At what rate of interest per annum the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2 5 times of?

A sum of money becomes 8 / 5 of itself in 5 years at a certain rate of simple interest .find the rate of interest.

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At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest?


Related At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest?

Let the principal be:x

Rate be:R

Time given is 10 yrs

Interest becomes 2x/5;


I = (P*R*T)/100;

2x/5= (x*10*R)/100;


You get R=4

Ans. Rate= 4 %pa

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  • At what rate of interest per annum the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2 5 times of?

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At what rate of interest per annum the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2 5 times of?

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At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest? for Class 7 2022 is part of Class 7 preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the Class 7 exam syllabus. Information about At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest? covers all topics & solutions for Class 7 2022 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest?.

Solutions for At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for Class 7. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for Class 7 Exam by signing up for free.

Here you can find the meaning of At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest?, a detailed solution for At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest? has been provided alongside types of At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice At what rate of interest per annum, the simple interest on a certain sum becomes 2/5 times of amount in 10 years at simple interest? tests, examples and also practice Class 7 tests.

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