Who greeted george and lennie at the bunkhouse

CHAPTER 2 Comprehension
1. Who greeted George and Lennie at the bunkhouse?
An old and aging handyman they all call “Swamper” named Candy working at the ranch greeted George and Lennie at the bunkhouse. It was then revealed in the story that he had lost his right hand, hence when he “pointed with his right arm, and out of the sleeve came a round stick-like wrist, but no hand” when he was leading the two to their accommodation. This is a clear projection of his missing arm, hence also an iconic trait of Candy.

2. What unusual habits did Whitey have?
Whitey was seen to have an unusual habit of specifically dressing up on Sundays no matter in what occasion. This can be seen when Candy reveals so to George and Lennie that he “used ta dress up Sundays…show more content…
Why is the stable buck set apart from the other men? (not just race)
Other stable buck being black, he was also “Stable” and disabled as of his nickname, hence he is then less useful in the ranch and also discriminated at the meantime. As hinted from Candy, Stable-buck “got a crooked back where a horse kicked him”, hence leading to his nickname.

4. Which character names from this section have symbolic importance?
Curley's wife name is symbolically important wasn’t given a proper name in the novel. Throughout chapter 2 and further on to the novel, Curley’s wife was just regarded as “Curley’s wife”, despite she being a part of the story’s key development. By not giving her a proper name, Steinbeck show inequality with in the set society and the level of sexism that is apparent in the time being

5. Why is the boss suspicious of George and Lennie?
George does all the talking during the interview, making it very suspicious to the boss and he can’t understand why George is so close with Lennie. George also claims that they left their last job because it was done “diggin’ a cesspool”, hence making it sound more weird and hard to believe.

6. Who or what seems to be a source of tension in this chapter that may foreshadow future…show more content…
Is Candy's opinion of Curley's wife justified? Why?
Candy sees Curley’s wife would show to be a challenge to everyone from the earliest moments, which he justifies his saying so pointing out the "glove fulla Vaseline". This showed the danger of her, as if her husband finds out how she tries to interact with other men in the ranch, his short temper would be sure to cause trouble, especially when Lennie is around with his uncontrollable strengths.

8. What qualities does the description of Slim suggest?
Slim is described with high authority and respect with strong and tall postures. During Slim’s pen-portrait, slim is emphasized as “his slow speech had overtones not of thought, but of understanding beyond thought”, and that “his authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love”. This shows large amounts of respect and trust to him from the others of the ranch, also showing his society-agreed wise mind of the place.

9. What is the significance of Slim's and Carlson's remarks about the dogs?
The remarks respectively made by Carlson then slim shows a contrast between the two characters, as the fact that Candy only later agrees for them to shoot the dog after Slim’s words shows his high authority and how his words are what all men are to take, once again using Carlson to show the level of Slim’s respect within the men’s of the

The next morning, George and Lennie arrive at the ranch and go to the bunkhouse. The old swamper, Candy, informs them the boss is mad because they were supposed to arrive the night before. After Candy shows them which bunks to take, the conversation turns to people at the ranch, whom he describes.

When the boss arrives and questions Lennie and George about their work history and skills, George answers for Lennie, causing the boss to question Lennie's silence. George emphasizes Lennie's power and work ethic. Suspicious of their partnership, the boss asks George why they left their last job. George explains that the work was done. Satisfied, the boss leaves, telling them they can work after supper on Slim's grain team. After the boss leaves, George scolds Lennie for speaking.

The old swamper returns with an old sheep dog. George asks Candy about his dog. Candy says he raised the old dog from a pup and that he was a great sheep dog in his younger days.

Curley, the boss' son, enters and sizes up George. Looking at Lennie, Curley fists his hands and assumes a fighter's stance. He wants to know if they are the new guys, and when George answers, Curley insists that Lennie must talk when he is spoken to. Lennie repeats George's answer softly. Satisfied, Curley leaves to go look for his father.

With Curley gone, Candy explains that Curley used to be a lightweight fighter and now he hates big guys and picks fights with them. If that weren't bad enough, according to Candy, Curley has gotten much worse since his marriage two weeks earlier. Candy relates that Curley's wife is pretty but she has "got the eye," and she flirts with Slim and Carlson. Candy leaves, and George tells Lennie to stay away from Curley and not speak to him; however, George says, if Curley punches Lennie, Lennie is to "let him have it." Then George reminds Lennie of the place by the river where he is to go in case of trouble.

Shortly after, Curley's wife comes into the bunkhouse, claiming to look for Curley. Fascinated, Lennie can't take his eyes off her. Then Slim enters and tells her he saw Curley go into the house; Curley's wife becomes apprehensive and leaves.

When George says that Curley's wife seems like a "tramp," Lennie responds that he thinks she is "purty," causing George to warn Lennie to keep away from her, just like he's supposed to keep away from Curley. This admonition worries Lennie, who says, "I don't like this place, George. This ain't a good place." But George reminds him they must stay long enough to make a stake for their farm.

Another man, Carlson, enters the bunkhouse and asks Slim about his new puppies, suggesting that they could replace Candy's old dog, who is old, arthritic, and can barely walk or see, with one of the puppies. Hearing about the puppies, Lennie wants one too, and asks George to speak to Slim.

Supper is called. As Lennie gets off the bunk and approaches the door, Curley returns, looking for his wife. George tells him that she was there looking for Curley. George is afraid he will tangle with Curley himself as they all leave for supper.


Chapter 1 began with a beautiful nature scene: the gentle breeze, the slopes of the mountains, the evening sun going down, and the calm pool. Chapter 2 introduces the ranch. The bunkhouse is sparsely furnished; it's a dark room with just the essentials of a bunk and place to put gear. Once the story shifts from the natural setting of Chapter 1 to the bunkhouse in Chapter 2, things change considerably. Steinbeck contrasts the world of nature and the world of men. At the pond the water is warm, the breeze gentle, and the light shimmers over the sand. No wonder George wants to spend the night there instead of coming straight to the ranch. In contrast, the ranch contains characters who have been beaten down by life; it also contains danger in the form of Curley and his wife. By juxtaposing the natural scene at the pond with the scene in the bunkhouse, Steinbeck highlights the contrast between the freedom of nature and the unpredictable pattern of humans and their sometimes dangerous ways.

Who greets George and Lennie at the farm?

Chapter Two starts the following morning. George and Lennie arrive at the ranch and meet Candy first, who tells them that the boss of the ranch is angry about them coming late (he expected them to arrive the day before) but is usually a pretty nice fella.

Who overhears George and Lennie at the bunkhouse?

Candy overhears their discussion and offers to contribute $300 toward the cost, if George and Lennie will let him join them.

What unusual habits did Whitey have?

What unusual habits did Whitey have? Whitey was seen to have an unusual habit of specifically dressing up on Sundays no matter in what occasion. This can be seen when Candy reveals so to George and Lennie that he “used ta dress up Sundays…show more content…

Who did George and Lennie meet at the ranch?

In the morning, they arrive at the Tyler Ranch, where they meet an old, one-handed man named Candy. He takes George and Lennie to meet the "Boss," who yells at them for being a day late. During the interview, George explains that Lennie is his cousin and was kicked in the head by a horse when he was child.


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