What are the 12 fruits for New Years Eve?

There are numerous traditions and preparations that we Filipinos want to fulfill before the year-end and as we welcome the new year.

To give you an idea Filipinos like me will always gather the 12 round fruits to put on the table, cook sticky rice or Biko, the color and design of clothes to wear, and the type of fireworks/casserole to use to generate noise when the clock hits 12:00mn.

You might be wondering why we do these kinds of stuff. I think the main reason is we believe that doing so will help bring luck and prosperity to us for the coming new year.

Don’t get me wrong, aside from mentioned, there are many numerous traditions that Filipinos do when celebrating the new year in the Philippines. What I include here are just the traditions we practice at home hahaha.

Allow me to share some of the reasons and simple explanation behind the new year stuff that we do.

We cook and eat Biko during the celebration because according to oldies, it will make the relationship between the family members stronger. The sticky rice will also act as a sponge to absorb luck and blessings for the year ahead.

For clothes, we wear polka dots because the round or circle shape printed on the clothes symbolizes money. Also, we wear the lucky color (for the new year) again to attract luck for the incoming year.

For the fireworks or noise, since we don’t lit firecrackers inside our home, we choose casserole as an alternative when generating noise in various locations in the house. It is believed to drive away bad elements.

As for the fruits, we always welcome the new year with 12 round fruits present on our dining table.

The reason is we believed that these fruits again bring prosperity, money, good health, abundance, and luck for us in the coming 12 months of the new year. Each of the twelve fruits represents the months of the year basically.

If you think about it, the preparation is somewhat tedious. It includes planning, running errands, and actual cooking of food. But it’s a small sacrifice considering it is for the prosperity for the coming year. The round fruits actually vary because some fruits are hard to find in the usual wet market so if you have extra time, go to the supermarket to buy what is lacking.

Now, I know that it’s hard to just go to the market without knowing the list of round fruits to buy. So I have here the list of circular-shaped fruits which you can also use as a reference.

Just some tips, if you will buy lots of fruits, make sure that you can consume them within their shelf life. Otherwise, it will basically go to waste. That’s sad because the fruits on the list are not cheap. If you think you can’t consume them within the expiry date, then it’s better to share the fruits with your relatives and neighbors

12+ Lucky Round Fruits for the New Year

These fruits are in no particular order. Also, it depends on availability and season. Since it is the case, just get the round fruits available in the market near you.

1. Lychee – the usual color of this fruit is red. The latter represents good fortune and happiness.

Lychee’s shelf life depends on how you store it. Approximately, Lychee can last for 5 to 7 days if kept in the fridge, while it will only last two to three days at room temperature.

2. Banana – This fruit is an exception to the “round fruit,” so it’s up to you if you will include it on your list. Banana usually comes in a bunch or “piling ng saging” though you can also buy per piece. This fruit is usually eaten when ripe. A cluster of bananas symbolizes unity and its yellow color signifies happiness.

A ripe banana can last for a maximum of 7 days if you store it in the refrigerator. It will last roughly two to three days if kept at room temperature.

3. Grapes – The usual color of grapes are red/crimson, light green, and purple. It is up to you which of the colors you are going to choose. Grapes signifies luxury, wealth, and prosperity.

The grapes’ shelf life is 7 to 14 days in the fridge. At room temperature, it will last only for 1 day.

4. Watermelon – This fruit usually is oblong and round in shape. Its red colored flesh represents prosperity and wealth. The uncountable seeds signify abundance.

This juicy fruit can last for 2 to 3 weeks inside the refrigerator. The latter however will only last for a maximum of 10 days if kept in the counter or at room temperature.

5. Lemon – the most common shape of lemon is oblong or spherical. Its citrus smell drives away bad vibes.

The shelf life of an uncut lemon can last for up to 4 weeks maximum in the fridge. At room temperature, it will last only for 7 days.

6. Pomelo – this is considered to be the largest of the citrus fruit. You can eat the pomelo fruit by removing its thick outer covering until you see the actual fruit. Separate each segment and peel its membrane. Afterward, eat the pulp. You can also eat the membrane if you can tolerate its somewhat bitter taste. Pomelo is believed to attract prosperity. Its pink pulp signifies good health.

At room temperature, Pomelo can last for 7 days, and 14 days if stored in the fridge. You should eat pomelo at once if the membrane is already removed.

7. Apples – are common in green and red color. Choose which one is available to you. It is said to bring harmony to our home.

You can keep apples in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks, and up to 7 days on the table at room temperature.

8. Avocado – This fruit is considered a superfood because it is jam-packed with vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. There are more reasons to love Avocado. Aside from its health benefits, it’s color which is generally purple and green signifies prosperity.

Ripe avocados can last up to 5 days in the refrigerator and 3 days at room temperature.

9. Orange – this is the most common fruit that we put on the table every new year. The reason is it’s readily available in the supermarket. The round shape of the orange represents money.

This fruit when ripe can last an average of 10 days if you keep it at room temperature. But if you want it to last longer for at least 2 weeks store it in the fridge. Cut or peeled oranges can last within the day.

10. Pineapple – the same as the number 9, you can always find pineapple included in the list of fruits. Why? Because it is also abundant in the Philippines. Also, pineapple has so many round-shaped eyes (that I think signify coins, money, or wealth). According to Feng Shui expert, the fruit’s name in Chinese is “Ong-Lai or fortune cone in English.

The shelf life of Pineapples is a maximum of 2 days at the countertop. At the refrigerator, it can last for up to 5 days.

11. Pomegranate – I do not know if this fruit is easy to find in our country, but if it is available then better to have one on your table during the New Year. The reason is according to belief, Pomegranate signifies happiness, attracts luck, and because it is jam-packed with juicy seeds, it is also believed to enhances fertility.

So far in the list, Pomegranite’s shelf life is the longest. At normal temperature, it can last up to 2 weeks. In the fridge, whole fruit can last up to 2 months.

12. Peaches – If you want to wish your family members to have good health and long life, then you should include this fruit on your list. Aside from the fact that you will enjoy eating a sweet peach, it also signifies good health and longevity.

Peaches’ shelf life is just three to four days at normal temperature and up to 7 days if kept in the fridge.

There you have it guys, you can use the 12 round fruits on the list as your reference whenever you want to attract good luck, prosperity, wealth, and long life every new year.

In the Philippines, It is part of our tradition for every Filipinos to have 12 round of fruits on display at the table on New year's eve. It represents each fruits for every month.

Filipinos believe that it brings Prosperity, Happiness, Good health and Money on the coming year.

We often have fruits on display in our table on New year's eve such as apples, orange, pineapple, watermelon, grapes, melon, longan, coconut pear, pomelo and many more, and just every fruit that is round. each color of the fruit has it's meaning and shape of the fruit symbolizing luck.


Green and Purple - symbolize prosperity

Pink - symbolize good health

Red - symbolize happiness and luck

Yellow - symbolize happiness and unity

Orange - symbolize gold and money


Circle or Round represents money or coins which will attracts good fortune to our house hold.

As my family live in the Middle east, we still continue to bring the tradition in our household. we're practicing the tradition as far as i remember. (I bet many Filipinos abroad still practice the tradition). besides it's something nice to look at, with different colors and shapes.

Culture speaks

speaking of culture. we got this culture from Chinese ancestry.

Superstitious Belief

As funny as it gets with our beliefs, we still practice it and still common for us. anyway we believe that, There is no harm in believing, It might even get you good luck.

These are some common belief we practice in New Year's eve

  1. Jump as high as you can when the New Year's eve come - to become taller. (I did it every year when i was young, but it didn't change my height, I'm still 5 feet tall) ... lol haha : - D

  2. Make very loud noises during New year's eve - to drive away bad luck or bad spirit. (my Father do it with very loud firecrackers, I do it with trumpets and banging the pots and pans. haha

  3. Lights should be all open. Rice dispenser should be open - welcomes a bright New Year and abundance of food

  4. Wearing Polka dots clothes - It believes to bring good fortune, because polka dots is a circle that represents money

  5. Throwing coins around the house - It attracts money to the house hold. (My mother used to do these, she throws lots of coins inside the house, and we children are racing to pick all the coins... hahaha This is soo much fun, believe me.

  6. Sticky rice/Glutinous rice - we called it malagkit, symbolizes harmony and unity in the family

  7. We eat Noodles - we called it pancit in tagalog, symbolizes long life, due to the long strands of noodles.

  8. Eat together as a family - we gather to pray and eat together as a family. also for unity and harmony.

As i was writing this, I can't help but to laugh and cried a bit. i am so delighted to remember my childhood, when life was very simple. crying because, i am not home for my parents at New year's eve. I really missed them. though i will call them at New year's eve Philippine time.

You are very lucky if you are home for New year's eve : - )

This coming New year's eve, I planned to put 12 round fruits and veggies on my table for display that includes:

  1. apple
  2. watermelon
  3. melon
  4. blueberries
  5. pomegranate
  6. tomato
  7. garlic
  8. potato
  9. onion
  10. lemon
  11. pear
  12. orange

Every year, I am putting a plate with sugar, coins and cottons in it. sugar for sweetness in life, coins for fortune and cottons for harmony, unity and purity of life.

This is our Traditions and Superstitious beliefs we grew up with, it may sound ridiculous and funny, But it is part of our culture as a Filipino. As i say, Anyway, there is no harm in trying it.

This coming year, wishing everyone a Happy and Prosperous New year!

What fruits are you going to put in your table for New year's eve?

Thank you for reading

Much love

Image is mine and original

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