Who predicted over 45 years ago that the rise of the electronic media would create a global village thereby reducing the barriers created by physical distance?

Herbert Marshall Mcluhan is a canadian philosopher, he predicted the world wide wide when he said nearly 60 years ago that the rise of electronic media would initiate a global village, reducing distance barriers.

Who predicted nearly 60 years ago that the rise of electronic media would create a global village?

Marshall McLuhan CC
Website marshallmcluhan.com

Who predicted nearly 60 years ago that the rise of electronic media would create a global village thereby reducing the barriers created by physical distance?

Marshall McLuhan CC
Website marshallmcluhan.com

The answer is “global torrent“. Sociologist Todd Alan Gitlin is an American, also a political essayist, writer, and social observer.

What do commercial websites use to estimate a visitor’s age gender and ZIP code *?

What do commercial websites use to estimate a visitor’s age, gender, and zip code? culture.

What is Marshall McLuhan’s theory?

One of McLuhan’s favourite theories was that human history could be divided into four ages: acoustic, literary, print and electronic. As television became a staple of western middle class life, McLuhan argued that people were being reshaped by the transition from print to electronic technology.

What medium experiences the least amount of gatekeeping?

Question Answer
Which medium experiences the least amount of gatekeeping? The internet
The way the members of an audience interpret the media is often influenced by social characteristics such as occupation, race, education and income True

Which group has historically had particularly low voter turnout quizlet?

Which group has a particularly low voter turnout? racial and ethnic minorities and the poor.

Which sociological perspective would be most likely to focus on the functions of the mass media?

How might we examine these issues from a sociological perspective? A structural functionalist would probably focus on what social purposes technology and media serve.

Why has the newspaper recently become an important medium in China quizlet?

Why has the newspaper only recently become an important medium in China? Illiteracy once restricted newspapers only to large cities. … Parliament can pass restrictions on the media whenever it wishes.

What do conflict theorists typically emphasize?

Conflict theory focuses on the competition between groups within society over limited resources. Conflict theory views social and economic institutions as tools of the struggle between groups or classes, used to maintain inequality and the dominance of the ruling class.

Which sociological perspective suggests that a society?

The functionalist perspective sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation and broadly focuses on the social structures that shape society as a whole.

Which of the following is a criticism of social disorganization theory?

Which of the following are common criticisms of social disorganization theory? It fails to account for troubled neighborhoods that have strong, viable organizations. It seems to blame the victims. … Social problems increase when neighborhoods have deteriorating buildings and declining populations.

Which situations are examples of how social connections can emerge from television?

Which situations are examples of how social connections can emerge from television? An online forum is created to discuss episodes of a popular series. People share memories of beloved television shows. Neighbors gather to watch an important football game.

Which of the following is an example of a formal organization?

A formal organization is a type of group that is deliberately constructed and whose members are organized to achieve a specific goal. Churches, schools, hospitals, and companies are just a few examples. Modern formal organizations allow us to accomplish tasks in the most efficient way possible.

Which type of society is based on kinship ties?

In these simpler societies, solidarity is usually based on kinship ties of familial networks. Organic solidarity is a social cohesion based upon the interdependence that arises between people from the specialization of work and complementarianism as result of more advanced (i.e., modern and industrial) societies.

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