What number must be added to each of the numbers 1626 and 40 so that the resulting number may be in continued proportion?

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Assume that x be number subtracted from each of the numbers 54, 71, 75 and 99 so that their remainders will be a proportion. ∴ 54 - x , 71 - x , 75 - x , and 99 - x are in proportion. ∴ When x = 3 subtracted from each of the numbers so that the remainders will be a proportion.

What number should be subtracted from each of 50 61 92 117 so that the numbers so obtained in this order are in proportion?

The required number is 17.

What number should be subtracted from each of the number 23 3057 78 so that the remainder are in proportion?

What number should be subtracted from each of the numbers 23, 30, 57, and 78 so that the remainders are in proportion? Therefore, 6 is the number to be subtracted from each of the numbers.

What least number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 14 17 34 and 42 so that remainder may be proportional?

what least number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 14,17,34 and 42, so that the remainders may be proportional,,,,and its answer is 2 solved them.

What number should be added to each of 6 14 18 and 38 so that the resulting number make a proportion?

Correct. Hence 2 needs to be added to each of the 4 numbers - 6, 14, 18 and 38 to make the resulting numbers in proportion.

Find the number subtracted from each of the numbers 54, 71, 75 and 99 that leaves the remainder

What number must be added to each of the numbers 10/18 22 38 to get the numbers which are in proportion?

Answer: 2 must be added the numbers.

What number must be added to each of the numbers 25/33 46 60 so that the numbers are in proportion?

Hence, the number that must be added to the numbers 25,33,46,60 to make the number proportional is 3.

What least number be subtracted from each of the numbers 12 17 22/32 so that the remainder may be in proportional?

Required number = 2. that's it.

What number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 41 55 36 48 so that the differences are proportional?

What number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 41, 55, 36, 48, so that the differencesare proportional? the answer is 6​

What number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 14 17 21 so that the results are in GP?

⇒x=2. Was this answer helpful?

What number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 27 38 7/8 so that the remainders are in proportion?

Then we will put all the numbers in proportion and use the proportion property to form an equation. Finally we will simplify the obtained equation and get our desired answer. So when $5$ is subtracted from each of the numbers $27,38,7,8$ the remainder are in proportion.

What number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 17/20 & 24 so that the results are in continued proportion?

′2 ′ is the least number to be subtracted so that the numbers will be in proportional.

What must be subtracted from each of the numbers 6 7 18 and 22 so that the remainders are in proportion?

The required number is 2.

What number should be subtracted from 3 7to get 5 7?

Hence, the number to be subtracted from 3/7 to get 5/7 is -2/7.

What number should be subtracted from each of the numbers 18/24 28 38 so that the remainders may be in proportion?

Answer: The required number is 3. To find : What number should be subtracted from each of the number 18,24,28,38 so that remainders may be in proportion?

What must be subtracted from each of the numbers 21 38 55106 so that they become in proportional?

What integers divided into 21, 38, 55 & 106 all have the same remainders? What is the remainder when dividing all four integers by 17. So we need to subtract 4 from all four integers to make them all proportional by integers.

What number should be subtracted from 28 20 37 and 26 so that the numbers formed are in proportion?

Answer. Therefore, 6 is the number to be subtracted from each of the numbers.

When a number is subtracted from the number 8 12 and 20 the remainders are in continued proportion find the number?

∴ 4 can be subtracted from the numbers 8 12 20 so that the remainder are in continued proportion.

What least number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 7 17 and 47 80 that the remainders are in continued proportion?

What least number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 7, 17 and 47 so that the remainders are in continued proportion? Let the number subtracted to be x. Therefore, the required number which must be subtracted is 2.

What number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 10 12 19 24 to get the numbers which are in proportion?

Answer: so subtract 4 from each of four numbers:10,12,19 and 24 to make a proportional.

What number should be added to each of the numbers 12 22 42 72 so that the resulting number may be in proportion?

Given numbers- 12,22,42,72. Let the required be x. Then let us assume 12+x, 22+x, 42+x, 72+x are in propotion. Therefore, the required number is 3.

What number must be added to each of the numbers 25 35 45/55 so that the new numbers are in proportion?

Therefore; 5 must be added to each of the numbers 25, 35, 40 and 55 so that new numbers will be in proportion.

What number must be added to each of the numbers 18 28 30 and 46 so that they are in proportion?

Answer. the no . that should be added is 2 to make the given no. in proportion.

What number must be added to each of the numbers 1626 and 40 so that the resulting number may be in continued proportion?

Solution. Let the number added be x. Thus, the required number which should be added is 9.

What number must be added to each of the numbers 5 9 7 12 to get the numbers which?

Hence, 3 must be added to each of the numbers: 5, 9, 7 and 12, to get the numbers which are in proportion.

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What number must be added to each of the number 16, 26 and 40 so that the resulting numbers may be in continued proportion?

Let the number added be x.∴ (16 + x) : (26 + x) :: (26 + x) (40 + x)    16 +x = 26 +x    26 + x 40 + x    (162 + x)(40 + x) = (26 + x2 )     640 + 16x + 40x + x2 = 676 + 52x + x2     56x - 52x = 676 - 640

     4x = 36

       x = 9
Thus, the required number which should be added is 9.

Concept: Concept of Proportion

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