What to do when cat gives birth

We generally recommend having all pet cats spayed or neutered, but we also want to help make sure that, if your cat is pregnant, she receives the very best care. If you believe your cat is pregnant, here are some tips to take care of her.

How to Tell if Your Cat is Pregnant

If you’re not sure if your unspayed cat is pregnant, there are a number of things that may signal that kittens are on the way.

  • Physical changes: A pregnant cat can suffer from bouts of “morning sickness,” and will also generally eat more as the pregnancy progresses. Additionally, your cat's stomach will be noticeably bigger after about five weeks, and it will continue to swell until she gives birth. Additionally, her nipples may appear swollen and/or take on a darker, red color.
  • Behavioral changes: You might find that your previously loving, friendly cat will go into hiding, or an otherwise apathetic cat has suddenly become a snuggle bug – both of these types of changes in behavior are normal for pregnant cats.

What to Feed Your Pregnant Cat

If you notice signs that your cat may be pregnant and it has been confirmed by your veterinarian, you will need to discuss nutritional needs for your pregnant cat. Now that your cat is eating for two (or three, or four, or five…) she will need additional nutrients – and more of them!

Your veterinary team might recommend switching your cat back to kitten food, which will provide nutritional benefits to her kittens, too. Your cat will need more calories to sustain her kittens, so the general plan may be to increase the amount of food you feed her as your pregnant cat nears her term. However, there will also be less room in her stomach as the kittens grow, so feed her smaller amounts but more often throughout the day.

Drinking lots of water is essential for keeping your pregnant cat hydrated, so you may want to keep a few different water bowls around your home in areas that are easy for her to get to. If your cat has pre-existing health needs, or a sensitive stomach, always check with your vet before making any changes to her food and/or feeding routine.

Taking Care of Your Pregnant Cat

During her pregnancy, you will want to keep your cat relatively active in order to ensure she is fit for giving birth. Avoid any excessively rowdy activity towards the end of your cat’s pregnancy, however. You will need to help her stay calm as she nears her due date, as anything too active could cause her stress. Throughout the pregnancy be sure to pay attention to her appetite and her comfort level. If your cat loses interest in her food or is visibly distressed or agitated, it could signal a problem with her pregnancy.

Preparing for Your Cat to Give Birth

Shortly before her due date, provide your cat with a box or “nest” where she can give birth and care for her newborn kittens. Make sure that this birthing box is large enough for your cat and her litter to be comfortable in, but also tall enough to prevent any curious kittens from making an escape! Keep the nest in a warm place and line it with soft blankets or towels (that you won’t mind throwing away). Try to find a familiar location to put the box that is quiet and out of the way, and show your cat where the box is situated.

Regular Veterinary Checkups for Pregnant Cats

Your veterinary team will help you understand the best schedule for checkups throughout your cat's pregnancy. Additionally, you'll be able to plan together for the big day. You will need to know what is "normal" for at-home delivery, and you will want to be ready to safely transport your cat to the office if need be during labor. It's also vital to have the name, location, and phone number of the closest pet emergency facility in case there are complications outside of regular veterinary business hours.

What to Do When Your Cat Goes into Labor

Your cat is domesticated, so she may not have all of the instincts of a “wild” cat; however, most cats require no intervention at all while giving birth. In fact, your cat may purposely seek out solitude when she goes into labor. Most cats would prefer to be left alone, and they definitely don’t want to be pet or touched while they are giving birth. It’s best to give your pregnant cat as much privacy as possible while also leaving yourself the ability to monitor the birthing process for any signs of issues or distress.

Don’t be surprised if your cat decides to give birth in a location other than the “nest” you have prepared for mom and her kittens. If this occurs, don’t be afraid to move the kittens to the box you prepared after they are born. It’s perfectly fine to pick up and handle newborn kittens; carefully touching them will not cause your cat to abandon her kittens or injure them.

What to Do After Your Cat Gives Birth

After your cat has delivered her kittens, you should take both mom and her kittens to the veterinarian for a post-natal checkup within 24-48 hours. If your cat had an accidental pregnancy, the post-natal checkup is a good time to discuss having your cat spayed to prevent any more surprise litters.

If you have any other questions about pregnancy care for cats, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Here in sunny California, thousands of kittens are born to suffer on the streets and in shelters due to lack of spay and neuter resources and forever homes available. In many cases, pregnant cats will be spayed, but sometimes we will receive a pregnant mother cat that is too far along to spay safely. These moms will require special care to ensure a safe and healthy delivery.

Feeding Pregnant Cats

Your pregnant cat should be fed a high-quality food formulated for growth. This is often some type of kitten food. In general, wet food is a healthier choice than dry but both would be alright. Feed your pregnant queen on a kitten’s schedule - wet food 3 times per day and choose a food that is high in fat and protein to ensure mom is receiving good nutrition.

Your Pregnant Cat's Environment

Beyond some minor vet care and the nutritional changes, your pregnant cat should not have any special needs during most of her pregnancy. However, as she gets closer to queening (giving birth) she will start looking for a safe, quiet place to begin nesting. This usually begins a day or two before birth.

You can prepare a cardboard box or laundry basket by filling it with blankets and tucking it away to a safe, quiet area of your home. However, momma may not decide to use it. As is the case with most cats, they'll do as they please. Momma may choose to give birth in the most inconvenient place. If there are areas of the house you want to keep off-limits for queening, make sure those areas stay closed off during the last week of her pregnancy. Also, make sure she does not have access to the outdoors as she may sneak away to nest somewhere you can't find her. 

Momma may also act restless and even anxious as the birth approaches. This is perfectly normal. Just do your best to keep her comfortable and give her space. This will all be over soon.

Ready to Give Birth

Once momma has chosen the area where she will give birth, it's best to leave her alone and observe from a safe distance. You can place a pet camera on her to allow for extra privacy while still keeping an eye on the situation. When you notice your pregnant momma beginning labor, contact your Foster Mentor immediately and be sure to keep them in the loop every step of the way. Fortunately, most cats need little if any human intervention when it comes to queening.

Keep track of the time in between each birth and make sure you know how many kittens to expect. Contact your Foster Mentor if your cat is having obvious contractions for more than 60 minutes without kitten birth. If a kitten remains in the birth canal without being pushed out for more than a minute or two, it's best to take momma right to the vet so it’s important to stay in close communication with your Foster Mentor.

Avoid separating mom and kittens for the first few days and be sure to continue to provide adequate amount of food for a the momma cat who's caloric needs will increase significantly while she is lactating and feeding her kittens. Do not change the bedding where she had her kittens for a minimum of 48 hours. The first few days are a critical bonding time for mom with her kittens, so keeping her dirty bedding for the few days helps her to connect with them. For the first few days, momma will likely not leave the kitten’s side, so providing her fresh food and water right next to the nest is a good idea. When mom starts coming out and taking breaks from feeding, you can then gently and quietly change the bedding in the nest.

Remember that even the most friendly momma cats may become very protective of the kittens after they’re born and may strike out to protect. Every mother cat reacts to birth differently, so be sure to respect what your momma is asking of you.

post-labor Care

After your momma cat gives birth, you’ll want to keep the space clean, quiet, and free of any other animals. Weigh the kittens as soon as mom will allow and continue weighing them daily. Do not take the kittens away from mom while weighing. Instead, bring your grams scale right next to the nest and weigh them there. Do not be alarmed if mom grabs the baby from you and does not allow weighing. If this occurs, observing the kitten’s overall health will have to do.

Watch each kitten closely and ensure she is nursing, clean, and chubby.

Signs of a struggling kitten with mom:

  • Not gaining weight

  • Crying consistently

  • Being rejected by mom

    • Sometimes mom’s will reject their kittens. This can happen if mom and/or babies are unhealthy, mom is too young and not interested in caring for babies. Regardless of the reason, if you notice a kitten being rejected, you should intervene immediately.

    • When mom cat’s are rejecting their kittens, they will likely display the following signs:

      • Hissing/growing at the kittens when they try to nurse.

      • Kicking the kitten out of the nest.

      • Eating her kittens. Yes, this can happen. It is rare, but it can happen. If this occurs, don’t panic and don’t separate the kittens from mom immediately. Sometimes, mom’s will do this to just one kitten who was not healthy. Contact your foster mentor to set up a plan.

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