How to fix small ding in car door

How to fix small ding in car door
How to fix small ding in car door

No matter how careful you are, minor dents, scratches and chips can still happen. It could be an accidental scrape, another driver opening their door into your car or, especially in winter, grit on the road flying up and causing damage. While there’s plenty of seasonal motoring advice available, scratches, dents and chips can affect your vehicle all year round. All sorts of remedies exist, and our guide includes some of the easiest and most effective ways to deal with such problems.

Remove minor scratches

A scratch is a scratch, right? Well, not necessarily. There are a few different types of scratches your car can experience, with different ways to best fix them.


Hand washing your car can result in paint swirls on the top coat, caused by bits of grit getting stuck in the cloth used for cleaning. Clearly, it’s best to avoid this occurring in the first place, by using high quality microfibre cloths and a grit guard in the bottom of your bucket. This should stop the cloth or sponge scratching the paintwork and picking up dirt in the water in the first place.

If it’s too late though, run your fingernail over the damaged area and if you struggle to feel it you can apply scratch remover to smooth it out. Add a small amount of the liquid to a cloth and rub gently in circular motions over the swirl to smooth it out. Rubbing too hard can cause more damage, evident if the cloth turns the colour of your car, which is a sign that you’re taking some of the paint off.


You may have accidentally brushed against a wall or post, scraping off some of your car’s paint down to the bare metal or plastic. The simplest and safest way to fix this is to buy a scratch and paint restore car kit. Check your car’s VIN, which will name the specific colour, to ensure you get the correct paint.

In deep scratches where the bare metal is visible, and it’s quite long, professional attention may be required. Otherwise, repairing scrapes and scratches with or without a kit follows the same few steps:

  • Clean the scraped area with warm water, removing any grit and wait for it to dry
  • Lightly apply the correct colour of paint over the damaged section with a brush, ensuring it blends
  • When the paint has dried, polish the area by again rubbing in circular motions and spreading evenly so it’s smooth with the rest of the paint
  • Finally, wax over the same area to provide extra protection

Fix a dent

You see hundreds of cars driving around with little dents in their doors, caused by a rogue shopping trolley, careless drivers or passengers in car parks or small collisions with a post or other stationary object. Yet you can easily fix a dent if it’s small or shallow by using a range of different dent removal methods depending on its size and location.

Use a plunger

The quickest and often easiest dent removal method is to use a sink or cup plunger, which will work on small to medium sized dents (depending on the plunger size). Wet the plunger and the dent, place the plunger over the damaged area and begin pushing and pulling. This provides paintless dent removal if the dent is light enough to pop back into shape.

Paintless dent removal

Usually paintless dent removal is done by professionals, but it can be done at home too. It only works on shallow dents that aren’t on panel edges and for cars with relatively thin doors. Simply enter the inside of the door through the gap where the window sits and gently push the dent out from the inside. The same method can be done on bumper dents, by pouring hot water on the bumper first to make it more flexible then pushing it out from behind.

Heat and cool

A rapid change in temperature can lead to dent removal. The simplest way to fix a dent through this method is by heating the dented area with a hair dryer before immediately cooling it by spraying with a can of compressed air. Cold air will cause it to contract and the dent should pop out.

Fill it out

If you can’t pop out the dent then you can repair it with filler. This is a longer process and involves sanding the damaged area down to the bare metal (as filler doesn’t stick to paint well). Next you apply the body filler to the dent, sand over it again when it has hardened, before covering with spot putty and sanding over again. Finally, the area needs to be sprayed with primer and painted the correct colour. This is the trickiest, riskiest dent removal process and should only be tried if the others are unsuccessful.

With a bit of time and effort you can repair many minor scratches and fix a dent in a cost-effective manner with the above tips.

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Door dings are one of those small issues that can impact your car massively in a negative way. Most of the time, door dings removal is just a small fix away. Not knowing how to fix them leads more people to ignore the ding rather than try to fix it. Door dings removals can promptly increase the value of a car.

There are a ton of ways you could get a door ding. It happens to the most experienced drivers. Whether it be a runaway shopping cart when you are parked at the mall or you could hit another car while opening the door, it can happen the other way as well. Someone else can hit your parked car while you are not even on the scene.

There are a million more ways on how you could get a dent. Protecting your car from all of these at all times is impossible. If you ever owned a car, the chances that you would have had a dent on it are high.

Depending on the severity of the accident the method of door dings removal can change. As long as there is no significant damage, by employing a few simple hacks, you can get the job done. If it is a bit more serious you could use a gadget available on the market. If you think that you cannot fix it the best option is to hand over the job to a professional.

Here lies everything you need to know about door ding removals.

Difference Between A Ding And A Dent

Most people do not know the difference between a ding and a dent. They believe a ding and a dent are interchangeable words. They are not exactly interchangeable though. There is a slight difference between the two.


In general terms, a ding represents a small region of damage. This would not span more than half an inch in diameter. The events that lead to a ding usually have little to no effect on your car. When a ding occurs, it does not damage your exterior paint job. And normally, dings are not noticed easily. It takes a sharp look to notice a ding.


Unlike a ding, a dent is a more severe issue. To be classified as a dent, the area of damage should be larger than a ding. Dents usually end up damaging the metal or the paint of your car. They attract more attention than a ding and are also unpleasant at the same time.

Now that you know what is the difference between a dent and a ding, you can use the correct wording to represent your damage. Even though these are two different things, they are commonly addressed as the same due to the similarity.

Types Of Dents

There are multiple types of dents. Some are critical than others and they differ in damage and appearance. Even with the variation, there is not such a thing as a good dent, so if you get a dent, it is going to be frustrating. Here are some of the commonly known types of dents.

Round Dents

The name describes itself, round dents are usually round or circular in appearance. Usually, this happens when your neighbor’s kid throws a ball at your car. Not limited to this though, any round object hitting your car could cause a round dent.

Round car dents can feature a point in the middle, making the dent appear like a shallow funnel. They can also be rounded with no shallow point in the middle. Think of a hemisphere in this case.

Round dents rarely ever cause paint damage. This makes paintless dent repair an option for fixing them an ideal option.

Creased Dents

Creased dents are slightly more serious than round dents. It’s typically caused when a sharp object is dragged along the panel of a vehicle. These tend to be longer and are more likely to actually damage the metal in your vehicle.

How to fix small ding in car door

One of the biggest concerns with this sort of dent is that these can grow over time.

Repairing creased dents are one of the hardest when it comes to door ding removals. But due to modern automotive technological advancements, these kinds of dent issues can be solved.

Sharp Dents

Sharps dents are seen on the body lines of the vehicle. These body lines that run alongside the vehicle are commonly known as swage. Since these points are extended slightly than the rest of the body, these lines are commonly dented upon impact. These lines are the first to come in contact if your car gets hit. It is not uncommon to see smaller dents beside sharp dents if you come across an accident.

Hail Dents

Hail dents are a combination of round dents that occur due to hail storms. The upper surfaces of the vehicle are mostly affected by this. Most often, round dents are caused by hail that occurs on the hood, roof, and trunk of vehicles.

The severity of hail dents depends on the size of the hail and the speed of impact. These factors dictate the state your car is in after facing a hail storm. Most hail dents are shallow and can be fixed individually as round dents.

The hardest thing about repairing hail dents is the sheer volume. It is highly unlikely if you ever drive through or have your car parked during a hail storm, to come out with just a few dents.

Car Dings

If the paint is damaged repairing car dings is fairly easy. They can be resolved with minimally invasive techniques if you know what to do. If you back into a pole or hit open your door hitting another car, dings are usually formed. Luckily, these are usually fairly affordable fixes, even with small amounts of paint damage. If you know the method you can fix it yourself.

When To Seek Professional Help Over Dents

This actually depends on when you think it is necessary. With dents and dings in most cases, you can fix them yourself. But if you think the task is a bit tough to handle, you might as well get a professional to do it.

This is especially true with hail dents or sharp dents. They are much harder to fix on your own. Do not let dents sit on your car for too long. A dent already in your car is much more exposed to risks associated with rusting.

Even though a reputable auto body shop might cost more for the repairs, you can be certain that an experienced professional can get the job done right the first time. With a proper job done with your car, you can stop stressing over the damage in the future.

Another scenario when professional help is necessary is when you see paint damage on your car. With the right guide, you can fix paint damage related to car dings. If you are not comfortable with the procedure, it is best to seek professional help. One small mishap could end up in a costlier fix.

DIY Door Dings Removal Methods

Most of the dents that you do encounter can be fixed without professional help. Anything that belongs in the PDRs or the paintless dent removal category can be done without much hassle.

PDR is a skill learned through trial and error. Technicians gradually learn how to manipulate certain areas to get them removed. The exact way on how to manipulate the dents depends on the location and severity.

If you do decide to go through with the process yourself, there are few things you got to understand. Door ding removal is not just a matter of popping the dent out and hoping everything goes well. It is a process that requires knowledge, skill, and a lot of patience. Even the smallest dents can take hours to remove.

Here are the steps to a door dings removal.

Assessing The Damage

This is a key step in getting a dent removed. 9 out of 10 times a dent can be removed using PDR methods. You should know what is the other 10% of dents. The dents that you cannot perform a PDR procedure on.

One of those occasions is encountering deep dents. A large dent can be removed. But the same is not true if the dent goes deep. If the metal is bent too far inwards it is hard to get it back to the original state without damaging the paint, if the paint is damaged repainting will be required.

If the dent is situated more towards an edge, PDR might not be an option. This is because most PDRs require access to the backside of the dent. If the dent is situated on an edge of the body, you might not be able to access that area.

Another problematic scenario comes with creased dents. Performing a PDR on a creased dent is almost impossible. This is true especially if you are new to the field.

Paint issues might also be a red flag. If you do spot any paint damage, initially attempting a PDR is unnecessary because you are going to have to repaint the area anyway. Another dilemma associated with paints comes with older cars. Cars older than the 1990s usually have a poor-quality paint coat. Removing a dent without damaging the paint in this case is almost impossible.

Now that you know whether proceed with the repair you can go to the next step.

Prepare The Area

The next step is to prepare the area with the dent. Almost every repair using these methods requires that you access the backside of the dent. Before you start the dent removal you need to have access to a special set of tools to get the job done.

To access the back of the dent, you should identify the easiest possible path to take. For this, you might have to remove a few interior panels or even exterior components of the body. Learn and understand how to get these parts removed and fit them back in before you proceed.

Once you gain access to both the front and the back of the dent, now you are ready to start the repair.

Door Dings Removal Process

This is a job that requires a lot of skill and patience. Before ordering the stuff for the repair, make sure to purchase an instruction manual as well. This will let you know how to position the equipment according to the dent you have. You should find the exact position needed to apply pressure before you go through with the procedure.

Before you place your equipment, make sure to have proper lighting on the dented area. The shadow cast on the dent will allow you to pinpoint where to place the equipment on the back of the dent.

After the tools are positioned behind the dent, it is advised to use special glue that can be applied to the front of the damaged area so that pressure can be applied with added care.

Finally, you slowly and methodically manipulate the outer edge of the dent until the area bends back to its ideal position as before. The dent will slowly reduce in size until it disappears.

Dent Fixing Hacks

Other than mimicking a professional repair with special equipment there are few hacks that you can perform with everyday household objects. This might not be applicable for larger dent removal, but smaller door dings removal can be executed by employing some of the hacks. There is no guarantee as these depend on the severity of the dent.

Boiling Water

Up first is the boiling water hack. Obviously, it is dirt cheap and high success rate at the same time. It is fine to use on plastic shell cars as well. The probability of this working depends on the firmness of the plastic or metal. If the part is too firm, it is hard to pop a dent out.

Here the hot water is used to heat up the dent. Heat the water until it is bubbling hot. Splash some onto the dent and after it heats up, reach up behind it and pop it out. It is best to have reserve hot water since it rarely pops out on the first try. you better hustle to reach behind while the dent is still hot.

This is mainly useful for plastic parts. With firm plastic, it is hard to physically pop a dent out. The hot water would soften the plastic so you can pop it out.


This is one of the quick and easiest hacks to pull out a dent. This will only work if your dent is really tiny. This is ideal for door dings removal if done correctly.

As the topic suggests you need a hairdryer for this. Get your hairdryer, crank it up to the maximum heat, and use it to heat up the dent. This will cause the dented area to expand.

Now all you have to do is rapidly decrease the temperature. You can use ice, cold water, or an air duster. This change in temperature will cause the dent to compress. The cool air trailed by the hot will cause compression and the imprint will fly out.

This is more applicable for metal rather than plastic. A huge advantage of using this on door dings removal is that you do not have to remove the panel behind the door.

Dry Ice

Dry ice can do the trick as well if used accordingly. This is a really cheap product purchase. The problem is that it is a bit hard to find. If you do proceed with the method, you must have an insulated pair of gloves as you will be handling dry ice a lot.

The process is simple. Rub the dented area with dry ice regularly and eventually, the dent will disappear. The theory is that repeated compression should remove the dent with time.


This works just the way you think it does, you pull the dent out using suction. If you are worried about sanitary issues you can use cup plungers as well. They are known to work just as well.

Using a wet sponge, and drench the entire area with water. Place the plunger over the dent and add pressure. If the dent is not large the dent should pop right out.

If it doesn’t pop out just keep doing it repeatedly and eventually it will disappear. You could get much better results if you heat the metal before you start plunging.

How to fix small ding in car door

A repeated motion will usually result in your dent disappearing. This works best with large metal components such as doors or fenders if they are bent inwards. It could work on any type of metal but the chances that this works on plastics is slim.

You can try these methods if you want a quick fix. Keep in mind this will work mostly on small dents. Especially round dents. If you decide to give your car some additional care, it is best to take your car to a professional. This will guarantee your dent getting fixed. Even though you will be paying for your dent to be removed.

Practices To Protect Your Car From Denting

Now that you know how irritating dents can be, you might want some advice on how to protect your car from denting. There is no way to get 100% protection but there are some steps you can follow to reduce the chances that your car could attain a dent.

Park Far Away From Other Cars

It may be obvious, but try to park as far away from other cars as possible. No one else will care for your car as you do. Parking your car away in a spot far away might require walking an extra distance. It is a small price to pay for protection. Remember 50% of car dents are not the fault of the owner.

Open Your Door Slowly

You should be aware of your surrounding. You could easily hit another car or a gas pump when you open your door. Sometimes a high curb might appear out of nowhere. For these reasons, it is best to stay on the safe side and open your door slowly. This way even if you do hit an obstacle there will be no damage, to your car or the car you hit. 1 out of 3 car dents occur because of opening doors rapidly and hitting an obstruction. This will definitely help you avoid door dings

Find A Safe Parking Spot

If you park your car under trees or at a place with any hazards above. If the tree contains fruits they could fall on your car and cause a dent. There is the possibility of a branch snapping to consider as well. Avoid taking risks if they aren’t necessary and find a safe parking spot.

Protect Your Car From Hail

Hail is one of the most common causes of dents and dings on a car. If you are parking in a space exposed to the elements, use a cover if hail is on the weather forecast. Hail can put dents in your car like the spots on a cheetah. So it is best to stay away from it as much as possible.

Fixing the dents caused by hail could cost anywhere from $50-500.

Door Dings Removal – Verdict

Door dings and dents are unavoidable. You will come across one sooner or later. If you are confident and trust your skillset you can try to repair it yourself. If not, finding a professional to do it is not a bad idea. When your dent is small you could try to fix it yourself with an easy hack. Though you cannot avoid denting, you can reduce the probability of getting one with a set of practices.

Approved Tools

These tools have been tried and tested by our team, they are ideal for fixing your car at home.

How to fix small ding in car door
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