Draw a ray diagram when an object is placed between pole and focus in front of concave mirror

Draw a ray diagram when an object is placed between pole and focus in front of concave mirror

Text Solution

Solution : (a) The enlarged, virtual and erect image forms behind the mirror when the object is placed between pole and focus of the mirror. <br> <img src="https://d10lpgp6xz60nq.cloudfront.net/physics_images/ARH_NCERT_EXE_SCI_X_C10_S01_030_S01.png" width="80%"> <br> (b) The enlarged, real and inverted image forms beyond centre of curvature when the object is placed between focus and centre of curvature of the mirror. <br> <img src="https://d10lpgp6xz60nq.cloudfront.net/physics_images/ARH_NCERT_EXE_SCI_X_C10_S01_030_S02.png" width="80%"> <br> (c) The real and inverted image equal to the size of object forms at centre of curvature when the object is placed at the centre of curvature of the mirror. <br> <img src="https://d10lpgp6xz60nq.cloudfront.net/physics_images/ARH_NCERT_EXE_SCI_X_C10_S01_030_S03.png" width="80%"> <br> (d) The diminished, real and inverted image forms between centre of curvature and focus when the object is placed a little beyond centre of curvature of the mirror. <br> <img src="https://d10lpgp6xz60nq.cloudfront.net/physics_images/ARH_NCERT_EXE_SCI_X_C10_S01_030_S04.png" width="80%"> <br> (e) The real, inverted and highly reduced image forms at focus F when the object is placed at infinity. <br> <img src="https://d10lpgp6xz60nq.cloudfront.net/physics_images/ARH_NCERT_EXE_SCI_X_C10_S01_030_S05.png" width="80%">

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