Best medicine for post nasal drip reddit

Hi everyone!

Long time lurker, first time poster!

For context, I’m 25, female, in the UK, and started experiencing acid and post nasal drip I think due to my antidepressants (sertraline). I started experiencing bad throat burning when taking my sertraline after about 5 years of taking them, and I’ve since come off them about 6 months ago. I was never overweight but I’ve been eating clean this year and exercising regularly and have lost about a stone already.

I’ve been diagnosed with LPR, I notice the acid in my throat but honestly it’s totally bearable. What I can’t stand is the post nasal drip.

No matter what I try, I can’t shift it. I’ve had it for about 2 years and it’s gotten to the point where all I want to do is scream and cry. I feel so claustrophobic in my own body because I cannot ever shift this glob at the back of my nose and throat and my nose blocks totally randomly every other day or so. I’ve had a camera that noticed acid in my throat and a deviation in my septum. My endoscopy showed nothing except the excess mucus in my throat, no excess acid in my actual stomach.

My doctors do not care. All they do is throw omeprazole and gaviscon at me and they’re not doing anything, and tell me to sleep upright. I’ve been on omeprazole (200mg 2x daily) and gaviscon advance for about 5 months so far and no noticeable change. After my endoscopy showed nothing out of the ordinary they were just happy to let me suffer with no further investigations.

Nothing is even touching on this horrible post nasal drip I have. I’m constantly trying to snort/swallow mucus and I can never get to sleep because of it. My anxiety is insane because I feel constantly tired, irritated and uncomfortable. I neti pot every night and also have a sinus/steam inhaler I use. I’m on a steroid nasal spray to help reduce inflammation and rhinitis but it’s not helping. I keep telling my GP I can’t live like this, but they just give me more omeprazole, but keep threatening me with the fact I can’t be on it long term.

I’m at a loss and just feel like nobody around me cares and I’m so stressed I feel like ending it all. Day to day life is becoming difficult because I cannot sleep properly.

In the past I’ve had significant vitamin d and iron deficiencies. I’ve taken OTC vitamin d supplements as I know they can be related, but no medication has helped. I’m about to start taking Lions Mane supplements, but doubtful they will help.

Does anybody have any tips on getting rid of gerd/lpr related post nasal drip? Should I request a new medication? Could it be unrelated to acid if the medicines aren’t helping? Are there any tests I should be pushing my doctor for?

I feel totally alone, anxious and crazy here, so any support would be massively appreciated!

EDIT: forgot to add (potentially related so apologies for the TMI!) - I rarely go to the toilet to eliminate solids (about once a week), experience bloating and gas very frequently, but I cannot burp. I don’t have any food allergies but a test showed I may be intolerant to yeast if this is related?

Mucinex -d or whatever a combination of gaufnesin(sp?) and pseudo ephedrine is called by you, vicks or similar menthol on your chest or under your nose. I always drink lots of green tea with honey and lemon, it makes a natural menthol that helps clear you up. But honestly it depends what's causing it, a remedy that works for one persons allergic reaction might not help someone else's bacterial infection. Try sleeping propped up in a reclining sofa or with extra pillows to avoid the nausea of swallowing it all night. Neti pots help clean it out somewhat and benadryl/diphenhydramine helps sleeping a lot

I know this can happen with allergies, so even though I’m not dealing with allergies right now, I feel like some helpful remedies can still apply here.

My voice has been hoarse, throat has been sore and now I’ve got this awful tickle in the back of my throat that’s causing me to dry cough constantly! Day 3 of this mess and I’m in misery. I went to the doctor last night and they told me tests were negative so it’s likely a viral infection.

So far I’ve been using a vaporizer at night, honey and apple cider vinegar in hot water, all the throat lozenges. I really would like this coughing to stop. What else could I do?

I have dealt with post nasal drip all my life. I remember my third grade teacher called my mom because she thought i was being rude and constantly clearing my throat. I recently have COMPLETELY cut our vegetable oils and it has taken it away!!! Vegetable oils are so bad for you anyway but this is the best and most immediate change for me. I recently had chipotle (laden with vegetable oils) and the PND came right back.

Cut out veggie oils people! Canola, soybean, sunflower, corn, grape seed, sesame, corn.

The only good ones are olive oil, coconut, and avocado. Make sure they are 100% though!

Hope this helps you guys too.

What is the best over the counter post nasal drip medication?

Over-the-counter decongestants like pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) can help reduce congestion and eliminate postnasal drip. Newer, nondrowsy antihistamines like loratadine-pseudoephedrine (Claritin) can work to get rid of postnasal drip. However, these are more effective after you take them for several days.

What works best for postnasal drip?

Typically, postnasal drip can be alleviated at home. Elevate your head at night to help mucus drain. You can also gargle saltwater, inhale steam, use a humidifier, and drink warm fluids. These remedies will thin mucus and moisturize your nasal passages.

How do I stop a massive post nasal drip?

Drinking more water, eliminating caffeine, and avoiding diuretics (medications that increase urination) will help. Mucous-thinning agents such as guaifenesin (Humibid®, Robitussin®) may also thin secretions. Nasal irrigations may alleviate thickened secretions.