How to turn on shift lock on roblox

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Im making a game and i wanna make sprint, shift will be run hotkey but howewer roblox has shift lock… There is a way to disable it?


Shift Lock can be disabled through the following steps:

  1. Select the StarterPlayer Service in Roblox Studio’s Explorer
  2. Look for the “Controls” section in the Properties widget
  3. Uncheck the box for the EnableMouseLockOption property

Alternative Video Walkthrough


(Option 2) Enabling / Disabling Shift Lock via Scripts

If you want to enable or disable the property per player while the game is running (allowing you to choose when all players / specific players are allowed to press the shift key to turn it on or off), you can toggle the DevEnableMouseLock property of the Player Instance via a server script. Here’s an example:

local Players = game:GetService("Players") local part = workspace.Part part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- Whenever something touches the object in the Workspace called "Part" local Character = hit:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("Model") -- Looks for the Character model local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) -- Checks if a player can be retrieved from the model (so we know a player touched the Part and not an NPC) if Character and Player then -- If a model was found and it was a player's Character, then... Player.DevEnableMouseLock = false -- The player will no longer be able to toggle shift lock -- Update "false" to "true" if you want to allow the player to toggle shift lock, instead end end)

*Note: If a player already had shift lock turned on when this happens, they won’t be able to turn it off until the DevEnableMouseLock property is enabled again.

Video Example


For future reference, use the search feature of the Developer Forum before posting a question to see if there’s an existing solution. At the time you posted your question, it was already answered on another topic:

How to turn on shift lock on roblox
Disabling Shift Lock

Toggle StarterPlayer.EnableMouseLockOption


There are already free models about this just search Disable Shiftlock


You could have searched around before posting. But go to starter player and disable this:

How to turn on shift lock on roblox

EnableMouseLockOption should be unticked


Well will it disable First Person as shiftlock right?


I don’t understand your question. The property just makes it so you can’t turn on shift lock.

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lol sorry for it i didnt search actually and thx


Just search up Disable shift lock in the toolbox and learn the script. Also check for hidden viruses

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I just asked if it disables first person

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No, it does not. Otherwise if it did, it would be in the property name.

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How to turn on shift lock on roblox

There are already free models about this just search Disable Shiftlock

How to turn on shift lock on roblox

Just search up Disable shift lock in the toolbox and learn the script. Also check for hidden viruses

You would not need to do this as there’s already a built-in method into ROBLOX Studio that allows you to disable ShiftLock.

How to turn on shift lock on roblox

Well will it disable First Person as shiftlock right?

This would disable ShiftLock entirely, no matter if you are in first person or not. Players can still go into First Person, though.

1 Like

Ok thanks for that info I didn’t know that


To disable shift lock in your game please create a script in your Workspace folder and paste this script in:

game.StarterPlayer.EnableMouseLockOption = false


How to turn on shift lock on roblox
Roblox Shift Lock Not Working

Though Roblox is a well-regarded and massively popular game, there are still a few weak points to its overall design. Of those, we’re pretty sure that you will agree with us when we say that the camera angles really let it down sometimes. 

It’s just comically awkward at times and this becomes apparent when you are trying to play a few of the trickier games. As a way of patching this up, Roblox have allowed those that play on a desktop the capability of using shift mode. 

What shift mode does is allow the player to use a 3rd person camera instead. It actually does work a lot smoother than the traditional camera view, which is nice, and it is nowhere near as awkward too! 

However, recently there have been quite a few people taking to the boards and forums to say that they can’t get theirs to work anymore. Don’t worry, the feature hasn’t been removed. It’s still there. So, if you want to activate it again, here is what you will need to do.

How Fix Roblox Shift Lock Not Working?

1. Make sure that the game is compatible with shift mode 

How to turn on shift lock on roblox

Before we get into doing anything a little tricky for no reason at all, the first thing we will need to do is check that the game you are trying to play supports shift mode. This will depend entirely on the whim of the creator who made it in the first place. 

For whatever reason, there are quite a few games out there that have the feature disabled. Some creators have said that they have done so because the game is an overall better experience without it. So, to make sure that you are getting what they think is the best possible gaming experience, they have disabled the feature. 

In this case, what we would recommend is going to a different game – one that you know you could use shift mode in before. If it is working there, you will then know that our theory here was correct. 

But, if you are among the few who still can’t seem to get it working, we will need to look a bit further into the issue to figure out what is going on. Let’s get stuck right into it in our next step. 

2. Try changing movement mode

If you are intent on getting shift mode to work in Roblox, the most important thing to do is make absolutely sure that the movement mode setting on your Roblox account is on “mouse + keyboard”. This is really important because it is the only movement mode that allows for the feature to work. 

Changing the setting is pretty simple. All you need to do is go into the settings menu of the game. In there, you will see mouse + keyboard mode. Make sure it is enabled. Shift lock should work from now on. 

As soon as you have made the necessary changes, it is now time to see whether it has worked or not. Try going into a game that you are sure has this feature in it and give it a try. If it is working, great – we can finish up here. However, there are still a few cases where it still won’t be working. For those, we have one more fix to go. 

3. Try changing the camera mode 

For our last solution to this problem, there is one last way around this problem. If this doesn’t work, we can only assume that the game is missing a few updates. If so, you will need to check for updates after trying this. 

For this fix, all you need to do is change the default camera mode. This will then allow you to get the shift lock function to work again, keeping the camera in that fixed position that most players seem to prefer. 

In Roblox, there are only two different camera mode to choose from. The first of these is the original classic camera mode. This mode will keep the camera in a fixed position unless the user decides to adjust it manually. 

The other is less popular, the follow mode camera. This one does exactly what the name implies, following the player’s every movement and kind of just being a little clunky to use. 

So, we would then suggest that you select the classic camera mode from these two options. Even if this isn’t your favourite, there is still a good reason for doing it. In classic mode, you can try to engage shift lock once again to try and toggle between both modes. 

In most cases, this will get shift lock to work again. And that’s it for this issue. As we mentioned briefly above, if none of these work for you it is definitely worth taking a look to see if there are any outstanding updates that need to be performed. If there are, install them immediately and then try again.