What are the 4 main benefits of using a VPN?

What is a VPN? A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is simply a way used to connect different networks located separated from the Internet, using security protocols that allow both the authenticity and the confidentiality of the information that travels through the VPN connection or network system.

In our present world being security cautious is of paramount importance and in high demand in companies, and the need to send encrypted data over a network, VPN technology has developed more strongly means and is becoming more widespread in the private and business environment.

This article will relieve some significant benefits of VPN:

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1. Improved Security

VPN has a lot of advantages to increase our online safety and privacy when surfing the internet not just from hackers, government and telephony operator per DNS Leakage. However, if you surf the web from any location, we could always do without a VPN. But if you connect to a public WiFi network, doing so via a Virtual Private Network will be better. Your real IP address will be safe while masking your actual location and your data will be encrypted against potential intruders.

An ISP is used to view all the information stocks online by consumer containing data, password and personal information. But when a VPN is in place, ISP’s will not be able to access a user’s log. Instead, they see encrypted statistics by the VPN server.

2. Remote Access

Using VPN shows that your information can be accessed remotely from any location which allows you to access your content if there is any restriction on the site. Using VPN can increase the company productivity as the workers will not have to be in a particular location to get to be productive.

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Every VPN service provider will always tend to showcase different packages, and Search Engine Optimization specialist can choose a perfect subscription package that will suit his or her immediate need saving cost. There are many affordable yet reliable VPN service providers out there with friendly subscriptions; this is one advantage SEO specialist can utilize.

4. Buying Cheap Tickets

One ultimate secret that most people fail to understand is to use a VPN to buy cheap flight tickets exclusive to a particular location. Every reservation centers and airline operator have different prices for different countries. To get an affordable flight ticket, look for a state that has a low cost of living then compare it with the one you reside in, connect through a VPN and get your ticket cheap. This trick also works for other rental services.

5. Anonymity/Bypass Restriction

Using a VPN, one can easily browse the internet entirely without being traced, compared to other software, one of the benefits of using a VPN connection service is to allow you access to any websites and web applications anonymously.

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For example, NetFlix will only allow streaming from specific locations. However, when connecting to such services using Virtual Private Network, this will indicate on NetFlix that your IP address is from a location they permit. This will enable your VPN service to skip all kinds of geographical restrictions to give you maximum internet coverage.

Accessing blocked websites is achieved using VPN and for going through established Internet filters. For this reasons, there are a greater number of VPN services available in a country where Internet censorship are used.


People are looking for the best possible ways to avoid being tracked during surfing. VPN will be one of the best solutions for this. To help protect and prevent Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the website’s owner to track our activities during surfing. The troubles faced by the free version of VPN over the web, is the location options are few with severe limitations. Therefore, it is best to pay for a genuine VPN to ensure good connectivity, speed, and premium data security.

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Featured photo credit: Pexels.com via images.pexels.com

We’re still in the Wild West days of the Internet and there’s potential danger or exploitation lurking behind every click. At this very minute, tech companies are mining your data and then selling it off to the highest bidder, which isn’t even to mention the scammers, trolls, thieves, sharks, spies, hackers, and hustlers. Meanwhile, you’re walking around naked and by that, we mean you’re not using a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

What is a VPN, exactly? Basically, it’s a network system that exists outside of the Internet, which uses extra security and encryption measures to protect your data and even your identity as you surf the web. Not only are VPNs more necessary than ever before, but they’re also more affordable. In fact, top provider NordVPN currently offers plans for as little as $3.49 a month.

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Whether you’re a casual browser or a business owner, your information should be encrypted and for somewhat obvious reasons. If you’re still not convinced, here’s a list of 7 benefits of using a VPN:

1. Protected File Sharing

With a VPN at your disposal, you and others can share files over extended periods of time without having to worry about the data being stolen or exposed.

2. Remote Access

Because a VPN is an actual network, you can access it remotely. This makes it a great resource for companies, in particular, allowing employees to work from outside the office. No matter where you are, your data and information stay protected as long as you’re using the VPN.

3. Anonymity

Anonymity is either one of the Internet’s greatest tenets or one of its greatest problems, depending on who you ask. However, the fact remains that when your identity is exposed, someone or something will come along to exploit you and your data. Furthermore, there are certain online activities that we simply don’t want to be traced back to us (we’ll leave the specifics to your imagination).

By using a VPN, you can access web applications and websites alike while retaining total anonymity. That makes a VPN far more beneficial than incognito modes and web proxies, which don’t completely protect your identity or data.

A little disclaimer: should you mask your identity by way of a VPN, we’d kindly ask that you use this benefit for the right reasons. The last thing the Internet needs is another anonymous troll!

4. Bypass Blockers and Filters

In some places around the world, Internet censorship is a real thing and it can mean that someone is more or less controlling the user’s worldview. That’s why more and more people are using VPNs, which can bypass blocked websites and Internet filters. Put the power back in your hands.

5. Improved Performance

As if online security weren’t enough, a solid VPN can also improve upon things like bandwidth and efficiency. Better performance is something no Internet user would ever argue with.

6. Affordability

There’s never been a better time to use a VPN than this very moment and that’s because some of these networks are surprisingly affordable. Companies like NordVPN are offering long-term plans that cost as little as $3.49 per month, which is an extremely small price to pay for total privacy.

7. Enhanced Security

The ultimate reason to use a VPN is also the most obvious: greater online security. Remember, you can use the encrypted network remotely and that means you’re keeping things like your IP address, location, passwords, and data safe from potential hackers or big tech companies or whoever else might be trying to exploit you. Not even the ISP (Internet Service Provider) will see what you’re up to—all they’ll get are encrypted statistics from the VPN server.

BONUS: Cheaper Flights and Rentals

Here’s a little hack that could truly work to your advantage if you utilise it properly. With a VPN, you’re able to switch IP addresses and thereby change your location. In addition to the extra security, this trick allows you to shop for cheaper airfare. That’s because a number of reservation centres offer different prices and deals for different states and countries. If you can find a state or country where things like airline tickets and rental prices are cheaper, you can connect through a VPN and then buy the ticket at a lower price.


In summary, VPNs provide you with better overall security, improved performance, remote access, anonymity, and in some cases, cheaper tickets and rentals. Plus, they’re blatantly affordable. If you’re not convinced by now, it means you basically want companies, competitors, and hackers to have access to your data. Hey, some people just like to feel needed.

Meanwhile, NordVPN is one of the best and most trusted names in the game. Not only do they provide seamless protection, but they offer various plans to match your comfort level. Sign up for a one-month plan and you’ll be paying $11.95 per month. Opt for something like a 3-year plan and the cost goes all the way down to just $3.49 a month, which is less than most movie rentals. There are no logs, no hidden fees, and each plan comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Now you’re rolling like a modern-day gunslinger.

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Still have questions? We’ve got you covered.

General FAQ

From a basic perspective, VPNs bolster your device’s security and control. A VPN will ensure your data is kept secure, information is remotely accessible, personal data remains anonymous and that you have access to file sharing between groups.

While a VPN isn’t a necessity for using the web, it can be an incredibly important tool in freely roaming the internet. Antivirus software will protect your devices, but a VPN will shield your personal information from third-parties and hackers while on Wi-Fi, ISPs and local networks.

VPNs are generally tailored for the mobile or travelling user, so they aren't a necessity at home, provided that your router is secure and Wi-Fi has appropriate security measures. That being said, if you are adamant about security and want to enjoy the added benefits, there's no harm in utilising one at home.

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