Best looking vaginas in the world

Insecurities for women can come by the dozen. Our hair is too frizzy, our noses not 'button' enough. Our legs are too short and our waists are too thick. Our vaginas don't look like a porn star's.

A person's genitals are by their very nature, incredibly personal. Which is why it's so common for women to be concerned about whether their labia (vaginal lips) are 'normal' or not. Worryingly, this insecurity has converted into an increase in the number of people undergoing unnecessary labiaplasty surgery - which sees the vulva (the visible part of the vagina) altered to look 'neater'. A report by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery from 2017 revealed that the number of women who had a labiaplasty increased by 39% between 2015 and 2016.

Best looking vaginas in the world

This is a vagina where the labia minora (inner lips) extend out past the labia majora (outer lips) either a little bit or a whole lot. Apparently, this seems to be the most common vagina and has characteristics that are seen in other types, too.

2. Barbie

Best looking vaginas in the world

While this is the least common, it is the way that majority of people assume that vaginas should look. In this case, the labia minora are completely hidden inside the labia majora and both sets of lips rest on the pelvic bone.

3. Puffs

Best looking vaginas in the world

These look similar to the Barbie but the lips sit lower on the pelvic bone and are either puffed up or thin and hanging.

Story continues

4. Tulip

Best looking vaginas in the world

This one looks like a flower about to bloom. Here, the labia minora is slightly showing throughout the whole length of the labia majora. It’s different than the curtains because the inner lips are both exposed and contained.

5. Horseshoe

Best looking vaginas in the world

All photos: Kylah Benes-Trapp

This is when the vagina opening is wider at the top, which exposes the labia minora, but the labia majora touch towards the bottom and stop the labia minora from extending below them. The shape looks like a horseshoe in general.

Seeing a penis is normal but looking at a vagina is kind of taboo. This isn’t great for women’s rights, in general. Mel hopes that the vagina can become normalized so that women don’t have to feel in the dark or ashamed by what they have.

Mel summed it up by saying, "Moral of the story is that every vagina is different, but it shares a sisterhood with all other vaginas, and nobody should feel strange or abnormal. Just because you haven’t met your sister vagina yet doesn’t mean she isn’t out there."

So, if you want to take back control of your femininity and practice self-love, grab a mirror and take a good look. No matter what kind of vagina you have, it’s surely beautiful.