How to fix brown water from faucet

Are you suddenly faced with brown water from your tap and not sure why it is happening and the danger it poses? Do not be too alarmed! Brown water is actually something that many people face and is likely not a risk but here is a look at what causes it and what to do about it!

Reasons for brown water

It is possible overtime for certain things to accumulate in your water, rust, sediment and minerals for example and these can cause the water to become discoloured and even brown. You might see brown water from cold tap use, and it could be caused by construction near to the water main, or other disturbances. The most common cause is water pipes that have been recently replaced or damaged either by leakage or burst water pipe. As movement occurs rust is dislodged and gets into the home water supply. In those cases, the water should clear up in a few hours. If it does not you might want to call in an expert to assess what is going on. It could be a case of you having a rusted pipe that needs seeing to or an old water heater too.

Should we worry about brown water from tap harming us?

In terms of whether this water is dangerous for you to use, then no it is not. The brown is from too much iron in the water from the rust. Iron is already present in the drinking water and is not poisonous. However, that does not mean it is okay to guzzle the brown tap water. While the rust itself is not harmful the fact that there is a leaking and rusted plumbing pipe might also mean there are bacteria that have also gotten into the water.

Rusty water is a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and when corrosion and cracking happens that can also lead to other contaminants like mildew and mould. None of these is going to kill you but it is not something you want to consume a lot of. Of course, you should also not wash clothing in it as that will cause staining. A possible rusted pipe is not something to ignore and could lead to larger plumbing problems later on if not dealt with.

What to do about brown water from tap

If you have brown water from cold tap then you should leave your tap running for at least twenty minutes, first of all, to see if it eventually runs clear again. If it does not you can ask the city or town you live in to see if there has been in local work done that might have damaged the water system. They may send out an inspector to check the pipes and do a flush to clean them out. If this happens and you still have brown water then it is not a city problem but your own possibly.

If you have brown water from hot water tap then that could be a problem with your water heater. Scaling can happen in the water heater that then falls to the bottom and muddies up the water. Or there could be rusting happening in the water heater that gets into the water. Sometimes this might be a sign that the water heater is getting close to the end of its life and might need replacing soon. Call in a hot water system expert to inspect your water heater if the brown water comes from the hot tap.

If you still need to investigate you could also talk to your neighbours and see if they are having the same issues with their water. Then you can narrow down where the piping issue might be and call in someone to check it out and flush out the pipes in your neighbourhood. You might consider whether to add a water softener or install a water filtration system to your taps if you are still concerned about the quality of the water.

If you are still having brown water, it is best to get in touch with your local authority. They can check and get down to any water quality issue you have.


Seeing brown water gushing out of a tap can be alarming initially but it is common and it is not necessarily signs of something awful. Rust and such happens and with some flushing, your water can be back to being fine again quite quickly. It is a good idea though to call in a local plumber or someone with water system expertise so that you can be sure they know what they are talking about!

Has your tap water ever gone from looking clean and clear to murky overnight, with discolored water running from your faucet? You may be surprised to know that changes in water clarity can happen virtually overnight. If you are experiencing a change in water color it is important that you learn the cause as soon as possible. Here are some potential culprits:

  • Pressure has changed in your city’s water lines
  • Older water lines in your home are corroding
  • Periods of high rains or drought have changed the water table
  • High demand for water in times of drought
  • Filtration equipment isn’t working correctly

How this happens:

How to fix brown water from faucet

Inside a city water main

From water main breaks to routine maintenance like the flushing of city water lines, changes in the pressure of the water flowing through the lines can stir up the dirt, rust particles and sediment that coat the inside of city water lines. Unfortunately, these types of disturbances will only get more common as our water infrastructure ages across the country. City water incidents can happen quickly.

If your water suddenly changes from clear to murky in the same day and all of the faucets at your home have discolored water coming out of them, the problem is most likely due to a pressure change in your city’s water lines.

Typically these problems clear up within a couple of hours, but can take as long as several days to return to normal. In temporary situations like this we recommend not using hot water at all if possible, to keep the discolored water from being drawn into your water heater.

What you can do about it:

If discolored water is a continuing problem in your city, you might want to consider installing a filter like our ToxinShield.

The city water main shown in the picture above was taken after the routine flushing of the city’s water lines, and it took several hours for the water to return to normal. If you use city-supplied water and have had problems with discoloration, flushing of the lines is the most probable cause.

How this happens:

Many homes built before 1960 were plumbed with galvanized steel water lines. As these water lines age, they can collect a rusty sediment that can come out at the tap when you turn on your faucet. If the discolored water is only present at one or several faucets (but not all of them), or if your water is discolored every morning but runs clear once you’ve had the tap running for a few minutes, chances are good that the problem is with the water lines in your home.

What you can do about it:

A point-of-use treatment system like RevitaLife RO will make sure that your drinking water is clean, clear and tastes fresh. As a long term solution, we recommend working with a plumber to replace your water lines.

How this happens:

Many homeowners that get their water from a private well know they have iron problems, however extremes in weather can cause changes in the water table that would surprise even the most seasoned well owner. In many cases, the fluctuation can be so severe that existing water treatment equipment won’t be able to handle the excess iron.

What you can do about it:

If discolored water due to extreme weather is a problem for you, we recommend choosing a powerful iron removal solution like IronShield, which can handle up to 10ppm of iron (typically, water softeners only treat up to 2 or 3 ppm).

How this happens:

Some cities draw their water from surface rivers and streams. In times of drought when water is in the highest demand, the fresh surface water will mix with sediment from the river bottom and deliver murky water to your tap.

What you can do about it:

If you notice that your faucets deliver discolored water at the same time every year (typically in the fall, after water volume has decreased over the summer), you might want to consider installing a sediment filter like SedimentShield.

How this happens:

While it’s rare, some small towns might experience discolored water simply because their water treatment equipment wasn’t designed to handle the correct volume, or the equipment is in need of repair.

What you can do about it:

If what you’re noticing doesn’t fit with any of the other situations presented above, you might want to put a call in to your city to find out what’s going on. If the problem is ongoing, installing a whole-home filter like Toxin Shield will keep your water clean and clear.