What is one important advantage of devolution

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Page 2

Documents reviewed
 Broader decentralization laws/policy documents The 2010 Constitution - 1 Transition to Devolved Government Act 2012–1

County Government Act 2012–1

 Health sector specific implementation policies Ministry of Health Functional Analysis and Transfer (FACT) policy - 1 The Kenya Health Policy 2013–2030 - 1

The Kenya Health Sector Strategic Plan 2013–18 - 1

Range of participants interviewed
 At national level National Ministry of Health (MoH) - 3 Non-government health development partners - 2 UN agencies representatives - 2 Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution The Transition Authority – 1

National Assembly Committee on Health - 1

 In Kilifi county County Department of Health (CDoH) Managers - 5 County Public Services Board - 1 County Assembly (CA) - 1 County Transition Authority coordination office – 1

Sub-County Health Managers- 2

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