What is the difference between between and within?

Hi everyone I was wondering if there was a difference in meaning of the words 'between' and 'within' for native English speakers. There's a picture with a lot of people celebrating Carnaval in Brazil, streets are full full, so my sentence is:

imagine yourself within the mass and 35°C.....

Now would have been there a difference in my sentence if I'd used 'between' the mass instead of 'within'? Thank you


  • "Between" suggère quelque chose situé entre deux choses de même nature.
    Ici, le sens est plutôt "à la fois dans la foule et dans une température ambiante de 35°".

    'within' est donc correct?
    C'est bien ce que je pensais, merci!

    Within implies that you have a boundary (even an invisible one) around you, such as: the demonstrators were caught within the perimeter fence. Between implies, as Arundhati states, that you a have objects either side of you: imagine yourself between the dansers on the street and crowded cafes on the pavement.

    You could use "imagine yourself amongst the mass"

    I wouldn't say that - how about - imagine that you are in the (middle of the) crowd? or you can also say - you are part of crowd
    if you want to use the word mass, it would be better to say the mass of people - within in this context is a bit strange

    Grosso modo :

    between = entre (deux ou maximum trois choses). Between a dancer and a musician.

    within = au sein de (un ensemble ou une seule chose) Within a crowd of dancers.
    among = parmi (de nombreuses choses) Among a hundred dancers.

    "Inside the mass" would be correct too no?

    I suppose you could say that, but it would depend a lot on what you wanted to say - what could be 'inside' a mass of people?

    ‘In’ vs ‘Within’

    The words ‘in’ and ‘within’ are called prepositions which are used to link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to complete a sentence. They also indicate a spatial and logical relationship between the objects they connect which give sentences sensible meanings. For example: ‘The car is in the garage.’ ‘In’ is used to describe the location of the car. ‘Within’ can also be used to substitute for the preposition ‘in’ which makes it look like this: ‘The car is within the garage.’ While both terms identify where the object is, they also portray different meanings.

    ‘In’ is a definitive and specific description of an object’s location while ‘within’ describes an estimation. ‘In’ almost always refers to being inside with finality while ‘within’ requires parameters to be accurate. To make things easier to understand, look at this example: ‘Elvis is in the building.’ It’s very clear where the subject is located, which is, inside the building.

    Now changing ‘in’ to ‘within,’ the sentence becomes like this: ‘Elvis is within the building.’ It becomes somewhat hazy where the subject really is without some sort of measurement to base it upon. But when a reference point is added, it becomes like this: ‘Elvis is within five meters of the building.’ This shows where the subject is which is very near the building but not inside.
    One key point that makes it all the more confusing is the fact that ‘within’ can be used to refer to something that is contained internally or inside which is very similar with what the word ‘in’ means. Take the same example: ‘Elvis is within the building.’ It can be transformed to mean that the subject is confined inside an area of the building which goes like this: ‘Elvis is within the lobby of the building.’ While it’s still not precise, nevertheless, it implies that the subject is really inside.

    1. ‘In’ and ‘within’ are both prepositions that refer to spatial or a logical relationship between two or more subjects in a sentence.
    2. ‘In’ is specifically defined as being inside while ‘within’ implies being inside of a given set of parameters relative to the object it’s linking to and not actually inside of it.

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