What is the work done by a force of 20n in moving an object through a distance of 4m in the direction of force?


Calculate the work done when a force of 20N makes an object move 4.8m in the direction of the force.96J
Calculate the work done when an object of weight 80N is raised through a height of 1.2m.96J A student of weight 450N steps on a box of height 0.2m, Calculate the gain in gravitational potential energy.90J Calculate the work done by a student of weight 450N if she steps on and off a box of 0.2m high 50 times.4500J State the energy transfers for a student jumping on a trampoline.Chemical energy --> KE -->GPE --> KE --> EPE Calculate the Kinetic energy of a cannon ball with mass 50Kg travelling at a speed of 20m/s. 10,000J Calculate the momentum of an object with mass 90Kg travelling at a velocity of 5m/s. 450Kgm/s What is the momentum of a rocket of mass 50,000Kg just before launch? OKgm/s An 800Kg car travelling at 30m/s is stopped safely when the brakes are applied. What deceleration and braking force are required to stop it in 6s?5m/s2. 4000N Explain why an inflated air bag in front of a car user reduces the force on a user in a head-on crash.It increases the time taken to stop the person. (It also spreads out the force so the effect is lessened)


Brainly User Brainly User

Given that:

  • What will be the work done when a force of 20 newton displaces an object 4 metres in the same direction.

According to the statement:

  • Force = 20 Newton
  • Displacement = 4 metres

To calculate:


Knowledge required:

• When the force and displacement are in same direction then the work done is positive.

• When the force and displacement are in different direction then the work done is negative.

• SI unit of work done is N/m because the SI unit of force is Newton that is N and SI unit of displacement is metre that is m, when be combined then it be N/m

  • But to the honour of scientist that do maximum work on it, the SI unit of work done be Joule

Using concept:

Using formula:

Where, W denotes work done, F denotes force, S denotes displacement.

Full solution:

→ W = F × S

→ W = 20 × 4

→ W = 80 J

→ Work done = +80 Joule

NewGeneEinstein NewGeneEinstein





To find:-

Work done


We know that

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