Who is Nicandro related to in Who Killed Sara?

So, after 18 episodes, the answer to ‘who killed Sara?’ is… well, we’re still not sure.

For a while in season two’s dramatic, fiery finale, it looked like we’d been gifted an answer – it was Marifer who slashed the rope that led to Sara’s death 18 years before. Certainly she believes she was to blame, confessing all to Álex and Elisa before being hit by a falling piece of casino ceiling.

Then, in a last minute twist, we cut to Nicandro rifling through a filing cabinet in an undisclosed location. As he opens one of its files, we see a picture of Dr Alanis, Sara’s psychiatrist, and then a photo of Sara with the words ‘SG - First patient of the project’ written on the back.

“Dr Alanis,” we hear Nicandro say, “the money is in your bank account, just like my father promised. I’m very glad you accepted the money, instead of risking your life.” He goes to tell him, “Let [Álex] believe that [Marifer] is the murderer. No one can know that we were behind it. There’s too much at stake. Is that clear, doctor?”

Of course, the big question now is: what is this mysterious project and what does or did Sara have to do with it?

We know that Sara was, in Dr Alanis’ words, a “paranoid schizophrenic”, so was the ‘project’ she was a part of something to do with that? And what is Nicandro’s role in all this? He mentions his father in that closing voiceover, but – as far as we know – we haven’t met him yet. In fact, Nicandro’s role in this season, as in season one, has been pretty minimal.

In the first season, even in the flashback scenes, he seemed a character on the peripheries of the action, and his role in season two looked to be fairly straightforward – he was a street-level drug dealer who got screwed over by Sara who then tried to kill him by cutting the brakes on his motorbike. But it appears something even more sinister was going on…

Of course, this wasn’t the only cliffhanger for season two. We also saw Chema hand himself in, confessing to the murder of Moncho and – somewhat bizarrely – Sara’s father Abel from 18 years before (even though we know it was Cesar who committed that crime). With both witnesses to Moncho’s killing – Lorenzo and Clare – now dead, it appears that Chema (who still looks like Bradley Cooper playing Matthew McConaughey) might be in for a lengthy stretch. It’s difficult to know how he can get out of this one.

We’re certainly in a different place, storywise, now than we were at the beginning of the season.

Cesar is legally dead, and living it up on some sun-kissed island somewhere, Rodolfo has, despite losing his wife and stepson, finally found some balls, Elisa has burned down the casino in an act of defiance against her family and Alex believes he’s solved the mystery of Sara’s murder.

On top of that, Lorenzo, Clara, Sergio, Elroy and (possibly) Marifer are all dead, Mariana has been left sobbing in her mansion, while torturing herself for her many sins with a cilice that she wears round her leg, and Sara, we’ve learned, was a homicidal sociopath with a different father to Álex (but the same father as Marifer).

With so many cliffhangers and rug-pulls, this season finale has proved considerably more game-changing than season one’s closer. When Nicandro tells Dr Alanis, “No one can know that we were behind it,” it’s a puzzler – we certainly saw Marifer cut the rope, or at least *start* cutting it, so in what way was Nicandro involved? And what does he mean by ‘we’, unless Dr Alanis somehow ordered her death? Also, what clues can we glean from the Medusa logo on the front of the file Nicandro was looking at…?

Whatever the answers are, we’ve come a long way from how this series started just two months ago, when the only thing we were asking was ‘who killed Sara?’. Eighteen episodes on, that almost seems like the least important question of all.

Roll on season three.

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Jaw-dropping twists are the name of the game for Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? The series, which debuted in March 2021, has regularly delivered chills and thrills as the show takes us on a journey to find out who really killed Sara Guzmán, and Who Killed Sara? season 3 looks to be more of the same. 

In season one, Sara was presented as a normal, innocent girl who was around the wrong people. The second season presents her very differently, as her secrets (including the real birth father of her child) come to light, which sees her face the challenges of having schizophrenia. The latest season of the Netflix series continues this idea, as we start to see what happened to Sara after the parachute accident and the struggles she faced.

The latest season of the Mexican mystery thriller introduced a new character called Reinaldo whose connection to Sara seems anything but friendly. But who actually is he and what does he have to do with Sara’s death?

*Warning: spoilers ahead!*

Who is Reinaldo, 'Who Killed Sara?' newbie

It turns out that Reinaldo (played by French actor Jean Reno) is Nicandro’s dad and the leader of the Medusa Project. What is the Medusa Project? Well, isn't that the million-dollar question of season three? The Medusa Project seems to be a psychiatric project in which people that Reinaldo deems needing his help are kidnapped and committed. Reinaldo's daughter Daniela is even subjected to this treatment. 

It is revealed that when Sara was bought into the hospital after the cords on the parachute were cut, Nicandro called his father to tell him what happened, and Reinaldo arrived at the hospital to take sole care of Sara. He was told that Sara wouldn't survive where she was and needed to be transported to Mexico, which seemed to work perfectly with Reinaldo’s plan to commit her to his Medusa Project. One of the repercussions of this was that he had Sara declared dead, leading to the whole premise of the show.

It actually turned out that Sara wasn't dead but was instead kidnapped and committed to a psychiatric hospital. The whole reason why Reinaldo knew about Sara in the first place is shown in flashbacks: Sara’s mother Lucia takes her to see Doctor Alanis who she believes is running tests on her daughter to help manage her schizophrenia but instead of Doctor Alanis, she sees another female doctor who says that they must start treatment right away and they have the perfect experimental plan for Sara. 

Once the doc's has Sara’s mother’s consent to treat Sara, we see the doctor make a call to Reinaldo, to who she alerts that she's found the perfect patient for the Medusa Project. This then leads Reinaldo to come down to Mexico and when he is talking to his friend César Lazcano—remember, the guy Sara was having an affair with, the father of her child and her boyfriend's dad?—he keenly watches Sara playing in the backyard. 

Did Reinaldo kill Sara?

Yes and no. Did Sara actually die in Who Killed Sara? Yes, but not at the hands of Reinaldo. 

Sara committed suicide because she no longer wanted to be experimented on by Reinaldo. She was the key to his little project and she knew without her, it would all fall apart, so she kills herself to end her suffering and hurt Reinaldo.   

Does Reinaldo die in 'Who Killed Sara?' season 3?

Yes, when Álex storms the Medusa Project headquarters, his main target is Reinaldo. In a shoot-out between the two, Álex shoots Reinaldo in the leg, injuring him. The latter manages to escape and hides behind a metal table before surrendering his gun to Álex. Despite Reinaldo pleading for his life and Cesar begging Álex not to kill Reinaldo, Reinaldo meets his end when Álex kills him using the same electrocution device Reinaldo used to torture his patients.

All episodes of Who Killed Sara? season 3 are now streaming on Netflix. Here's what's happening with Who Killed Sara? season 4.

Who is the Nicandro actor in ‘Who Killed Sara?’ Let’s consider who plays the character both young and old, focusing on the older actor’s age, Instagram, and roles.

For many audiences, Netflix has understandably become the central hub for all things entertainment.

There has been a lot to cherish on the streaming service this year, whether you’re a fan of crime documentaries, arthouse dramas, or everything in between.

For mystery thriller enthusiasts, ‘Who Killed Sara?’ has been declared something of a must-see.

Created by José Ignacio Valenzuela, the series premiered on Netflix back in March and stars Manolo Cardona as Álex Guzmán, a man wrongfully convicted for the killing of his sister..

Season 2 landed on Wednesday, May 19th, and has left fans curious about the cast… who is the ‘Who Killed Sara?’ Nicandro actor?

Who Killed Sara?: Season 2/Perro Azul/Netflix/YouTube

Who is the Nicandro actor in ‘Who Killed Sara?’

  • The older version of Nicandro in ‘Who Killed Sara?’ is portrayed by Matías Novoa, while the younger version is played by Martin Saracho.

Martin has starred in such shows as The Club (he played Max) and La usurpadora (Horacio).

On the other hand, some audiences will likely recognise Matías from a number of other projects, as the 40-year-old Chilean-Mexican actor and model has been on screens since back in 2008.

According to IMDb, his first part came in a TV series called Secretos del alma (Efren).

Since then, he has starred in other TV titles such as Mujer Comprada (Germán), Quiéreme tonto (Juan Diego Cruz), La Teniente (Teniente Nicolás Alejo), Tanto Amor (David Roldán), Dos Lagos (David), Enemigo íntimo (Daniel Laborde / Eduardo Tapia “El Tilapia”), and El Señor de los Cielos (Amado Leal “El Águila Azul” / Amado Casillas).

On the other hand, he was also in the 2019 movie Doblemente embarazada, a Mexican comedy film in which he played Felipe. Additionally, Short work includes 2015’s Reverse.

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Follow Matías Novoa on Instagram

You’ll be happy to know that Matías is on Instagram and you can find him over at @matlechat; he currently has 621k followers.

There are a wealth of cool snaps to scroll through, from selfies to fashion and modelling shots.

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‘Who killed Sara?’ fans talk Nicandro

Since season 2 dropped, a number of fans quickly flocked to Twitter to offer their thoughts on Matías’ presence and Nicandro.

It’s safe to say that he achieved heartthrob status for some audiences pretty quickly. Check out a selection of tweets:

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But when/how did Nicandro get this glow up?! Lol! #whokilledsara

— Mekeisha Madden Toby (@mekeishamadto) May 21, 2021

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Nicandro turned out to be kinda fine when he grew up lol #whokilledsara

— ; 🌙 ᴍᴏᴛʜᴀ (@Loving_OVOXO) May 20, 2021

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