When does catnip affect cats

When your cat gets catnip she may act as though she’s FELINE fine, but catnip isn’t well-suited to every kitty.

If you're a cat lover you've most likely heard of, or even witnessed, cats on catnip. Cartoons, movies, and commercials show cats with huge eyes, scruffy tails, and wild antics while they play with toys infused with catnip. With so many catnip toys on the market, it's tempting to want to purchase every mouse-shaped catnip toy you find, just to inspire that kind of apparent bliss. But not all cats do well with catnip. 

Why do our once lazy couch CATatoes become feisty felines when they encounter catnip? Researchers have tried to shed light on how catnip affects the brain, and many believe that in lots of cats, catnip creates an intoxicated feline (take away the car keys!).

What is Catnip?

Catnip is a plant, specifically an herb, that's a member of the mint family. The underside of the leaves of the plant have glands filled with a chemical substance called nepetalactone. When a cat chews or rubs on the leaves the nepetalactone oil is released. 

The catnip plant can be found in gardens or can grow naturally in areas that get good sun and moisture. You can also purchase many forms of the plant and can buy cat toys that include bags of dried catnip leaves or are catnip infused. 

What Does Catnip Do to Cats And Do All Cats Love It?

Catnip affects the brain of a cat when it's inhaled or eaten. When a cat finds catnip they may rub, roll in, chew, bite, or lick it, causing the herb to take effect, entering the brain by way of the nose. Researchers are not totally sure how catnip affects certain areas in the cat brain, though. Some research has shown that when smelled, catnip may cause certain "happy" chemical responses in some adult cats, but when it's eaten it's more likely to create a more tired and "mellow" kitty. This may be due to a hereditary predisposition to catnip that only some cats have. Yet, a different study suggested that all cats respond to catnip in some way. There's still plenty of research to be done; we just don't know yet how, and why, cats may go crazy for catnip. 

- Emma Darvick

Emma Darvick

Can Kittens Have Catnip?

Interestingly, research suggests that kittens and young cats may not respond to catnip until they reach maturity. This may be due to an underdeveloped vomeronasal organ, the scent analyzer, in cats. Some kittens may even find catnip unpleasant until they reach adulthood. Since kittens are already pretty active and find ways to easily entertain themselves, there's really no need to introduce catnip at that early of an age.

Can Cats Overdose on Catnip?

As far as we know, cats cannot overdose on catnip per se but they can get sick from too much of it. Whenever we give our pets something that may affect their bodies and minds we also need to be sure it's safe and healthy for them. Although it appears lots of cats enjoy catnip, many cat owners have found catnip causes significant issues such as vomiting and diarrhea. In some cats, catnip causes such a surge in stimulation that a cat may become aggressive towards an owner or another cat in the household.

Should You Use Catnip for Cat Enrichment?

There are lots of cat toys on the market that use catnip as a way to entice a cat to play. For a cat that tends to be less active, catnip can encourage moments of rambunctious activity. But catnip alone doesn't make up for a lack of daily enrichment. Cats need good, quality forms of mental and physical enrichment every day, and their toys should reflect their play preferences. For instance, a cat that loves chasing something feathery or anything that moves may not be as interested in a catnip-filled toy as a cat that acts like finding a good spot on the couch equals exercise (my spirit animal).

If you do decide to use catnip, make sure you find the best quality that you can. On her website author Pam Johnson-Bennett, CBCC, says " "When buying dried catnip, look at the packaging and try to find brands that state they use only leaves and blossoms. Companies that use lots of stems aren't as good." 

The organic compound in catnip, nepetalactone, is what gives cats these bizarre reactions. Once the nepetalactone enters the cat’s nose, it binds to the olfactory cells which send their signal to the brain.

The nepetalactone is stored in little microscopic bulbs that coat the plant’s leaves, stems and pods. It is released when the plant is crushed, chewed or when your cat rubs up against it.

Catnip can also be great to encourage your cat to interact with certain toys. If you want to use a scratching post to sharpen your cat ’s claws and keep them away from the furniture, you can rub some catnip into the scratching post or sprinkle some at its base.

If you’re lucky enough to be a cat owner, you know that cat behavior is basically a spectrum of weird quirks and strange noises. If your kitty likes a catnip treat now and then, you’ve probably wondered: what exactly does catnip do to cats? You may be able to answer questions like why do cats purr, or why do cats sleep so much, or even know exactly why cats meow. But after just one sniff (or chomp!) of a catnip plant, many cats start acting in truly bizarre ways. Entertainment value aside, this herb has proven benefits for felines—but that still leaves us wondering what exactly the effect is on our furry friends.

What is catnip? 

Nepeta cataria, the scientific name for catnip, is an herb in the mint family that can grow up to three feet high. Indigenous to Europe, it was transplanted to North America during European settlement. But it isn’t the only herb known to get your kitty to boogie. A study suggests that valerian root, silver vine, and Tatarian honeysuckle can also have a similar effect to catnip on cats’ behavior; if your cat isn’t a fan of catnip, you can give these alternatives a try. All these herbs are safe for cats to ingest in small amounts, but there are some mistakes cat owners should never make.

So what does catnip do to cats?

Cats like catnip for two reasons: smelling it stimulates their senses, and eating it calms them down. Felines are receptive to a volatile oil (an oil that evaporates in the air) found in the stems and leaves of the catnip herb. When they get a whiff of catnip, they behave similarly to female cats in heat (although male cats can experience the effects too)—erratic movements, strange howls, and all. Many cats react to catnip by rolling around, flipping over, rubbing on everything, and eventually zoning out. This out-of-fur experience is due to the active ingredient in the oil, nepetalactone. It binds to receptors inside the cat’s nose and drives its sensory neurons crazy, according to Daniel Rotman, CEO of PrettyLitter.

However, when a cat eats the herb, it has a calming effect. “If the catnip is ingested, it causes fatigue and works as a sedative. For cats that sniff catnip and rub against the plants, they’ll get more of the stimulating effects,” Rotman said. “Both smelling and ingesting catnip is safe for your feline family member.” Our furry pals can’t survive on catnip treats alone—the best dry foods for cats will hold them over.

Catnip’s effects on your cat will only last a short time—about 5 to 30 minutes, says Rotman. This is all dependent on your individual kitty, because studies show that only two-thirds of adult felines are affected by the herb. “About 50 percent of cats seem to be affected by catnip, and the behavior that results varies widely between individuals,” Rotman says. “[This] is an inherited sensitivity and it doesn’t show up immediately. Instead, it will take a few months since young kittens are not affected.” If you think kitty might enjoy a catnip nap (or a catnip boogie around the room), you can make your own catnip crackers for your cat to enjoy.

What are the benefits? 

If you have an indoor-only cat, you probably worry about them being under-stimulated. After all, you can’t be around to play with them every moment they’re awake. Studies show that cats, like all animals, need mental and physical exercise to be happy, and an interesting experience like sniffing or eating catnip could be part of that enrichment. Kitties that don’t receive enough stimulation could develop aggressive, depressed, or anxious behavior—watch out for these silent signs your cat is depressed.

Just make sure you don’t give your cat too much catnip, as it can lead to dizziness or vomiting. Once a week is fine, a little at a time. Fresh is more potent than dried, and catnip sprays can be used on a favorite toy or scratching post if your kitty gets an upset stomach from eating it.

Although catnip may seem like a drug, Rotman confirms that it’s not addictive for cats. He does mention that catnip sometimes makes cats aggressive, though. “If you have a multi-cat household, it’s recommended to introduce catnip to each cat individually to avoid any potential fighting,” Rotman says. Now that you know how catnip affects your feline friend, you’ll want to learn why cats eat grass, too.



Domepitipat/Getty Images


Originally Published: April 05, 2022

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