A data analyst creates a scatter plot in tableau and notices an outlier


A data analyst creates a scatter plot in tableau and notices an outlier
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Home » Data Science » Data Analysis » Fill in the blank: When a data analyst notices a data point that is very different from the norm in a scatter plot, the best course of action is to _____ the outlier.


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A data analyst creates a scatter plot in tableau and notices an outlier
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When a data analyst notices a data point that is very different from the norm in a scatter plot the best course of action is to _____ the outlier?

Question 5 Fill in the blank: When a data analyst notices a data point that is very different from the norm in a scatter plot, the best course of action is to _____ the outlier. Correct. When a data analyst notices an outlier, the best course of action is to investigate it.

What function creates a scatterplot and then adds a small amount of random noise to each point in the plot to make the points easier to find?

The geom_jitter() function creates a scatterplot and then adds a small amount of random noise to each point in the plot to make the points easier to find.

What function does the analyst use?

What Does an Analyst Do? An analyst gathers, interprets, and uses complex data to develop actionable steps that will improve processes and optimize results. Day-to-day, he or she assesses company and client needs, receives robust information, and analyzes it, looking for telltale trends or areas for improvement.

Which of the following questions do data analysts ask to make sure they will engage their audience select all that apply?

Solution. To engage their audience, data analysts ask about what roles the people in the audience play, their stake in the project, and what they hope to do with the data insights.