When the price of sugar was increased by 20 a family reduced its consumption in such a way that the expenditure on sugar is only increased by 15?

Text Solution

Solution : Let the original price of the sugar be Rs `100`.<br>The price of the sugar is increased by `20%`<br>Increased price of the sugar = `100 + (20% of 100) = 100 + 20 = Rs 120`.<br>Increase in price = `120 - 100 = Rs 20`<br>We can consume sugar for `100` rupees so we have to reduce the sugar consumption to 20 rupees<br>sugar of cost Rs `20`is to decreased out of the increased cost of Rs `120`.<br>Percentage decrease = `(20/120) * 100 = 100/6 = 16.67%`.<br>Hence, the consumption of `16.67%` of sugar is to be decreased so that the expenditure on sugar remains the same.

SSC CPO Tentative Answer Key for the SSC CPO Exam held from 9th to 11th November 2022 has been released. Candidates can raise objections against the answer key from 16th to 20th November 2022 against a fee of INR. 100 per question. SSC CPO Admit Card Link for CR, NER, MPR Region & Application Status for CR, WR, NR, NER, ER, MPR, KKR, SR Regions active! The Staff Selection Commission had released the exam date for Paper I of the SSC CPO 2022. As per the notice, Paper I of the SSC CPO is scheduled to be held from 9th November to 11th November 2022. The candidates can check out the SSC CPO Exam Analysis to check the difficulty level and good attempts for each shift exam.

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