Whats the best fruit fly trap

It’s got wings, it flies around, it infiltrates your home and wants to steal your food.

This description can be true of pretty much ALL flies; how do you know you’re dealing specifically with a fruit fly?

Small Bodies, Big Nuisance

Fruit flies are some of the tiniest well-known flies that people can readily identify. They are easy to spot because of their compact bodies, as well as their method of flight.

Instead of flitting around and buzzing like most common houseflies, fruit flies usually engage in a slow, humming hover.

Watch this video on how fruit flies attack your produce in time lapse:

The Fine Print

Fruit flies are so small, that you’d probably need some equipment to see the minute characteristics they hold. Their amber body and wing color is visible to most people, but it takes a sharpened sense of eyesight to see a fruit fly’s menacingly bright red eyes.

Where Do They Hang Out, And When?

Usually, fruit flies will congregate around anything giving off a sweet aroma.

Aptly named, it’s not uncommon to see a hoard of fruit flies flitter away from a bowl of fresh fruit ripening on a kitchen counter.

It’s also pretty common to spot fruit flies around open soda can and beer bottles, as these beverages are high in sugar content and, therefore, very attractive to fruit flies.

These insects thrive in hot temperatures, so late autumn, winter, and spring are not the time that you’ll need to worry about these guys. It’s common to see them infest your home in summertime and in early autumn, before the temperatures have fallen.

…in other words, the season when you’ll actually want to keep your windows open for fresh air.

Fortunately, these little guys don’t bite humans. They actually don’t even have teeth! This is why they love super-ripe or even rotten food: their method of feeding is to wait until a sugar substance has fermented a bit, then suck the juice with a sort of biological straw attached to their mouths for nutrition.

What About Disease?

This is the primary reason you don’t want fruit flies anywhere near your kitchen, or your food: they like rotting food the most of all. The fruit flies swarming all around your bowl of apples may have just been sitting on a pile of rotting watermelons down the street, for all you know. Disease and bacteria can be carried and spread by fruit flies with ease, so it’s important to eliminate them from your home at the very first sign of them.

What About Accidental Ingestion?

While no one plans to go around eating fruit flies, sometimes accidents happen. One might even accidentally fly into your mouth without you realizing it! If you accidentally swallow a fruit fly, you should be fine.

But fruit flies lay microscopic eggs along the surface of your fruits. If you’re not properly washing your produce, you could be putting yourself at risk for far more accidental ingestion than you may realize.


It won’t actually hurt you, however, it’s always advisable to wash your fruit thoroughly to limit the spread of bacteria.

If it’s late August and you’re seeing your first batch of fruit flies for the year, you may be tempted to just live and let live until winter’s chill kills them all off. Why should you invest in traps if they’ll die soon anyway?

Fruit Fly Traps Give Quick Results

Sure, the fruit flies will die in a matter of months anyway, but that doesn’t mean you need to live with them in your home, contaminating your fresh produce.

Think of it this way: if you discovered roaches in your home, but you knew that they would die off in a matter of weeks, would you just ignore them for the time being?

Probably not. Fruit flies are small and seemingly harmless, but don’t let their appearance fool you.

With a fruit fly trap, you can enjoy the warmth of summer without the irritation of these bacteria-ridden pests.

They’re Simply Disgusting

There are no two ways around it: fruit flies are gross. And when you find out that they could be poisoning your fruits with their eggs and larvae, they seem even more repulsive.

Do yourself (and your household) a favor, and take a look at some fly traps specially designed to target and trap fruit flies.

For all the DIY enthusiasts out there, rest easy in knowing that there are ways to concoct your own fruit fly trap to rid your home of these guys. Here are a few of our top-recommended fruit fly trap DIY methods.

Soap and Vinegar Solution

To trap fruit flies seamlessly, you can place a mixture of apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a few small bowls scattered throughout the home, or wherever your fruit flies live.

  • The fruit flies will be lured in by the scent of the apple cider vinegar
  • After they’ve flown into the mixture, the dish soap will act as a glue that traps them
  • Dispose of the mixture once a day, and repeat the process until all fruit flies are gone

Leftover Red Wine Trick

It turns out that red wine is a perfect attractant for fruit flies, as the sugar content is high and the original grape aroma beckons them near. As with the vinegar and dish soap trap, simply leave a bit of red wine out in a jar, and watch fruit flies drown in the wine.

Note: it may be tempting to just leave a bit of wine in the bottom of a bottle, but we recommend to pour it into a separate container with a wide mouth, like a jar or a drinking glass. This way, the fruit flies have an easier access to the wine and a higher chance of falling into the liquid.

The Banana Jar

For this simple hack, all you’ll need are a few peeled bananas, sliced or mashed to fit into a small jar.

You can poke holes in the metal lid of the jar, or simply make some holes in plastic wrap and coat the top of the jar with it. Fruit flies will follow their scent receptor into the jar to the sweet smell of the bananas, but they’ll be unable to find their way out.

Fruit Fly Trap Reviews

But what about the best fruit fly trap to buy?

In the below section we break down each of our product recommendations in a little more detail.

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Fruit flies are a common pest often attracted to garbage cans, fermented foods and fruit. While one or two fruit flies may not be cause for concern, they can quickly multiply until they’re flying around your entire home. Sometimes you only need to remove the source that attracts them. But if that doesn’t work, you’ll need a more tailored solution to get rid of these insects. One of the most common solutions is a fruit fly trap.

Causes of fruit flies

An adult female fruit fly can lay anywhere from 500 to 2,000 eggs in its lifespan. These eggs hatch into maggots within a couple of days and quickly grow into adults, ready to continue the cycle.

Unfortunately, it’s virtually impossible to see these eggs with the naked eye, so it’s hard to get rid of them before they hatch.

Fruit flies usually lay their eggs on surfaces near whatever source attracts them. Common causes of these insects include:

  • Damp locations: Sink drains, toilet, trash cans, used cleaning rags, brooms, wet mops, garbage disposal, etc.
  • Fermenting foods: Vegetables, ripe fruits, spilled wine and juice.
  • Sweet items: Sugary drinks, other food items and crumbs.

If you have fruit flies, try to identify what’s causing them. Clean up any spills and make sure you dry out any wet objects. If the pests are hovering around the garbage, consider using a well-sealed trash can to keep them out. If you still can’t get rid of them, a reliable fruit fly trap can help. Worst case scenario, you might need to hire an exterminator.

Types of traps

There are a few types of fruit fly traps. Each one uses a different method to attract and kill the insects. The most common ones are:

  • Liquid bait: You can use various nontoxic liquid baits to lure fruit flies. Most people use apple cider vinegar or regular vinegar mixed with liquid dish soap to catch the flies and drown them.
  • Powdered bait: Powdered bait is another effective lure and uses ingredients that attract fruit flies, such as vinegar. Some also have toxic ingredients that kill the pests once they ingest the powder. Others use sticky tape to trap the insects until they die.
  • Electric: Electric traps use a very strong light, similar to bug zappers, to lure fruit flies into a charged grid or a sticky paper strip. Some more advanced models incorporate fans to help draw in fruit flies.
  • Color: Certain colors draw in fruit flies more than others. Combine yellow or blue colors with a thin, sticky strip, and you’ll have an inexpensive trap that keeps the insects from escaping.


When it comes to placing a fruit fly trap, you have several options. You can hang some traps around the house while others go behind kitchen appliances or underneath the sink. Others go directly into the garden or around indoor plants.

Certain traps, such as electric ones, require a nearby outlet to work. They’re also limited by the length of the cord. Sticky or color traps usually have stakes that go into the ground, so you should install them outside or in a potted plant.

Avoid placing traps near any food prep areas unless you’re dealing with an immediate problem. Fruit flies can carry different types of bacteria, such as E. coli and salmonella. If you put the traps on the counter, make sure to thoroughly clean the area before preparing any food.


The distance and range each fruit fly trap covers depends on the trap itself. Many manufacturers list the range in square feet on the label of the trap. For example, the DynaTrap DT3005W Dot Indoor Plug-In trap has a range of 400 square feet. If you need a wider range, consider getting two or more traps to cover the problem area fully.


Electric fruit fly traps will work as long as they’re plugged in or fully charged. Others only require you to refill the powdered or liquid bait. Most of these traps last between 30-45 days before you need to replace or refill them.

Certain traps, such as the sticky paper ones, eventually run out of space. When this happens, throw it away and get a new one.

9 best fruit fly traps

Garsum Fruit Fly Trap Yellow Sticky Fungus Gnat Killer

This sticky trap attracts fruit flies and many other flying bugs with its bright color. You can pick from different shapes, including a poplar tree and a butterfly, and it comes in either a 12 or 24 pack. It’s also eco-friendly, making it safe for use in and around potted plants. Sold by Amazon

Yellow Sticky Bug Traps

You have two options to pick from with this sticky paper trap: a 25-pack shaped like butterflies and a 20-pack of standard yellow sheets. The sheets are two-sided, so they last a long time. They’re also easy to set up and work well in small areas. Sold by Home Depot

Rescue! Nontoxic TrapStik For Flies

This trap works similarly to sticky paper traps, but it has a larger surface area and hangs from nearly any surface. It’s intended for indoor use or in areas with minimal foot traffic. It doesn’t have any odors or toxic chemicals. Sold by Amazon

Fruit Fly BarPro

This powerful insect-killing solution is highly effective at luring and killing several fruit flies at once. It’s available in a one, five, and 10-pack and covers up to 200 square feet. It can also prevent pests for up to 120 days. Since it’s so strong, make sure you place it away from food and areas with heavy foot traffic. Sold by Amazon

Terro T2502 Ready-to-Use Indoor Fruit Fly Trap

Offering up to 45 days of protection, this effective trap works quickly. It comes in two, four and 12-pack options and uses a liquid bait to lure and drown fruit flies. Sold by Amazon and Home Depot

Aunt Fannie’s FlyPunch

This liquid trap uses quality ingredients, such as vinegar, to attract and trap fruit flies. Each pack lasts around 30 days, and you can place it inside or outside. Sold by Amazon

DynaTrap DT3005W Dot Indoor Plug-In

This plug-in fruit fly trap covers up to 400 square feet. It uses a UV LED light to attract flying insects and a reusable glue card to trap them. The discreet design fits anywhere, including the kitchen or bathroom. Sold by Amazon

Dynatrap FlyLight AtraktaGlo Basic Model

This large trap comes with three StickyTech cards and a replaceable bulb that lasts up to 4 months. It has a maximum range of 600 square feet and can catch fruit flies, gnats and moths. It works best at night. Sold by Home Depot

Katchy Indoor Insect Trap

Available in either black or white, this round trap uses UV lights and a fan to lure and suck in nearby flying pests with ease. There is a sticky glue board inside that traps the pests, too. Sold by Amazon

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Angela Watson writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.

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