How to see unsent message on FB lite

Messenger is a platform provided by Meta this is exclusively used for communication purposes. This platform allows its users to send all sorts of messages to their friends and in cases that those messages were sent to the wrong person or, mistakenly, you can also Unsend those messages. But what if your friends unsends a message and you want to read it?

Unsending texts on Messenger is a way to ensure that a message you did not want someone to see cannot be accessed by them. So, when someone unsends a message to your inbox, you will not be able to view it but, a chat with ‘….. Unsent a message’ appears instead. But, do not worry because there are some alternative ways you can see unsent messages on Messenger.

In this article, you will learn exactly how you can recover and see unsent messages on Messenger.

When a sender sends you a message, you will receive a notification. And the notification stays there even if they delete that message. So, if you already read that particular message from the notification bar, you have no problem but, if you have not done so, you need to recover and view those messages indirectly. You can see unsent messages on Messenger by:

1. Turning on Email Notifications

2. Using Third Party Apps

1. Turning on Email Notifications

One of the ways to see unsent messages on Messenger is by turning on Email notifications. When you have Email Notifications turned on, you will receive email each time someone texts you and their message as well. So, if a user deletes their message after some time, it will not affect the email i.e. you can see unsent messages on Messenger from there as the deleted message does not get deleted from the email notification. To turn on Email Notifications:

1. Open your Facebook account and click on the ‘Hamburger icon’.

How to see unsent message on FB lite

2. Click on ‘Settings and Privacy‘.

How to see unsent message on FB lite

3. Go to ‘Settings>Notifications>Email‘.

How to see unsent message on FB lite

4. Click on ‘Email Frequency’.

How to see unsent message on FB lite

5. Select ‘All’ option.

How to see unsent message on FB lite

Once you do this, your email account will receive notification each time you receive a message and you will be able to see unsent messages on Messenger.

Including this, if you ever mistakenly or intentionally archive message on Messenger, you can unarchive them as well. If you do not know how to do so, check here: How to Unarchive Messages on Messenger?

2. Using Third Party Apps

You can also use third party apps like Notisave, FilterBox and Notification History log to see unsent messages on Messenger. Below are instructions on how to use them:

i. Notisave

Notisave is an app that saves all your notifications you receive on your device including the messages you receive on Messenger. So, you can use Notisave to see unsent messages on Messenger by:

1. Install Notisave on your phone. Open the app and click on ‘Next’.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
2. Allow the app to save your notifications.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
3. Then when you see a message deleted, go to Notisave and click on the ‘Bell icon’.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
4. Select ‘Unread’.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
5. Open the Messenger notification and the chat of the person.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
6. You will be able to see the deleted message you actually received.
How to see unsent message on FB lite

In this way, you can use Notisave to see unsent message on Messenger.

ii. Using Notification History Log

Notification History Log is one of the best apps to store your notifications. It auto saves all the incoming notification of all the apps on your devices. This app allows you to view the history anywhere and anytime. You can use this app by:

1. Install the Notification History Log and open it.
2. Click on ‘Continue’.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
3. Allow the app to save all your notifications.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
4. Click on ‘Advanced History’ to see the notification of all the apps on your device.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
5. To see unsent messages on messenger, click on Messenger notification.
How to see unsent message on FB lite

In this way, Notification History Log can be very useful to view deleted messenger messages.

iii. FilterBox

This app too saves all the notification received on your phone. To use this app,

1. Install and open FilterBox app.
2. Click on ‘Notification Access’.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
3. Click on ‘Filter Box’ and allow the notification access to it.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
4. Click on ‘Running in the background’.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
5. Tap on ‘All Set, Start Using’.
How to see unsent message on FB lite
6. Any notification you receive now will be saved in this app. Click on ‘Messenger’ notification to see unsent message.
How to see unsent message on FB lite

In this way, you can see unsent messages on Messenger using FilterBox.


Hence, by using the method and applications mentioned above, you can easily see unsent messages on Messenger. If you don’t want to install third party apps, you can turn on your email notifications and view the messages from there. If you want easier and fast access, you can install those third party apps.

Hope this article was helpful and solved your problem. In case of any difficulties, feel free to leave comments.