What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement Recent studies have shown that hurricanes with female names?

In the coming Atlantic hurricane season, watch out for hurricanes with benign-sounding names like Dolly, Fay or Hanna. According to a new article from a team of researchers at the University of Illinois, hurricanes with feminine names are likely to cause significantly more deaths than hurricanes with masculine names, apparently because storms with feminine names are perceived as less threatening.

An analysis of more than six decades of death rates from U.S. hurricanes shows that severe hurricanes with a more feminine name result in a greater death toll, simply because a storm with a feminine name is seen as less foreboding than one with a more masculine name. As a result, people in the path of these severe storms may take fewer protective measures, leaving them more vulnerable to harm.

The finding indicates an unfortunate and unintended consequence of the gendered naming of hurricanes, which has important implications for policymakers, meteorologists, the news media and the public regarding hurricane communication and preparedness, the researchers say.

"The problem is that a hurricane's name has nothing to do with its severity," said Kiju Jung, a doctoral student in marketing in the U. of I.'s College of Business and the lead author on the study.

"Names are assigned arbitrarily, based on a predetermined list of alternating male and female names," he said. "If people in the path of a severe storm are judging the risk based on the storm's name, then this is potentially very dangerous."

The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, examined actual hurricane fatalities for all storms that made landfall in the U.S. from 1950-2012, excluding Hurricane Katrina (2005) and Hurricane Audrey (1957) because they were much deadlier than the typical storm.

The authors found that for highly damaging storms, the more feminine the storm's name, the more people it killed. The team's analysis suggests that changing a severe hurricane's name from the masculine "Charley" to the feminine "Eloise" could nearly triple its death toll.

"In judging the intensity of a storm, people appear to be applying their beliefs about how men and women behave," said Sharon Shavitt, a professor of marketing at Illinois and a co-author of the report. "This makes a female-named hurricane, especially one with a very feminine name such as Belle or Cindy, seem gentler and less violent."

In a follow-up set of experiments, Jung and his colleagues examined how the gender of names directly affected people's judgments about storms. They found that people who were asked to imagine being in the path of "Hurricane Alexandra" (or "Christina" or "Victoria") rated the storm as less risky and intense compared to those asked to imagine being in the path of "Hurricane Alexander" (or "Christopher" or "Victor").

"This is a tremendously important finding. Proof positive that our culturally grounded associations steer our steps," said Hazel Rose Markus, a professor in behavioral sciences at Stanford University, who was not involved in the research.

Hurricanes in the U.S. formerly were given only female names, a practice that meteorologists of a different era considered appropriate given the unpredictable nature of the storms. According to the paper, an alternating male-female naming system was adopted in the late 1970s because of increased societal awareness of sexism.

(The names of this year's storms, alternating between male and female names, will start with Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal and Dolly.)

Even though the "gender" of hurricanes is pre-assigned and arbitrary, the question remains: Do people judge hurricane risks in the context of gender-based expectations?

"People imagining a 'female' hurricane were not as willing to seek shelter," Shavitt said. "The stereotypes that underlie these judgments are subtle and not necessarily hostile toward women -- they may involve viewing women as warmer and less aggressive than men."

"Such gender biases are pervasive and implicit," said Madhu Viswanathan, a professor of marketing at Illinois and a co-author of the study. "We found that people were affected by the gender of hurricane names regardless of whether they explicitly endorsed the idea that women and men have different traits. This appears to be a widespread phenomenon."

Hurricanes kill more than 200 people in the U.S. each year, and severe hurricanes are capable of producing casualties in the thousands, according to the paper. Even with climate change increasing the frequency and severity of storms, hurricane preparedness remains a challenge for officials.

Although the negative effect of gender stereotypes is well-known in hiring decisions and other evaluations of women and men, this research is the first to demonstrate that gender stereotypes can have deadly consequences.

Story Source:

Materials provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Chapter 16 Study Questions

 Additional Questions for Review :

1. Which of the following is a factor to consider in situational audience analysis - from Ch 5 ?

a.   gender  b.     group membership * c.      attitude toward the topic d.     all of the above

2.         As explained in your textbook, audience analysis usually builds on what type of demographic analysis? - from Ch 5. a.      psychological  b.     descriptive
c.      occupational *d. situational

3.   If you were giving an informative speech to your public speaking class about brain aneurysms, the most important factor to consider when analyzing your audience would probably be its
a. gender. * b.   knowledge about the topic.
 c.  disposition toward the speaker. d. ethnic background.

4. If you were giving an informative speech to a general audience on Global Positioning Systems technology, the most important factor to consider when analyzing your audience would probably be the a. group membership of the audience. b.  size of the audience. * c.  knowledge of the audience about the topic. d. gender of the audience.

5. The error of leaving a single word on a slide used in a speech or text excerpt is described by what metaphor? 
a) singleton  b) loner  *c) orphan  d) ellipsis 

6. The common business practice and unofficial policy invoked when someone discloses information that  they do not want to be publicly reported but is usually for background.  a) the golden rule  *b) Chatham House rule c) rule of three d) overtime rule7. As discussed in class, what is the common term used today that refers to the term “factions” as used by Madison in the Federalist #10?  a) trifectas  *b) interest groups  c) teams  d) trade unions

8.   According to your textbook, which of the following is one of the four major objectives of a speech introduction?

* a.      reveal the topic in a specific purpose statement  b.     identify the audience c.      reinforce the central idea d.     all of the above

9.  Which of the following would you expect to find in a well-constructed speech introduction?

 a.      a statement establishing the speaker’s credibility  b.     a statement gaining the audience’s attention c.      a statement previewing the main points of the speech  

* d.     all of the above

10. When preparing a speech introduction, you should usually


a.      preview the main points to be discussed in the body. b.     gain the attention and interest of your audience. c.      establish your credibility on the speech topic. * d.     all of the above.

11. Which objective of a good speech introduction is fulfilled by the following statement?

Today we will explore the three most important forms of intellectual property protection—copyrights, trademarks, and patents.” * a.      preview the body b.     establish the speaker’s goodwill c.      state the importance of the topic d.     summarize the introduction

12. According to your textbook, the best time to work out the exact wording of a speech introduction is

 a.      while you are researching the speech.  b.     as you rise to deliver a persuasive speech.  c.      at the same time you formulate the specific purpose.   

* d.     after you prepare the body of the speech.

13. In her persuasive speech, Kari wants to generate emotional appeal to help convince her classmates to sign up as organ donors. According to your textbook, how can Kari create this emotional appeal? a.     use emotional language

b.     develop vivid examples

c.     speak with sincerity and conviction * d.     all of the above

14.     What does your textbook advise regarding the ethical use of emotional appeals in a persuasive speech?

a.  Restrict emotional appeals to the conclusion of the speech.

b. Use emotional appeals on topics that do not lend themselves to reasoning.

c.  Avoid emotional appeals when speaking on a question of policy.

*d. Use emotional appeals to supplement your evidence and reasoning. 

 67. According to your textbook, which of the following is one of the four major objectives of a speech introduction? * a.      reveal the topic in a specific purpose statement   b.     identify the audience c.      reinforce the central idea d.     all of the above

68.       According to your textbook, the two most important factors
affecting the credibility of a persuasive speaker are

          * a.     competence and character.

            b.     prestige and charisma.

            c.     character and reputation.

            d.     popularity and intelligence.

            e.     charisma and competence.

69.       According to your textbook, the two most important factors affecting
 the credibility of a persuasive speaker are competence and

            a.     logic.

            b.     charisma.

          * c.     character.

            d.     pathos.

            e.     status.

70.      According to your textbook, the best time to work out the exact wording of a speech introduction is  a.      while you are researching the speech.   b.     as you rise to deliver a persuasive speech.   c.      at the same time you formulate the specific purpose.   * d.     after you prepare the body of the speech.

71.       Efram’s audience was persuaded by his speech because they perceived him to be sincere, trustworthy, and to have their best interests at heart.

 Which factor of credibility influenced Efram’s audience?

            a.     dynamism

            b.     charisma

            c.     expertise

          * d.     character

            e.     competence

72.       Which of the following statements about speaker credibility is true?

            a.     A speaker’s credibility is based on her or his reputation rather than on what happens during a speech.

            b.     Credibility refers to the speaker’s true character and competence, not merely to the audience’s perception of the speaker.

            c.     A speaker’s credibility is affected by almost every aspect of the speech except delivery.

            d.     Although credibility is an important factor for professional speakers, it does not matter in classroom speeches.

          * e.     The same speaker can have high credibility for one audience and low credibility for another audience.

73.       Which of the following statements about speaker credibility is true?

            a.     A speaker’s credibility is affected above all by how the audience perceives the speaker’s personal appearance.

          * b.     A speaker’s credibility is affected above all by how the audience perceives the speaker’s competence and character.

            c.     A speaker’s credibility is affected above all by how the audience perceives the speaker’s manner of delivery.

            d.     A speaker’s credibility is affected above all by how the audience perceives the speaker’s personality and reputation.

            e.     A speaker’s credibility is affected above all by how the audience perceives the speaker’s intelligence and prestige.

74.       A local landlord with a reputation for failing to return security deposits at the end of a lease has been invited to present his viewpoint at a meeting of the local tenants’ union. To everyone’s surprise, the landlord accepts the invitation despite the fact that he will be facing an audience with a decidedly negative view of his integrity. What factor will the landlord have to overcome if his speech is to have any chance of being persuasive?

          * a.     low initial credibility

            b.     low generated credibility

            c.     low introductory credibility

            d.     low terminal credibility

            e.     low derived credibility

75.       Developer Martin Cray had low credibility when he began his speech to a neighborhood group opposed to a new shopping center he hoped to build. During the speech, his credibility increased because his audience was impressed with his command of the facts and his willingness to work with the neighborhood on plans for the shopping center. According to your textbook, the credibility produced by everything Martin said and did during the speech is called credibility.

          * a.     derived

            b.     functional

            c.     perceived

            d.     variable

            e.     ongoing

76.       The credibility of a speaker before he or she starts to speak is called credibility.

          * a.     initial

            b.     negative

            c.     derived

            d.     steady

            e.     terminal

77.       Audience members were unsure about the credibility of Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project border patrol group, when he came to speak on campus. As he spoke, he built his credibility by using high-quality evidence and relating to the concerns of his audience. After the speech, students agreed they would like to have him visit campus again for a roundtable discussion. According to your textbook, the credibility that Gilchrist produced by the end of his speech is called credibility.

            a.     steady

            b.     perceived

            c.     developed

            d.     ongoing

          * e.     terminal

78.       According to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker at the end of the speech is called credibility.

            a.     final

            b.     derived

            c.     concluding

          * d.     terminal

            e.     acquired

79.       According to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker produced by everything the speaker says or does during the speech itself is called

            a.     created credibility.

          * b.     derived credibility.

            c.     demonstrated credibility.

            d.     generated credibility.

            e.     terminal credibility.

80.       Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to enhance your credibility in a persuasive speech?

            a.     explain your expertise on the speech topic

            b.     deliver your speeches fluently and expressively

            c.     establish common ground with your audience

          * d.     all of the above

            e.     a and c only

81.       Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to enhance your credibility in a persuasive speech?

          * a.     establish common ground with your audience

            b.     avoid talking about your personal knowledge of the topic

            c.     relate the topic to the audience in your introduction

            d.     all of the above

            e.     a and b only

82.       According to your textbook, research has shown that

            a.     speakers with low initial credibility do not need to use as much evidence as speakers with high initial credibility.

            b.     the credibility of a speaker is determined above all by how the audience perceives the speaker’s intelligence and prestige.

          * c.     speakers can enhance their credibility by delivering their speeches fluently and expressively.

            d.     personal appearance is the most important factor in determining a speaker’s derived credibility.

            e.     a speaker can begin with low terminal credibility and develop high initial credibility as the speech proceeds.

83.       Evidence and reasoning are the two major elements of persuasion that Aristotle called

            a.     pathos.

          * b.     logos.

            c.     credos.

            d.     ethos.

            e.     mythos.

84.       Using evidence is especially critical in a persuasive speech when your target audience

            a.     is apathetic about your point of view.

            b.     is neutral toward your point of view.

            c.     supports your point of view.

          * d.     opposes your point of view.

            e.     is not sure of your point of view.

85.       According to your textbook, using evidence in a persuasive speech can

            a.     increase the speaker’s credibility.

            b.     inoculate listeners against counterpersuasion.

            c.     compensate for fallacious reasoning.

            d.     all of the above.

          * e.     a and b only.

86.       When giving a persuasive speech to an audience that opposes your point of view, it is especially important that you use to answer their objections to your views.

            a.     visual aids

            b.     syllogisms

            c.     credibility statements

            d.     emotional appeals

          * e.     evidence

87.       According to your textbook, it is especially important to use evidence in a persuasive speech to

            a.     reinforce your competence on the topic.

            b.     establish common ground with your audience.

          * c.     answer listeners’ objections to your position.

            d.     generate goodwill among your audience.

            e.     reinforce your reasoning.

88.       Studies have found that public speakers will usually be more persuasive when they

            a.     use evidence that is already familiar to the audience.

          * b.     present evidence in specific rather than general terms.

            c.     state evidence without drawing explicit conclusions from it.

            d.     avoid emotional appeals when seeking action from the audience.

            e.     speak slightly slower than normal when delivering the speech.

89.       As your textbook explains, studies have found that public speakers will usually be more persuasive when they

            a.     use specific evidence.

            b.     use evidence from credible sources.

            c.     use evidence that is new to the audience.

          * d.     all of the above.

            e.     a and b only.

90.       According to your textbook, all of the following are tips for using evidence in a persuasive speech except

            a.     present evidence in specific rather than general terms.

          * b.     balance the amount of evidence used to support each main point.

            c.     support ideas with evidence that is new to the audience.

            d.     make clear the point your evidence is supposed to prove.

            e.     rely on evidence from competent, credible sources.

91.       According to your textbook, as a persuasive speaker, your two major concerns with respect to reasoning are to

            a.     establish credibility and reason correctly.

            b.     make sure your reasoning is clear and credible.

            c.     avoid fallacies and support reasoning with testimony.

            d.     adapt reasoning to both hostile and favorable listeners.

          * e.     make sure your reasoning is sound and convincing.

92.       When reasoning from specific instances in a persuasive speech, you should be especially careful to

            a.     avoid the fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

          * b.     keep from generalizing too hastily.

            c.     state your conclusion before the specific instances that prove it.

            d.     all of the above.

            e.     b and c only.

93.       Which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for reasoning from specific instances in a persuasive speech?

            a.     reinforce your argument with statistics and testimony

            b.     include at least one extended example among your specific instances

            c.     avoid generalizing too hastily

            d.     all of the above

          * e.     a and c only

94.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

In recent months, newspapers have carried reports of vicious dogs attacking people in Los Angeles, St. Louis, Boston, and Orlando. These reports show that dog attacks are an increasingly serious problem nationwide.

            a.     analogical reasoning

            b.     reasoning from principle

            c.     journalistic reasoning

          * d.     reasoning from specific instances

            e.     causal reasoning

95.       According to your textbook, what kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

Last summer, a five-year-old boy in Seattle was killed by his brother when the two were playing with their father’s gun. Last month, four-year-old Dylan Jackson accidentally killed himself after finding a loaded gun at a friend’s home during a birthday party. In Tampa, Florida, a two-year-old shot himself in the chest with a pistol left in the family couch. Clearly, children in America are at risk from gun accidents.

            a.     chain reasoning

            b.     reasoning from principle

            c.     deductive reasoning

          * d.     reasoning from specific instances

            e.     analogical reasoning

96.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

In the 1770s the American colonists boycotted British tea and had a big impact on British trade. In 1993 manufacturers in Bangladesh released 150,000 child laborers as a result of threatened boycotts against their products. More recently, Colgate has stopped animal testing for its personal care products in response to consumer boycotts. It is clear from these examples that boycotts have long been used as an instrument of social change.

            a.     circular reasoning

            b.     analogical reasoning

            c.     deductive reasoning

          * d.     reasoning from specific instances

            e.     reasoning from principle

97.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

The income of male accountants is 20 percent higher than the income of female accountants. There is a similar difference between the income of male and female lawyers. Even among doctors, we find an income gap of 20 percent or more within most medical specialties. It is clear that in many professions women continue to earn less than men.

            a.     reasoning from gender

            b.     reasoning from comparison

          * c.     reasoning from specific instances

            d.     reasoning from general cases

            e.     reasoning from principle

98.       What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

In recent years there have been a number of highly publicized cases of sexual harassment in business, government, and education. Thus we can conclude that sexual harassment continues to be a problem for women in the workplace.

            a.     causal reasoning

            b.     reasoning from principle

          * c.     reasoning from specific instances

            d.     emotional reasoning

            e.     analogical reasoning

99.       Which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for reasoning from specific instances in a persuasive speech?

            a.     Cite specific instances that are familiar to your audience.

            b.     Be sure to state the conclusion before the specific instances that support it.

          * c.     Avoid sweeping conclusions not justified by the specific instances.

            d.     Use a hypothetical example to relate the specific instances to the audience.

            e.     Take care that the specific instances being compared are essentially alike.

100.     What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement?

French movies are all dull. I saw three of them last semester in my film class and couldn’t stay awake through a single one.

            a.     false cause

            b.     faulty deduction

            c.     invalid analogy

          * d.     hasty generalization

            e.     circular thinking

101.     What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement?

Both of my roommates drink at least three cans of soda every day and neither of them is overweight, so all those studies that link soda consumption to obesity must be wrong.

            a.     circular reasoning

          * b.     hasty generalization

            c.     invalid analogy

            d.     false cause

            e.     bandwagon

102.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

We should be taking every step we can to protect our health. Getting vaccinated against bacterial meningitis will help protect our health. Therefore, each of us should get vaccinated against bacterial meningitis.

            a.     reasoning from cause

            b.     reasoning from prudence

            c.     reasoning from specific instances

          * d.     reasoning from principle

            e.     reasoning from safety

103.     According to your textbook, when you reason in a persuasive speech from a general principle to a specific conclusion, you are using

            a.     analogical reasoning.

          * b.     reasoning from principle.

            c.     reasoning by generalization.

            d.     reasoning from premises.

            e.     universal reasoning.

104.     In her speech on chewing tobacco, Catherine made the following argument:

To be effective, laws governing chewing tobacco sales to minors must be enforced and must have adequate penalties for people who violate the law. My proposal will significantly increase both enforcement provisions and penalties for violators. Therefore, my plan will be effective.

            What kind of reasoning did Catherine use?

          * a.     reasoning from principle

            b.     reasoning from analogy

            c.     reasoning from specific instances

            d.     reasoning from expediency

            e.     reasoning from need

105.     According to your textbook, what kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

Five years ago, we came together as a community by voting to build a new elementary school. Today we are asking you to come together again, this time to build a new recreational facility. If we did it before, we can do it again.

            a.     positive reasoning

          * b.     analogical reasoning

            c.     chronological reasoning

            d.     functional reasoning

            e.     dialogical reasoning

106.     As your textbook explains, when reasoning from principle in a persuasive speech, it is particularly important that you

            a.     establish the credibility of your causal premise.

            b.     draw your conclusion from a large and representative sample.

          * c.     assess whether you need to support your general principle with evidence.

            d.     make sure your general principle and minor premise are analogous.

            e.     balance the time spent on your minor premise and causal premise.

107.     What kind of reasoning is exemplified in the following statement?

Politicians who are guilty of corruption do not deserve to be reelected. Last year our U.S. representative was proved to be corrupt by using campaign donations for personal financial gain. Therefore, our U.S. representative does not deserve to be reelected.

            a.     reasoning from specific instances

            b.     causal reasoning

            c.     reasoning by generalization

            d.     analogical reasoning

          * e.     reasoning from principle

108.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

U.S. children raised in two-parent families with incomes below the poverty line have a greater incidence of school absences, lower test scores, and less chance of finishing high school than do children raised in one-parent households with incomes at least 10 percent above the poverty line. We can see, therefore, that it is the economic stability of the family, not its family structure, that determines a child’s ability to succeed in school.

            a.     chain reasoning

          * b.     causal reasoning

            c.     deductive reasoning

            d.     analogical reasoning

            e.     practical reasoning

109.     According to your textbook, what kind of reasoning is exemplified in the following statement?

We do not have to look very far to find reasons for the explosion in the number of violent crimes committed by teenagers in the United States. Not only are guns readily available to teenagers, but today’s teenagers have grown up in a culture that glamorizes violence in television and films. The average child in the U.S. has seen more than 20,000 murders on television by the time he or she turns eighteen. Is it any wonder that many of those children are now committing violent crimes themselves?

            a.     analogical reasoning

            b.     reasoning from principle

          * c.     causal reasoning

            d.     reasoning from deduction

            e.     analytical reasoning

110.     What kind of reasoning is exemplified in the following statement?

According to a study by the University of Michigan, married men in the United States earn an average of 31 percent more money than unmarried men. It seems clear, then, that for many men being married is a major cause of financial success.

          * a.     causal reasoning

            b.     analogical reasoning

            c.     reasoning from principle

            d.     statistical reasoning

            e.     deductive reasoning

111.     According to your textbook, what error in reasoning should a speaker watch out for when using causal reasoning in a persuasive speech?

            a.     claiming a causal link between two events when they are merely coincidental

            b.     assuming that events have only one cause when there may be multiple causes

            c.     committing the post nobis fallacy of using inappropriate causal evidence

            d.     all of the above

          * e.     a and b only

112.     What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement?

I always wear my blue sweater when I take an exam, but I couldn’t find it yesterday. If I had worn it yesterday, I would not have flunked my accounting exam.

            a.     circular thinking

            b.     hasty generalization

            c.     invalid analogy

          * d.     false cause

            e.     faulty deduction

113.     Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, meaning “after this, therefore because of this,” is a fallacy associated with reasoning.

            a.     parallel

            b.     deductive

            c.     comparative

            d.     descriptive

          * e.     causal

114.     The following statement is an example of reasoning from

This program was implemented in Philadelphia two years ago and has provided housing for more than 2,000 people at little cost to the city. If it can work there, it can work here, too.

            a.     cause.

            b.     validity.

            c.     principle.

          * d.     analogy.

            e.     maxim.

115.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

Requiring students to sign an honor code has reduced the incidences of cheating at George Mason University. If we adopt such a code at our school, it will help us reduce the amount of cheating as well.

            a.     chain reasoning

            b.     deductive reasoning

            c.     dependent reasoning

            d.     practical reasoning

          * e.     analogical reasoning

116.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

Local control of the school system is the most effective way to educate our children. Therefore, local control of the health care system is the most effective way to maintain the health of our citizens.

          * a.     analogical reasoning

            b.     practical reasoning

            c.     specific reasoning

            d.     factual reasoning

            e.     dependent reasoning

117.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following passage?

The Amber Alert system has already proved effective in the states where it has been adopted. Because it has helped return kidnapped children to their parents in those states, we can be confident that it will produce similar results once it is passed into law in our state.

            a.     legal reasoning

            b.     comparative reasoning

            c.     functional reasoning

            d.     practical reasoning

          * e.     analogical reasoning

118.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

In Germany, female employees can take up to 18 weeks of maternity leave with full pay. If such a plan can work in a prosperous nation such as Germany, surely it can work throughout the United States.

            a.     generalization

            b.     causal

          * c.     analogical

            d.     specific

            e.     descriptive

119.     In her speech arguing for the elimination of pennies from the U.S. money supply, Susan demonstrated that her plan will work by showing that a similar plan worked when the U.S. eliminated the half penny in 1857. What kind of reasoning did Susan use in her argument?

            a.     causal reasoning

          * b.     analogical reasoning

            c.     deductive reasoning

            d.     comparative reasoning

            e.     classical reasoning

120.     When reasoning analogically, you infer that

            a.     a causal relationship can be established between two or more events.

          * b.     what is true in one case will also be true in a similar case.

            c.     a general principle is validated by a question of fact.

            d.     your position is true because it is demonstrated by statistical trends.

            e.     a specific conclusion is true because it is verified by a general principle.

121.     What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?

Colorizing old movies such as Citizen Kane is like repainting the Mona Lisa.

          * a.     analogical

            b.     artistic

            c.     reasoning from principle

            d.     reasoning from specific instances

            e.     causal

122.     According to your textbook, the most important question to ask when assessing analogical reasoning in a persuasive speech is

            a.     whether there are enough analogies to support the general conclusion.

            b.     whether the analogical principle is supported by the major premise.

            c.     whether the analogy avoids the fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

          * d.     whether the two cases being compared are essentially alike.

            e.     whether the analogy assumes that complex events have only a single cause.

123.     As your textbook explains, the either-or fallacy is often referred to as a(n)

            a.     red herring.

            b.     invalid analogy.

            c.     hasty generalization.

            d.     faulty deduction.

          * e.     false dilemma.

124.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

In high school I didn’t have to study at all and I earned good grades in all my classes, so I’m sure I don’t need to study to do well in my college classes.

            a.     either-or

            b.     red herring

          * c.     invalid analogy

            d.     hasty deduction

            e.     false cause

125.     A red herring fallacy

            a.     assumes that because two things are related in time, they are causally linked.

          * b.     introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion.

            c.     assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore good, correct, or desirable.

            d.     forces listeners to choose between two alternatives when more than two alternatives exist.

            e.     assumes that taking a first step will inevitably lead to other steps that cannot be prevented.

126.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Why should we worry about endangered animal species when thousands of people are killed in automobile accidents each year?

            a.     either-or

          * b.     red herring

            c.     false deduction

            d.     hasty generalization

            e.     ad hominem

127.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

How can we be so concerned about shielding children in the U.S. from Internet pornography when millions of children around the world continue to be sold into slavery every year?

            a.     either-or

          * b.     red herring

            c.     false deduction

            d.     ad hominem

            e.     invalid analogy

128.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Why should we be concerned about Siberian tigers becoming extinct when there are more and more homeless people who need our support?

          * a.     red herring

            b.     ad hominem

            c.     hasty generalization

            d.     slippery slope

            e.     either-or

129.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

We are spending too much time talking about regulating the cable TV industry while other countries are beating us in technological development.

            a.     slippery slope

            b.     bandwagon

            c.     either-or

          * d.     red herring

            e.     invalid analogy

130.     An either-or fallacy

            a.     assumes that because two things are related in time, they are causally linked.

            b.     attacks the person rather than dealing with the real issue in dispute.

            c.     introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion.

          * d.     forces listeners to choose between two alternatives when more than two alternatives exist.

            e.     assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore good, correct, or desirable.

131.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Either we all sign organ donor cards or medical facilities will start cloning people just to sell their body parts.

          * a.     either-or

            b.     invalid analogy

            c.     hasty deduction

            d.     false principle

            e.     red herring

132.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

We have only two choices. Either we fully support the govern-ment’s counter-terrorism


measures or we become traitors who give comfort to our enemies.

            a.     false cause

            b.     invalid analogy

            c.     hasty generalization

            d.     erroneous principle

          * e.     either-or

133.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Representative Thompson’s school proposal may be first rate, but don’t forget that he never attended college himself.

            a.     bandwagon

          * b.     ad hominem

            c.     hasty generalization

            d.     post hoc, ergo propter hoc

            e.     either-or

134.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Hannah makes a good argument in favor of providing economic benefits for same-sex couples, but what else would you expect from someone who is openly gay?

            a.     invalid analogy

            b.     post hoc, ergo propter hoc

            c.     hasty generalization

          * d.     ad hominem

            e.     either-or

135.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Of course, Senator Davis opposes serious tax reform. Before going into politics, he was a corporate lawyer who defended several companies that have since been implicated in unethical financial dealings.

            a.     bandwagon

            b.     slippery slope

            c.     hasty generalization

            d.     invalid analogy

          * e.     ad hominem

136.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

People who oppose the governor’s new welfare program are all a bunch of selfish rich people who don’t have any concern for those less fortunate than themselves.

            a.     bandwagon

            b.     invalid analogy

            c.     hasty generalization

          * d.     ad hominem

            e.     false cause

137.     The ad hominem fallacy

          * a.     attacks the person rather than dealing with the real issue in dispute.

            b.     assumes that complex events have only a single cause.

            c.     assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore correct.

            d.     all of the above.

            e.     b and c only.

138.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

There is no doubt that American businesses have been hurt by all the environmental regulations passed in recent years. Most of the regulations were dreamed up by ivory tower intellectuals, nature freaks, and tin-headed government bureaucrats. We can’t afford those kinds of regulations.

          * a.     ad hominem

            b.     invalid syllogism

            c.     hasty generalization

            d.     erroneous deduction

            e.     slippery slope

139.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Everyone runs red lights when they’re in a hurry, so there’s no reason I shouldn’t do it, too.

            a.     slippery slope

            b.     hasty generalization

            c.     false cause

            d.     either-or

          * e.     bandwagon

140.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Eliminating the space shuttle program is clearly the right thing to do. After the last shuttle disaster, several polls showed that 55 to 60 percent of Americans thought we should abolish the program.

          * a.     bandwagon

            b.     either-or

            c.     hasty generalization

            d.     false cause

            e.     invalid analogy

141.     A slippery slope fallacy

          * a.     assumes that taking a first step will inevitably lead to other steps that cannot be prevented.

            b.     introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion.

            c.     assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore good, correct, or desirable.

            d.     forces listeners to choose between two alternatives when more than two alternatives exist.

            e.     assumes that because two things are related in time, they are causally linked.

142.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

More people use Pepcid AC than any other product to control the indigestion caused by acid reflux syndrome. Therefore, you can be sure it is the most effective treatment.

            a.     either-or

            b.     hasty generalization

          * c.     bandwagon

            d.     false cause

            e.     invalid analogy

143.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

If we encourage elementary school students to use computers in the classroom, they will spend less time reading books. As a result, they will fall way behind in developing reading, writing, and thinking skills. Pretty soon we will have a generation of illiterates on our hands.

            a.     invalid analogy

            b.     bandwagon

          * c.     slippery slope

            d.     red herring

            e.     either-or

144.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

If we allow the government to restrict the sale of semiautomatic weapons, before we know it, there will be a ban on ownership of handguns and even hunting rifles. And once our constitutional right to bear arms has been compromised, the right of free speech will be the next to go.

            a.     either-or

            b.     ad hominem

          * c.     slippery slope

            d.     bandwagon

            e.     invalid analogy

145.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

More than 31 states now have laws permitting citizens to carry concealed weapons. The popularity of these laws shows that allowing people to carry concealed weapons is a good idea.

            a.     false cause

            b.     red herring

            c.     invalid analogy

            d.     slippery slope

          * e.     bandwagon

146.     “The only way to keep our children from becoming involved with drugs and crime is to enforce a strict curfew every night of the week” is an example of which of the following fallacies?

            a.     faulty deduction

            b.     invalid analogy

          * c.     either-or

            d.     red herring

            e.     bandwagon

147.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

We must either support the governor’s plan to reduce spending on education or we will never be able to balance the state budget.

          * a.     either-or

            b.     faulty comparison

            c.     hasty generalization

            d.     invalid analogy

            e.     bandwagon

148.     What fallacy is exemplified by the following statement?

If we approve a construction permit for this home, the next thing you know other people will want to build in our valley. Then they will pave new roads and put in gas stations and other businesses. Before you know it, all of our beautiful land will be turned into a parking lot for a giant shopping mall.

            a.     red herring

            b.     ad hominem

            c.     bandwagon

          * d.     slippery slope

            e.     either-or

149.     A bandwagon fallacy

            a.     assumes that taking a first step will inevitably lead to other steps that cannot be prevented.

            b.     introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion.

          * c.     assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore good, correct, or desirable.

            d.     forces listeners to choose between two alternatives when more than two alternatives exist.

            e.     assumes that because two things are related in time, they are causally linked.

150.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

Every presidential administration in recent memory has engaged in questionable fundraising activities, so I don’t see any reason why it is wrong for the current administration to do so.

            a.     red herring

          * b.     bandwagon

            c.     slippery slope

            d.     invalid syllogism

            e.     hasty generalization

151.     According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?

The mayor was re-elected with a large majority and continues to have high popularity in the polls. Clearly, then, he has the correct policy on police-community relations.

          * a.     bandwagon

            b.     invalid analogy

            c.     hasty generalization

            d.     ad hominem

            e.     false cause

152.     According to your textbook, which of the following statements is true?

            a.     Emotional appeal is incompatible with ethical public speaking.

            b.     A public speaker should not substitute emotional appeal for evidence and reasoning.

            c.     Emotional appeal is usually inappropriate in a persuasive speech on a question of fact.

            d.     all of the above

          * e.     b and c only

153.     According to your textbook, emotional appeal is

            a.     inappropriate in a persuasive speech on a question of policy.

          * b.     often necessary when a speaker is trying to move an audience to action.

            c.     most effectively generated by using emotionally charged words.

            d.     unethical unless the emotional appeal is combined with causal reasoning.

            e.     seldom used by public speakers in support of honorable causes.

154.     As your textbook explains, emotional appeal is

            a.     seldom used by public speakers in support of honorable causes.

            b.     unethical unless the emotional appeal is combined with reasoning from principle.

          * c.     often necessary when a speaker is trying to move an audience to action.

            d.     all of the above.

            e.     a and b only.

155.     According to your textbook, emotional appeal is inappropriate in a persuasive speech on a question of

          * a.     fact.

            b.     ethics.

            c.     practicality.

            d.     policy.

            e.     value.

156.     According to your textbook, when using emotional appeal in a persuasive speech, you should usually

            a.     use as many emotionally laden words as you can.

          * b.     let emotional appeal grow naturally out of the speech content.

            c.     avoid blurring the lines between reason and emotional appeal.

            d.     restrict emotional appeals to the conclusion of the speech.

            e.     substitute emotional appeals for evidence and reasoning.

157.     As your textbook explains, are usually the most effective supporting materials if you want to increase the emotional appeal of a persuasive speech.

            a.     statistics

            b.     analogies

            c.     research studies

            d.     quotations

          * e.     examples

158.     Appeals to audience emotions such as fear, compassion, guilt, or pride are the kinds of appeals that Aristotle referred to as

            a.     ethos. b.     kairos. * c.     pathos. d.     demos. e.     logos.

159.     Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a method for generating emotional appeal in a persuasive speech?

            a.     use clear visual aids

            b.     develop vivid examples

            c.     speak with sincerity and conviction

            d.     all of the above

          * e.     b and c only

160.     Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a method for generating emotional appeal in a persuasive speech?

          * a.     develop vivid examples

            b.     increase the rate of your delivery

            c.     substitute emotional appeals for evidence

            d.     use more denotative language

            e.     employ visual aids

161.     According to your textbook, the strongest source of emotional appeal in persuasive speaking is

            a.     the speaker’s integrity and prestige.

            b.     true-to-life supporting material.

            c.     dramatic, emotionally charged language.

          * d.     the speaker’s sincerity and conviction.

            e.     vivid comparison and contrast.

162.     In her persuasive speech, Kari wants to generate emotional appeal to help convince her classmates to sign up as organ donors. According to your textbook, how can Kari create this emotional appeal?

            a.     use emotional language b.     develop vivid examples c.     speak with sincerity and conviction   * d.     all of the above

163.     What does your textbook advise regarding the ethical use of emotional appeals in a persuasive speech?

            a.     Restrict emotional appeals to the conclusion of the speech.

            b.     Use emotional appeals on topics that do not lend themselves to reasoning.

            c.     Avoid emotional appeals when speaking on a question of policy.

            d.     Limit emotional appeals to speeches using Monroe’s motivated sequence.

          * e.     Use emotional appeals to supplement your evidence and reasoning. 


To create common ground with an audience in the introduction of a persuasive speech, your textbook recommends that you

* a.     show the audience that you share their values.
b.     use statistics to show the extent of a problem.   c. confront the audience for failing to do the right thing. d.     all of the above. e.     a and b only.

165.  According to your textbook, which of the following is one of the four major objectives of a speech introduction? * a.      reveal the topic in a specific purpose statement   b.     identify the audience c.      reinforce the central idea d.     all of the above

166. What contemporary researchers term credibility, Aristotle termed

            a.     ethics. b.     logos. * c.     ethos.   d.     pathos. e.     credos.

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