Average rate of change word problem calculator

Use this online average rate of change calculator that helps you to determine the average rate of a function on the given interval. Well, it is a rate that tells how a number changes on average with another. So, let’s dive in, to understand how to find average rate of change with a formula.

What is the Average Rate of Change?

Generally, it defines how one quantity changes with the change in the other value. In other words, the average rate of change of a given function between input values is expressed as the total change of the output function divided by the change in input values.

Average Rate of Change Formula:

The standard average rate of change equation is:
$$\frac {f(b)−f(a)} {b−a}$$

• (a, f(a)) are coordinates of the first point
• (b, f(b))are coordinates of other point.

How to Find Average Rate of Change of a Function?

If you know the intervals and a function, then, we apply the standard formula that calculates the average rate.
Find the average rate of change of function f(y) = 3y2 + 5 on the y interval (-1, 3).
Where value of set a = -1 and b = 3 so that “a” is the left interval, and b is the right side on interval.
$$f(a) = 3(-12) + 5 = 8$$
$$f(b) = 3(32) + 5 = 32$$
Now, let’s substitute values into the average rate of change formula.
$$ \frac{(32 – 8)}{(3 – (-1))}$$
$$\frac{24}{4} = 6$$

How Average Rate of Change Calculator Works?


• Firstly, enter a function for calculating the average rate.
• Now, plug in the values of the interval
• Press the calculate button


• Initially, the calculator displays the given function and interval.
• Then, provide the stepwise solution.
• Hence, you can do calculations numerous times by click on the “Recalculate” button.


From the source of Wikipedia: Slope Formula, Calculating Slope from a Graph, Slope Formula and Coordinates, Slope of Horizontal and Vertical Lines.

From the source of Brilliant: Average and Instantaneous Rate of Change, Instantaneous Rate of Change.

Created by Julia Żuławińska

Reviewed by Bogna Szyk and Jack Bowater

Last updated: Jul 19, 2022

The average rate of change calculator is here to help you understand the simple concept hidden behind a long, little bit confusing name. What is the rate of change? Generally speaking, it shows the relationship between two factors. Look for a more precise average rate of change definition below. We will also demonstrate and explain the average rate of change formula with a couple of examples of how to use it.

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What is rate of change? – the average rate of change definition

Everything keeps moving. Change is inevitable. Starting with the acceleration of your bike or car, through to population growth, from the blood flow in your veins to the symbiosis of your cells, the rate of change allows us to establish the value associated with those changes.

The average rate of change is a rate that describes how one number changes, on average, in relation to another. If you have a function, it is the slope of the line drawn between two points. But don't confuse it with slope. You can use the average rate of change for any given function, not only linear ones.

Average rate of change formula

In the following picture, we marked two points to help you better understand how to find the average rate of change.

Average rate of change word problem calculator

The average rate of change formula is:

A = [f(x₂) - f(x₁)] / [x₂ - x₁]


  • (x₁, f(x₁)) – Coordinates of the first point; and
  • (x₂, f(x₂)) – Coordinates of the second point.

If it's positive, it means that one coordinate increases as the other also increases. For example, the more you ride a bike, the more calories you burn.

It's equal to zero when one coordinate changes, but the other one does not. A good example might be not studying for your exams. As time starts running out, the amount of things to learn doesn't change.

The average rate of change is negative when one coordinate increases while the other one decreases. Let's say you're going on a vacation. The more time you spend on your travel, the closer you are to your destination.

How to find the average rate of change? - first example

Let's calculate the average rate of change of distance (average speed) of a train going from Paris to Rome (1420,6 km). On the following chart you can see the change in distance over time:

Average rate of change word problem calculator

As you see, the speed wasn't constant. The train stopped two times, and in between stops, it went significantly slower. But for calculating the average speed, the only variables that matter are the change in distance and the change in time. So, if the coordinates of the first point are (0, 0), and the coordinates of the second point are the distance between two cities, and the time of the travel, (1420.6, 12.5), then:

A = (1420.6 - 0) / (12.5 - 0) = 113.648 [km/h]

On average, the train was going 113.648 kilometers per hour. Now, let's look at a more mathematical example.

How to find the average rate of change? - second example

You have been given a function:

f(x) = x² + 5x - 7

Find the average rate of change over the interval [-4, 6].

  1. Find values of your function for both points:

    f(x₁) = f(-4) = (-4)² + 5 × (-4) - 7 = -11

    f(x₂) = f(6) = 6² + 5 × 6 - 7 = 59

  2. Use the average rate of change equation:

    A = [f(x₂) - f(x₁)] / [x₂ - x₁] = [f(6) - f(-4)] / [6 - (-4)] = [59 - (-11)] / [6 - (-4)] = 70 / 10 = 7

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Is average rate of change the same as slope?

Not precisely. The average rate of change reflects how a function changes on average between two points. On the other hand, we define the slope of a function as the slope of the line tangent to the curve at a specific point. In a linear function, every point changes identically, so the average rate of change and slope are equal.

How do you find the average rate of change of a function?

To find the average rate of change of a function, follow these steps:

  1. Get the (x, y) coordinates of the starting point. We'll call these (x₀, y₀).

  2. Get the (x, y) coordinates of the endpoint. These will be (x₁, y₁).

  3. Replace both within the average rate of change (A) formula:

    A = (y₁ - y₀)/(x₁/x₀).

What is the average rate of change of y = 2x?

The average rate of change of y = 2x is 2. Since it is a linear function, the average rate of change is just the function's slope. In this case, for every change in the x-coordinate, the y-coordinate will double it.

Is speed an example of average rate of change?

If the speed is constant, yes. Speed reflects how the position changes instantaneously with respect to time. So, if an object were moving at a constant speed, the average rate of change in the position would tell us at which speed it is traveling.

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How do you calculate average rate of change?

To find the average rate of change, divide the change in y-values by the change in x-values. Finding the average rate of change is particularly useful for determining changes in measurable values like average speed or average velocity.

What does the average rate of change mean in a word problem?

Average rate of change tells us how much the function changed per a single time unit, over a specific interval.

Is there a calculator that can solve word problems?

The math word problem solver calculator is a great tool for students who are struggling with math, or for anyone who wants to improve their problem-solving skills. With just a few clicks, they can get the help they need to understand and solve word problems.