How to be smaller in roblox

In Roblox, every player is automatically given an avatar, a human-like character which, by default, reflects the player’s appearance in all Roblox games.

How to be smaller in roblox

Avatars may be customized with a vast array of body parts, accessories, clothing, skin colors, animations, and more. This gives players almost endless options to express their individual style, although you’re ultimately in control and may enforce a specific appearance for all avatars in your game.

Avatar Types

There are two types of Roblox avatars: R6 and R15.

How to be smaller in roblox

How to be smaller in roblox


As the name suggests, R6 avatars are constructed of only 6 parts, giving them a very limited range of animated motion. R15 expands the movement range by splitting the body into 15 parts.

R6 R15
Head Head
Torso UpperTorso
Left Arm LeftUpperArm
Right Arm RightUpperArm
Left Leg LeftUpperLeg
Right Leg RightUpperLeg

Body Scaling

In addition to body parts, accessories, and skin colors, R15 avatars allow for a customizable body type, height, width, head size, and proportions.

Option Description
Body Type Value from 0% (blocky, toy-like characters) to 100% (tall, human-like characters). A body type of 100% is sometimes called Rthro. Bundles tagged
How to be smaller in roblox
in the Catalog will set the body type to 100% when equipped, but they can still be used with any body type and any other avatar parts.
Height / Width The relative height and width of the avatar. Height is constrained to values between 90-105% while width is constrained to values between 70-100%.
Head The relative scale of the avatar's head to its body, constrained between values of 95-100%.
Proportions When set to 0%, the overall body proportions are wider and taller with broad shoulders. When set to 100%, the body proportions are narrower and shorter with slender shoulders.

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If necessary, a player’s avatar type can be detected through the Humanoid/RigType property, for instance within a LocalScript as follows:

If you prefer to define a more specific and less player-customized appearance for avatars in a game, you can customize them through Roblox Studio or runtime scripts.

Roblox Studio

In Studio, you can enforce the avatar type, body parts, body scaling, and clothing via the Avatar section of the Game Settings window (see /articles/game settings|Roblox Game Settings for more info). Note that if Body Type is set to 0%, avatars will have the proportions of a classic R15 avatar; if set to 100%, avatars will reflect Rthro proportions.

Runtime Scripts

In scripts, you can change avatar properties using the HumanoidDescription instance. See the /articles/humanoiddescription system|HumanoidDescription System article for details and practical code examples.


This tutorial is for people who don’t know how to do this, if you already know, This post wont make you learn much.

Part 1 - Introduction, New Beginnings

Hello! most of you may or may not know me but my name Is StarJ3M, I Joined The Devforum on 24 Nov '20, I like to program In my free time and make games or play them, I want to master Roblox Scripting and Figure out all techniques for it. Anyway, now that you know me lets get Started!

Part 2 - What Is UI?

UI stands for User Interface, Its what the player can see or not see when their in a game, It can be used for things like Shops, Notifications, Kill Feeds, etc…

Oh, you say you wanna make UI? Ok lets get started to that now!

Part 3 - Lets Make UI!

So now, How do I make UI, Well Firstly you want to Open the Explorer, you can do this in View In your ROBLOX Studio. Next, you go to the explorer, Scroll down, and bam! StarterGUI, click the “+” sign on StarterGUI after you hover over it. Now click ScreenGui In the dropdown! You don’t need

this but it is useful for UI instead of having it all clumped up inside of the Starter Gui and also, ScreenGui Makes it available on the player Screen anyway, So If you just put a frame inside of StarterGui, the UI Would not show up at all and be invisible on the screen. ( This is mandatory if you want to have UI that the Player Can See and Interact With! )

Now, We can make a Frame if we want the UI to be inside of a box that will always be in their, If you move it outside of the frame it will be their still yes, but that would make the Frame useless wouldn’t it? So then we can just simply insert a TextLabel Inside of ScreenGui! and bada bang bada boom we have UI!

Part 4 - How to Position UI

Now, lets position the UI, if you want to do this you can simply drag it with your ROBLOX Studio Mouse and Hold it down. Elseif not then you can go to the properties of the TextLabel, Text Button, ImageLabel, ImageButton, TextBox, ViewPortFrame, and VideoFrame, scroll down and then you can simply click on position and set the position’s value from X to Y with curly brackets like this: `{10,10}.{20,20}. If you wanna be advanced, Click the Dropdown Button of Position for values for X and Y.

Part 5 - How to Size UI

Now we learned how to position it, but what if I wanted to make UI Big and small? Well its simple, just like how we position it, Go to the Properties of one of the listed UI Objects, then you can scroll down until you see Size and then you can give X and Y values like so!

Part 6 - The Real Deal, How To Size UI For All Devices

Oh their you are! Looks like your here to defeat the final boss He has the Star Of UI! This is the final path you will take to learn how to Size UI For All Devices!

How to be smaller in roblox

Dididadudadu DOOOOOoooooooo…doooooooooo… Dooooooooooo… DOOOOoooooo… DOOOOOOOOO… DAUGuuuuuuu… .doooooooooo… Dooooooooooo… DOOOOoooooo… DOOOOOOOOO… doooooo… Dooo Diiii Doooo Da Doooo… Didooooo… Dadidooo… dunnnnnn…*

– * Insert Final Boss Music Here *

If you have played SM64 you know what the Diddiddidadu da dOOOOOOOoooooo… is all about/If you got to the 10 Star Door gate or 15 I don’t remember ok >:(

Anyway, If you wanna scale it for all devices FIRST, you need to go to Size for the UI, then dropdown, and then you need to drop down for X and Y, Your screen should look like this:

How to be smaller in roblox

Do you see the Offset value? well, set it to 0 for X and Y and then your UI may be super big or be 0,0 which is to be expected, Now you can freely scale your UI in Scale or the original Size Property!

IMPORTANT: Make sure that for all UI, you have the Offset == 0, else it wont work, this includes things inside of frames because if you change the Frames Offset to 0 then, It wont change for its Children.

Lets test!

click to view video

Perfect! Now, Some UI on tablet may be scaled up higher than most devices, how do I fix this you may say, Its simple actually, We can scale it more on the X axis Left or Right, and Make sure that it still looks perfect for devices other than tablets!

And that’s the End! You have Officially Learned How to Scale UI For All Devices, Nice!

Please consider liking this post and maybe sharing it to other who need it, It would make me happy considering I put lots of time and hard work into this!

Questions, Comments, Concerns

How to be smaller in roblox

When offset is set to 0 then the UI moves somewhere of-screen, is that normal?

How to be smaller in roblox

Yes, the UI will shrink into 0,0 for X and Y, just move it back and or put the x and y scale property to something like 0.5!

Other Tutorials Related:

Their is Currently No Other Tutorials Related to UI.

Editors Note

Haha, forgot to say that one big image GUI paired up with text UI’s may not scale correctly for all devices, so try to make more layers of images and text so it will be possible to scale on all devices.