How long is physical therapy after reverse shoulder replacement

You may need PT for shoulder replacement surgery before and after the procedure — here’s why.

We use our shoulders so much in our daily lives. That’s why osteoarthritis of the shoulder can be such a frustrating and painful condition. If you’re considering a shoulder replacement, you may be wondering about the commitment regarding physical therapy.

Physical therapy is most often prescribed after shoulder replacement surgery to help the muscles recover from the procedure. But physical therapy is sometimes prescribed before shoulder replacement surgery, as well. We reached out to John Kuhn, M.D., chief of shoulder surgery at Vanderbilt Orthpaedics, for his expertise on prehab (before surgery) and rehab (after surgery).

Prehab before shoulder replacement

If your pain improves with physical therapy prior to surgery, then joint replacement may not be necessary. “I typically will have patients try physical therapy for six weeks and see how they do,” Kuhn said. If pain persists, then surgery is often the best course of action.

Prehab also has the potential to help with the procedure and improve outcomes. “People with osteoarthritis in their shoulders frequently have pain and stiffness because the shoulder hurts when they move it,” Kuhn explained. “So they move it less. And that creates stiffness. And if the shoulder is stiff, we have to do a lot of releases of that scar tissue and stiffness to do the operation.” Physical therapy before surgery can help relieve the stiffness, and may help with pain.

Rehab after shoulder replacement

Physical therapy after shoulder replacement is designed to protect and heal shoulder muscles and tendons. “To do the operation,” Kuhn explained, “there’s a muscle in the front of the shoulder called the subscapularis that we detach so we can put the joint in, and then we repair that muscle.”

During physical therapy, you will safely and gradually regain range of motion. Then once the subscapularis is healed, strengthening can begin through continued therapy. “Many patients have not used their shoulder much for the years prior to their shoulder replacement,” Kuhn said. “And so they’ve developed a lot of atrophy and weakness. Getting that strength back will be important to having a shoulder that works as well as it possibly can.”

Time commitment

Kuhn said most patients require at least 12 weeks of physical therapy. However, if you have severe stiffness or weakness prior to surgery, then physical therapy after surgery may take up to 16 weeks. But Kuhn said it’s unusual for physical therapy to last longer than three to four months.

In many cases, you won’t need to commute to a clinic. “The world is changing,” Kuhn said. “So with teletherapy and other things, patients are doing a lot more of this at home, which I think is good.” Most patients will work with a physical therapist two to three times per week via telehealth if they’d like. But Kuhn said to plan for spending about 30 to 45 minutes each day on a variety of exercises.

After physical therapy

After that three-month period when you’ve completed your physical therapy program and have regained your range of motion, the journey continues. Kuhn said he recommends that patients maintain their strengthening regimen for additional improvement. “Patients are usually very happy at three months,” he said. “Their pain is gone, they’re sleeping better, their range of motion is good, and they’re doing activities around the house. But patients will still see gains in strength and endurance up to a year after the operation.”

If you have shoulder pain or a shoulder injury, the specialists in the Vanderbilt Shoulder Care Program can help you find relief. They provide a range of treatments, from physical therapy to total shoulder replacement.

Learn More

Doctors sometimes recommend reverse shoulder replacement surgery for patients with a rotator cuff tear that cannot be repaired, or when other types of treatments have not worked for chronic shoulder pain that isn’t associated with arthritis. During surgery, the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder is replaced.1 However, unlike with a traditional total shoulder replacement, the positions of the ball and socket components are switched.2

Replacing parts of a joint as complex as the shoulder demands a tough recovery process. The journey may be easier when you know what to expect. 

  1. Joint immobilization: After surgery, you may be fitted with a sling designed to keep the shoulder joint stable and immobilized.3 It is a good idea to have friends and family help you with basic tasks for the first few days.
  2. Limited range of motion: For the first few weeks after surgery, you may be unable to lift your arm above your head. Plan in advance by moving essential objects in your home to lower shelves or countertops, where you can reach them. People who undergo this procedure because of degenerative conditions may never fully regain their range of motion, though they may expect it to improve as they heal after surgery.4
  3. Medication: Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection and medication to help reduce pain right after shoulder surgery.5 If you can, fill these prescriptions in advance so you don't have to worry about doing so while you recover.
  4. Rehabilitation exercises: You may generally begin limited range-of-motion exercises, such as stretching and pendulum exercises, relatively soon after surgery. Work with a physical therapist to help you determine the appropriate course of action as you recover to make sure you build strength and protect the healing tissues at the same time. Most people begin more progressive strengthening routines within 4-6 weeks after surgery.6
  5. Cold compression therapy: Some doctors recommend active cold and compression to help with the healing process. Therapeutic cold may help reduce swelling initially, and pain throughout the recovery process, while active compression helps reduce edema and removes cellular waste products from the affected shoulder joint.7
  6. Follow-up visits: You may need to return to the doctor for x-rays and exams to ensure that your recovery is progressing as expected.
  7. Recovery success: Depending on the extent of your original injury, after several months, you may have little or no pain. Many people regain their full range of motion. 

If your doctor or physical therapist recommends cold compression therapy for your shoulder surgery recovery, ask for Game Ready.

Our patented technology provides deep-penetrating cold with simultaneous compression on the entire area surrounding the shoulder joint.

Find a provider near you to learn more.

Are you ready for your reverse shoulder replacement surgery?


  1. Reverse total shoulder replacement. Johns Hopkins Medicine. //
  2. Reverse total shoulder replacement. Johns Hopkins Medicine. //
  3. Boudreau S, Boudreau E, Higgins LD, Wilcox RB III. Rehabilitation following reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007;37(12):734-743. doi:10.2519/jospt.2007.2562. //
  4. Reverse shoulder replacement. UW Medicine. //
  5. Shoulder Replacement: A Guide to Recovery After Surgery. Victoria, BC: Rebalance MD; 2017. //
  6. Ma C. Using your shoulder after replacement surgery. MedlinePlus. // Published 2018.
  7. Healthwise Staff. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). Michigan Medicine. //

Do you need physical therapy after reverse shoulder replacement?

Performing a gradual and progressive strength training program is important after your reverse shoulder replacement recovery. Everyone progresses at a different rate. Your physical therapist will be your guide as you work towards your goals.

Can you get full range of motion after reverse shoulder replacement?

While range of motion after a reverse prosthesis may not be completely normal, it is typically improved over the motion previously lost due to the arthritis and pain. Another reason to have a reverse prosthesis is if the rotator cuff tendons are all torn and one cannot lift the arm high enough to function.

How long does it take to rehab from shoulder replacement?

The better you do with your rehab exercises, the sooner you will get your strength and movement back. Depending on your job, you may be able to go back to work as early as 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, as long as you avoid certain arm movements, such as lifting. It takes at least 6 months to return to full activity.


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