mine before this happens, she is nearly five months old now.

Kittens can reach puberty at four months of age and we would recommend neutering once she reaches this age. You can find a vet near you who will neuter from four months using our Kitten Neutering Vet Database.

Please note that we are unable to give specific advice on your cat's health or any change in behaviour observed. For medical problems consult your vet who will have access to your cat’s medical history and will be able to examine them.

Would you like to ask one of Cats Protection’s feline experts a question about your cat? Don’t miss the next live Facebook Q&A session: Behaviourist Nicky Trevorrow will be answering questions on 17 December. All our Q&As are held on Cats Protection's national Facebook page from 2-3pm. See you there!

i Martin Poole/Photodisc/Getty Images

For most male kittens, recovering from neuter surgery is practically a non-event. While they should be kept quiet for a few days after surgery, they are kittens after all. They should be back to playing and tearing around the house shortly, but you'll miss any potential tomcat behavior.


It's always a good idea to neuter your male kitten, unless he's a purebred and you intend to show and breed him. The simple fact is there are just too many cats in the world and not enough homes for them. Neutered male cats don't display those lovely tomcat behaviors such as urine spraying to mark territory or fighting with other males over females. If they're outside cats, they stay closer to home, with much less reason to roam.

Pediatric Neutering

In the past, most veterinarians and spay/neuter facilities didn't neuter male kittens until they reached adolescence, about the age of 6 months. For all intents and purposes, they were already cats. Today, many vets neuter kittens once the animal reaches the age of 2 months and weighs at least 2 pounds. Kittens neutered before adolescence don't develop the secondary sex characteristics of male cats in physical appearance. They're less muscular, with thinner faces. They also don't develop spines on the penis, just in case you want that image in your mind.


For most neuters, the vet advises you not to feed Kitty the night before the surgery. This might not be true for a young kitten, as the need for nourishment in a baby's body might outweigh the no-feeding precaution. Your vet or the spay/neuter facility will give you their recommendations. After Kitty receives anesthesia, the vet makes a small incision to the scrotum and removes the testes. Just a few sutures seals the deal.

Post-Operative Care

Some kittens sail through neutering as if nothing happened to them. Often, the grogginess from the anesthesia is the worst part. Other kittens take longer to recuperate and might be reclusive or out-of-sorts for several days. Switch from cat litter to shredded newspaper in the litter box for the week following surgery so litter dust can't get into his incision. Keep Kitty as quiet as possible for a few days, which might not be easy. If the incision bleeds or appears infected, or if Kitty doesn't eat after a day or so, take him to the vet.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.


Writer Bio

Jane Meggitt has been a writer for more than 20 years. In addition to reporting for a major newspaper chain, she has been published in "Horse News," "Suburban Classic," "Hoof Beats," "Equine Journal" and other publications. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English from New York University and an Associate of Arts from the American Academy of Dramatics Arts, New York City.

Will my male kitten calm down after being neutered?

Neutered cats are also easier to get along with. They tend to more gentle and affectionate. Neutered males tend to roam less and typically are not involved in as many fights with other animals. Neutering keeps your pet healthier.

How long does it take for a kitten to calm down after being neutered?

For neuter procedures, it typically takes your cat 5 -7 days to recover. It's important to monitor for any of the signs above and contact your vet if you notice any lingering or worsening symptoms. While they are healing, do not let your cat run, jump, or play with other animals. It is important that they rest.

Will my kitten be less hyper after neutering?

A cat's temperament, training, and personality are the result of genetics and upbringing, and are generally unaffected by the presence or absence of male hormones. Castration is unlikely to calm an overactive cat or decrease aggression toward people.

How long will my cat be aggressive after being neutered?

Once spayed or neutered, keep in mind that it may take up to one month after the surgery for the cat to exhibit appropriate behavior. Also note that cats spayed or neutered after 1-2 years of age may continue aggressive behavior.


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