According to the excerpt above, the Gadsden Purchase was intended to

The Emancipation Proclamation became effective January 1, 1863. Congress passed the Conscription Act of 1863 in March to randomly select men for service in the Union army. However, those chosen in the draft could hire a substitute or pay $300 to escape service.
African Americans were not citizens and therefore not eligible for the draft.

On July 13, 1863, a crowd gathered in New York City to protest the draft. Poor Irish workers turned out in the largest numbers. The protest turned into a riot, which first targeted military and government buildings. The homes of well-known Republicans, draft
supporters, the wealthy, and African Americans were also attacked. After four days federal troops finally restored order to the city

The New York City riots of 1863 were partly a result of

(1829-1833) and (1833-1837), Indian removal act, nullification crisis, Old Hickory," first southern/ western president," President for the common man," pet banks, spoils system, specie circular, trail of tears, Henry Clay Flectural Process.

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According to the excerpt above, the Gadsden Purchase was intended to

Transcribed Image Text:U.S. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis had sent Gadsden to negotiate with Santa Anna for the land. Davis valued it, as others did, as the perfect tract for the construction of a a southern transcontinental railroad. The railroad line would connect western territories to the east and north, greatly increasing the accessibility of these new lands. - "American's Story, " Library of Congress, (accessed November 12, 2009) According to the excerpt above, the Gadsden Purchase was intended to – Support settlement of U.S. territory gained through the U.S.-Mexican War Encourage commerce among U.S. states formed from the Louisiana Purchase O Allow the United States and Mexico to share railroad construction costs O Encourage the sale of U.S. government land in Florida

According to the excerpt above, the Gadsden Purchase was intended to

In this transaction with France, signed on April 30, 1803, the United States purchased 828,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million. For roughly 4 cents an acre, the United States doubled its size, expanding the nation westward.

Originally, negotiators Robert Livingston and James Monroe were authorized to pay France up to $10 million solely for the port of New Orleans and the Floridas. However, when they were offered the entire territory of Louisiana – an area larger than Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal combined – the American negotiators swiftly agreed to a price of $15 million.

Although President Thomas Jefferson was generally a strict interpreter of the Constitution who wondered if the U.S. Government (and especially the President) was authorized to acquire new territory, the desire to expand the United States across the entire continent trumped his ideological beliefs. As Napoleon threatened to take back the offer, Jefferson squelched whatever doubts he had and prepared to occupy a land of unimaginable riches.

The Louisiana Purchase was the first major cession of land in a long series of expansions that span the 19th century. Within 50 years, the present-day borders of the contiguous United States would be solidified with the Gadsden Purchase.

Each expansion, though greatly increasing the size of the United States, also exposed the sectional weaknesses between the North and South, especially related to the issue of slavery. As new territories and states were created, the desire to maintain a balance between "free states" and "slave states" required a series of fragile compromises (notably the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850). Eventually, as agreements became more difficult to achieve, civil war became inevitable.

In addition, the Louisiana Purchase ignored the potential impact on Native Americans. The land ceded in this agreement (and later expansions) was populated with thousands of American Indians across dozens of tribes. As territories and states were established, more and more Americans from the East traveled west, leading to conflict with Native Americans. Ultimately, Native people were forcibly moved on to reservations, losing vast acreage of their tribal lands, and the U.S. Government would force them to change their ways of life and try to erase their religions and cultural heritage.

The Louisiana Purchase Agreement is made up of the Treaty of Cession and the two conventions regarding the financial aspects of the transaction. 

What was one result of the law described above Quizizz?

What was one result of the law described above? Northerners who believed the law was unfair began to support the abolitionist movement.

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Polk ran on a platform embracing popular commitment to expansion, often referred to as Manifest Destiny. Tyler dropped out of the race and endorsed Polk. The Whigs nominated Henry Clay, a famous, long-time party leader who was the early favorite but who conspicuously waffled on Texas annexation.