Why does hattori hanzo hate bill

Don't you want to know how he got those scars?

By Simon Gallagher / March 30, 2021


Want to hear a dirty joke? "A gorgeous blonde lady walks into a bar, naked, with a poodle under one arm and two foot salami in the other. She places the poodle on the table, and the bartender says, 'I suppose you won't be needing a drink?' And the lady replies -"


Well, you'll never know, because The Breakfast Club never gave us Bender's punchline and that's where all of the charm of that sequences comes from. It's funny because it's the defiant act of a film-maker, provocatively neglecting the one duty we've come to expect as an audience: to give us answers.

We've all been bred to believe that story-tellers by their very nature will tell their stories and leaving details out means only that they weren't important. But what if there are some missing details that absolutely are important? What if those story-tellers fail to explain mysteries that then go on to eat away at the audiences for years?



Hattori Hanzo must have had a serious grudge against Bill in Kill Bill.

Think about it: when we (and the Bride) first meet him, we learn that he is no longer in the sword-making business. In fact, he hasn't created a single new sword in 28 years when he took a blood oath before God to stop making instruments of death. In other words, his vow was all-but unbreakable.


All the Bride has to do to convince him to turn his back on his blood oath with actual God, is to tell him that she's going after Bill - his former student. He even reasons that God would understand temporarily breaking his oath in the interest, which seemingly confirms that he and Bill have SERIOUS unfinished business.

What could be so bad that God would allow wilful defiance of him? And why weren't we given that information? Wouldn't it have helped advance Bill's mythology even further?


Asked By: Cole Carter Date: created: Nov 06 2021

Answered By: Gilbert Lee Date: created: Nov 08 2021

Uma Thurman played Mia Wallace in pulp fiction.

She also played the protagonist Beatrix kiddo (aka black mamba) in Kill Bill..

Asked By: Dominic Turner Date: created: Jan 13 2022

What are the 3 samurai swords

Answered By: Evan Butler Date: created: Jan 16 2022

There are five main streams of the samurai sword, namely Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto, Nodachi and Tachi swords. The most iconic and well known of all the Samurai swords; the katana is distinguished by its long blade and handle that is made to accommodate two hands and strike from a large distance.

Asked By: Elijah Williams Date: created: Dec 20 2021

Who is the legendary ninja

Answered By: Curtis Richardson Date: created: Dec 20 2021

Hattori Hanzo1 Hattori Hanzo Hattori Hanzo is probably the most famous ninja of all. He was a vassal and samurai in the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and was a major driving force in Ieyasu becoming the shogun and ruler of all Japan.

Asked By: Graham Phillips Date: created: May 25 2022

Why did Elle kill Bud

Answered By: Miles Harris Date: created: May 28 2022

She came to buy his Hanzo sword with the cash, but then murders him with a poisonous snake. Because Elle wanted to murder Beatrix for years, even before she ran away from Bill. …

Asked By: Ethan Reed Date: created: Jun 06 2022

Why was Budd mad at Bill

Answered By: Ashton Coleman Date: created: Jun 06 2022

The anger towards Bill is just there to make Budd’s actions more likely. … Carradine said that QT explained him that he had the idea, that – after the bride story – Bill took Elle, but Budd also wanna have her. But Elle wanted Bill, so Budd was pissed off of Bill and Elle. We have this interview here on the board.

Asked By: Sebastian Smith Date: created: Aug 08 2022

Can a samurai sword cut through steel

Answered By: Miles Kelly Date: created: Aug 09 2022

A katana can chop a regular sword in half. Fact: Any steel sword can break if it’s struck at the wrong angle. Chopping one in half, however, is highly unlikely. In battle, Japanese swordsmen would use the edge of the blade to block their enemy’s attacks.

Asked By: Jayden Bailey Date: created: Nov 19 2021

Why is the bride crying at the end of Kill Bill

Answered By: James Ross Date: created: Nov 21 2021

Why did Beatrix cry in the bathroom the morning after she killed Bill? Because of the harrowing adventure she had just been through. Awaking from a coma, having to kill dozens of people, nearly dying herself countless times.

Asked By: Francis Jackson Date: created: Jun 15 2021

Do samurai still exist

Answered By: Diego Kelly Date: created: Jun 18 2021

The samurai were usually associated with a clan and their lord, and were trained as officers in military tactics and grand strategy. While the samurai numbered less than 10% of then Japan’s population, their teachings can still be found today in both everyday life and in modern Japanese martial arts.

Asked By: Cameron Cox Date: created: Aug 16 2022

Who would win ninja or samurai

Answered By: Oliver Howard Date: created: Aug 18 2022

The ninja have better survival skills as a small group. If it is a large-group fight, the samurai can easily win. The ninja and the samurai usually collaborated. They did not fight against each other.

Asked By: Xavier Hernandez Date: created: Jan 07 2022

Does Japan still have ninjas

Answered By: Kyle Nelson Date: created: Jan 10 2022

There are still students training in the 49 ninjutsu schools in Japan today. But 67-year old Jinichi Kawakami, who is known as “Japan’s last real ninja,” laments that their skills such as vanishing in a cloud of smoke or blade-throwing have no real utility in modern life.

Asked By: Gerld Parker Date: created: Oct 23 2021

What does Hattori Hanzo mean

Answered By: Donald Simmons Date: created: Oct 24 2021

1542 – December 23, 1596), also known as Hattori Masanari or Hattori Masashige (服部 正成) and nicknamed Oni no Hanzō (鬼の半蔵, Demon Hanzō), was a famous Ninja of the Sengoku era, who served Tokugawa clan as a samurai, credited with saving the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu and then helping him to become the ruler of united Japan.

Asked By: Jordan Martinez Date: created: Oct 10 2021

Did Hattori Hanzo make swords

Answered By: Jaden Cooper Date: created: Oct 12 2021

Legendary samurai warrior Hattori Hanzō, known as “Demon Hanzō,” fought like hell to make sure his clan ruled over a united Japan. … There really was a man named Hattori Hanzō, and he really did do magnificent sword work — though he wasn’t known to have forged any of his blades himself.

Asked By: Robert Garcia Date: created: Aug 15 2021

When did Hattori Hanzo die

Answered By: Kyle Gonzalez Date: created: Aug 18 2021

November 4, 1596Hattori Hanzō/Date of death

Asked By: Graham Patterson Date: created: Aug 26 2022

Who is the greatest ninja of all time

Answered By: Francis Gonzales Date: created: Aug 27 2022

Hattori Hanzo, The Greatest Ninja (1542 ~ 1596)Although he lived like a samurai , Hattori Hanzo was born in Iga, a place known for the ninja clan but no established samurai clan.He started training in the northern part of Kyoto when he was only 8.More items…•

Asked By: Matthew Diaz Date: created: Aug 02 2022

What is the most expensive sword in the world

Answered By: Timothy Turner Date: created: Aug 02 2022

Boateng Saber1. The 18th Century Boateng Saber – $7.7 Million. Currently, this 18th-century sword is recognized as the most expensive sword in the world. It originally sold for $5.5 million, and then two years later it sold for a whopping $7.7 million in 2008.

Asked By: Tyler Henderson Date: created: Jan 16 2022

Why did the bride leave bill

Answered By: Adam Gonzales Date: created: Jan 17 2022

The Bride wanted out of the business/lifestyle. She Left Bill. … Bill was in a relationship with Beatrix Kiddo aka the bride and she eventually became pregnant. The bride decides that for the sake of her child that she would leave her life as an assassin, disappear and start a new life.

Asked By: Hunter Moore Date: created: Apr 25 2022

How much is a true samurai sword

Answered By: Andrew King Date: created: Apr 25 2022

An authentic Samurai sword, hand made in Japan (called a Shinken 真剣), can easily cost US$12,000 to $25,000 and up. Chinese made production level approximations are typically at least $1,000-$2,500 for something reasonably ‘traditional’.

Asked By: Seth Lopez Date: created: Aug 23 2022

What is the most expensive Japanese sword

Answered By: William Ramirez Date: created: Aug 25 2022

KamakuraIn 1992, Dr. Walter Ames Compton sold 1100 swords from his collection for a total of $8 million in just one day. The most precious one was a Kamakura from the 13th century which he sold to an anonymous collector for the impressive sum of $418,000, making it the most expensive katana ever sold.

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