What are football helmets made out of

Every Sunday during football season the excitement and anticipation build as we wait for kickoff. Through sprains, twists, and breaks, it’s no doubt that all of the NFL teams leave it all on the field, playing their hardest every play, every game, and every season.

Although it may seem that all too many injuries are reported year after year, the evolution of the football helmet has come a long way since its introduction to the field, and so too have the way athletes and committee members view the seriousness of head injuries. NFL reporting showed a 24 percent decrease in concussions during the preseason and regular season, from 281 in 2017 to 214 in the 2018 season. The drop was particularly noteworthy in the regular season when the number of diagnosed concussions went from 190 in 2017 to 135 in 2018 -- a 29 percent decrease.

Football helmets are the only thing protecting player’s heads from hard hits, concussions, and other head injuries during a game. A football helmet can be defined as a piece of protective equipment used mainly in American football and Canadian football. It consists of a hard plastic shell with thick padding on the inside, a face mask made of one or more plastic-coated metal bars, and a chinstrap. 

However, when football helmets were first invented, this wasn’t the case.

The First Football Helmet

The first use of football headgear dates back to 1869 when George “Rose” Barclay, the Lafayette College halfback, started to use straps and earpieces to protect his ears. There is no documentation on who actually invented the football helmet. However, some sources credit James Naismith, while others credit U.S. Naval Academy Midshipman, Joseph M. Reeves, who had a protective headpiece made out of moleskin in the 1893 Army-Navy game.

The Initial Adoption of Football Helmets

Helmets were widely used in football during the 1920s. These helmets consisted of leather with some padding on the inside but provided little protection. While the helmet was developed to protect the head, these helmets lacked face mask and as a result, injuries were still common.

It wasn’t until 1939 when the first plastic helmet became available. The Riddell Company of Chicago manufactured the first plastic helmet, believing it was safer than the leather options that were being used on the field. The plastic frame was able to hold its shape when collision occurred and included more padding and cushion for safety. The plastic helmet also included a plastic face mask, protecting the entire head.

The Evolution of Football Helmets in the NFL

In the mid-1940s, leather helmets were required in the NFL. It wasn’t until 1949 that the NFL officially adopted the plastic helmet, ending the leather helmet era. By the mid-50’s, single face bars were added to the helmets, and the first appearance of the radio helmet was introduced.

Through the 60’s, and 70’s, Riddell continued to innovate and improve the football helmet protection and design. By the 1980s, Riddell had become an icon with its classic helmet silhouette with a circular earhole, clean face mask lines, and rounded dome.

In 2002, in response to the study of head injuries, Riddell developed a new helmet designed called the Revolution. The revolution was the first significant remodel in 25 years, and as of 2007, Riddell has sold 750,000 helmets. In 2007, due to the demand for a safer football helmet, Schutt Sports announced the arrival of a next-generation helmet, the Schutt ION 4D.

Today’s Football Helmet & Enhancing Protection 

Today, NFL athletes are allowed to choose their own helmets for any particular reason. It can be for protection, nostalgia, or purely aesthetic. However, all helmets have to be approved by the National Operating Committee on Standard for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE).

While the standard and protection of football helmets have come a long way since its inception, players who prioritize their safety often look for ways to add an additional layer of support. Technology has progressed in a way that enables companies like 2nd Skull to help empower athletes by adding additional protection to the most critical part of the human body.

Our newly launched 2nd Skull Pro Cap was designed in collaboration with a grant and support from the NFL, made with extreme impact protection material. The light-weight, breathable design offers additional protection without adding bulk or discomfort under a helmet.

You don’t have to be a pro to add an additional layer of protection under your football helmet.

As a child, I recall watching in awe at American pro football players in their tight white trousers and their muscular shoulders running straight at their opponent like a charging bull. Then, crash! Ouch! That must have hurt.

But, they’d get up and get ready for another run at their opponent. I didn’t really notice that they were heavily padded, nor did I give much consideration to the role of the helmet.

If someone were to ask you ‘what are football helmets made of’? Would you know the answer? With so many improvements to football helmets in recent years it’s hard to keep up with what they are anymore. Let’s take a look.

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The first football helmet ever worn was made of leather, and was worn simply to protect the player’s ears. The modern football helmet is a far cry from that leather helmet, incorporating a lot of modern technology to protect the head and brain from injury, as well as the ears, eyes, cheek bones, teeth, chin, etc.

First, there’s an outer shell made from molded polycarbonate. This outer shell has an interior lined with EPP (expanded polypropylene) or Thermoplastic Polyurethane (EPU), and Vinyl Nitrile (VN) foam for cushioning and comfort.

In addition, different manufacturers have their own added padding materials. Next is a titanium or carbon steel face mask. And finally, the chin strap.

The most important thing to understand about football helmets is that No Helmet Can Prevent Concussion! That said, it must also be understood that the objective of all helmet manufacturers is to produce a helmet that will decrease the chances of the wearer suffering from a severe head injury.

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SUGGESTED: Best Helmet for Football

It is for that reason that helmet manufacturers have made significant advances in recent years to produce helmets with improved energy absorbing qualities.

You only need to compare the results of Virginia Tech’s football helmets test ratings from 2011 when only 1 helmet received the top five-star rating, or the results from 2012 with three 5-star helmets, or the 2014 result with 9 helmets scoring 5 stars, and the 2019 test results with a total of 21 five-star helmets.

That trend of improved safety has continued with the latest test results for 2022 showing 25 five-star helmets from several different helmet manufacturers.

Fantastic improvements in football helmet safety over a relatively short period of time.

And, the winners are . . . . the players wearing the helmets!

Time to take a closer look into these modern football helmets, but first let’s take a look at some amazing football helmets from yesteryear. Some of these, you will not believe!

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The Evolution of American Football Helmets


Courtesy HONIRAF on Youtube.

Parts Of A Football Helmet

The Outer Shell

The outer shell is the part of the helmet that we can see when we are looking at the players. It is a thin but extremely hard material that protects the head from the brunt of a major impact. In adult helmets, it is made of molded polycarbonate due to it being lightweight, durable, and amazingly strong. This allows the players to be confident of their head being protected whilst at the same time being light enough to run fast.

Youth football helmets are made from ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) as it is lighter than polycarbonate but still strong and durable. Polycarbonate helmets cannot be worn in youth leagues as the polycarbonate shell can seriously damage an ABS shell in a helmet to helmet impact.

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Football Helmet Padding Materials

Inside the outer shell is usually an inner lining of EPP (expanded polypropylene). EPP is the perfect choice for a football helmet lining as it can take multiple impacts and return to its original shape. The EPP is complemented with VN (Vinyl Nitrile) foam which provides cushioning and comfort as well as shock absorption. VN is a blend of high-quality plastic and rubber, and is described as being practically indestructible.

Schutt Helmets, however, use TPU cushioning exclusively. TPU has the benefit of working better in extremes of temperature than other helmet liners. TPU has good elasticity qualities as well as being resistant to oils, grease and abrasion.

This content was originally published on headsdontbounce.com. If it appears on another website, it is a violation of the copyright owned by headsdontbounce.com.

Helmet manufacturers also add their own patented types of padding which are mainly air bubbles or bladders of varying methods which provide a custom fit and enhances comfort for the wearer. They also add a softer type of foam along the forehead and lower jaw to provide a more comfortable level of protection in those areas that receive less impact.

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The majority of modern facemasks are made from carbon steel, titanium or stainless steel. Carbon steel is the preferred material probably due to it being cheaper, however, it is strong but heavier than the other two choices. Stainless steel, whilst lighter and sturdier, is more costly than carbon steel.

In the NFL and other competitive adult leagues, titanium is the material of choice. Titanium is 45% lighter, more durable but the most expensive of the three. Regardless of what the facemask is made from, all facemasks are coated with Polyarmor G17, a durable powder coating with exceptional abrasion, impact and corrosion resistance qualities.

There are two main types of facemasks, the open cage, and the closed cage. The choice of the type of facemask depends on the position of the player. A wide receiver, defensive back or quarterback needs a clear vision to scan the entire field, so the open cage facemask is for them. A linebacker or fullback, on the other hand, will require a closed cage.

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Chin Strap

Your Hi-Tech helmet shell, liner, padding and face-mask provides no protection at all without a chin strap that is as equally up to the job as every other part of your helmet. A sub-par chin strap could mean the difference between adequate head protection and your helmet flying off your head at a crucial moment.

Chin straps for football helmets are almost an industry in itself. There are numerous variables that can be considered when buying or replacing a chin strap.

First, there is the strap itself, which needs to be strong and durable. The strap is often made from leather or strong nylon. The strap can have plastic buckles and/or metal snaps to connect to the helmet. The most important part is the ‘cup’ which cradles the chin. The cup can be made of polycarbonate or ABS, it can be a soft cup or a hard cup.

Soft cups basically do no more than keep the helmet in place, whereas the hard cup also provides protection from impacts. Inside the cup is either foam padding or gel, or sometimes both to make the chin guard comfortable. The chin guard should also have air vents to help keep the chin dry and comfortable.

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