What is a dna adduct

DNA adducts are chemical modifications of DNA. A chemical modification on the DNA strand may hinder DNA replication (like when you get something caught in your jacket zipper), resulting in abnormal replication and mutation.

The formation of the adduct in cells does not mean an individual will develop cancer. The DNA is constantly being damaged. The body has systems in place which can repair damaged DNA or induce the death of cells with high levels of DNA damage. Continuous exposure to the environments and substances that lead to the formation of adducts (e.g. through poor diet and lifestyle) can in the long-term lead to a greater chance of proliferation of cells with damage in genes that make it susceptible to becoming cancers. This is a process that can take decades.

DNA adducts can be detected using a method called, immunohistochemistry. In this method, a tissue of interest is embedded into media on microscope slides. Then, an antibody specific for the DNA adduct is applied. Next, a specific stain is added to the slides. In places where the antibody has bound to tissue containing DNA adducts, the stain will show a red colour. Parts of the tissue that have no DNA adducts will be coloured blue by the stain.

Diet modulates levels of DNA adducts in our body.


  • Le Leu, R.K., Winter, J.M., Christophersen, C.T., Young , G.P., Humphreys, K.J., Hu, Y., Gratz, S.W., Miller, R.B., Topping, D.L., Bird, A.R., Conlon, M.A. “Butyrylated Starch Intake Can Prevent Red Meat-Induced O6-Methyl-2-Deoxyguanosine Adducts in Human Rectal Tissue: a Randomised Clinical Trial.” British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 114, no. 02, 2015, pp. 220–230., doi:10.1017/s0007114515001750.

The term “bulky DNA adducts” comes from early experiments that employed a 32P-DNA postlabeling approach for damage analysis and refers to all the relatively large aromatic and nonpolar carcinogen DNA adducts, such as those induced from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and aromatic amines [3–6].

From: Advances in Clinical Chemistry, 2017

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Page 2

Strengths and limitations of the methods for DNA adduct analysis: 32P-postlabeling, immuno-based assay, GC/MS and LC/MS.

  • Requires low μg levels of DNA

  • Detects wide-range of adducts simultaneously

  • Highly sensitive (1 adduct per 1010 nucleotides)

  • Enzymatic digestion and labeling efficiencies vary among adducts

  • Utilizes high levels of radioactive 32P isotope

  • Very labor intensive

  • DNA adduct levels cannot be quantified and structures not identified

  • Semi-quantitation achieved through use of calibration curve

  • (IHC) Allows visualization of adduct locations in human tissues or cell types, and can be applied to large numbers of samples

  • Antiserum may cross-react with adducts of similar structure, or cellular components (depending on the epitope)

  • Only semi-quantitative

  • DNA adduct structures are not known

  • Requires low μg levels of DNA

  • Adduct structures are known

  • Absolute quantitation possible (targeted approach)

  • Detects wide-range of adducts simultaneously (untargeted approach)

  • Highly skilled personnel are required

  • Instruments are costly

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