Can you get lice from not washing your hair

Head lice are a common problem among all school children, with approximately 2 to 4% of school age kids getting head lice every year. Along with the spread of lice, comes the spread of common myths associated with it.  As head lice professionals, we want to clear up some of the most common myths so you can rest assured. 

  1.  Myth: Head lice prefer dirty hair.  Lice are non-discriminatory when it comes to hair cleanliness. They simply require any human hair, whether squeaky clean or completely greasy. Lice feed on tiny bits of human blood, and the hair is just a place where they hang on. Also, washing your hair repeatedly as a way to get rid of the lice will not work. They can withstand being submerged in water for hours and have a pretty firm hold on the hair follicle.
  2. Myth: You must clean everything to get rid of lice. This is a common myth that has everyone frantically running around, cleaning their home from top to bottom, washing and rewashing their linens. Lice do not live in the home, only on the human head. Lice can only live removed from the human head for 48 hours or less, so only the items that have come into contact with persons’ heads will need to be cleaned. Items to clean include the infected person’s bedding, hairbrushes/combs, stuffed animals on the bed, and any hats, scarves or helmets worn recently.
  3. Myth: Pets can carry lice. Have no fear, your pets do NOT carry head lice. Lice are a human parasite and only survive on human blood. Dogs and cats can only get fleas.
  4. Myth: Over the counter lice shampoos will get rid of lice. Lice have developed resistance to the chemicals in the most common over the counter treatments. A study published in 2016 shows 98% of lice are now resistant to over the counter shampoos and many prescription treatments as well.
  5. Myth: Lice prefer long hair. This is a very common myth associated with head lice. So many people have chopped or shaved hair off of their children’s head when confronted with head lice, but the sneaky parasite can live on hair as short as 0.1 inch! They like to hang out as close to the scalp as possible, so go ahead and keep your locks as long or as short as you like.
  6. Myth: Head lice can jump from one person to another.  Lice cannot jump, nor do they have wings! They can only crawl, which is why they are passed through direct contact. This is one of the reasons why avoiding direct contact with another’s hair or head is the best way to protect yourself from getting head lice.

If you are currently dealing with head lice it’s very important to be treated effectively, in order to get rid of it quickly and prevent it from spreading to others. 

The treatments at Pediatric Hair Solutions have greater than 99% effectiveness rate and we offer a 30 day 100% guarantee.

You can view each of our treatment services here

To make an appointment or get more information, call 704-909-9414.

If you do not live near one of our treatment centers, we recommend using our Home Treatment Kit. The kit contains two 8 oz. bottles of non-toxic Treatment Solution, a bottle of Enzymatic Mousse to help remove the eggs/nits, and a Terminator Nit Comb.

You may have the urge to scratch an itch in your hair when you hear about head lice. The tiny insects like to move in and make their home in clean hair while feeding on blood from the human scalp. Knowing how to prevent and treat head lice can ease your family's scratching.

Getting head lice isn't a sign of poor hygiene or unclean surroundings. Head lice prefer clean hair to attach and lay their eggs.

Another common misconception is that head lice can jump or fly from one person to another. Head lice only crawl, most often leading to transmission through direct head-to-head contact.

Indirect transmission is less common, but it can occur through sharing of items, such as hats and scarves, brushes and combs, hair accessories, headphones, and pillows and towels.

Storing clothing items in proximity also can lead to indirect transmission. Sharing school locker or hook space, or hanging multiple hats or scarves in the same place, could result in indirect transmission.

However, good news for the four-legged members of the family: Family pets, such as dogs and cats, do not contribute to the spread of head lice.

Head lice stages

The three stages in the head lice life cycle are:
  • Nits
    Eggs of head lice are called nits. Nits are clear or whitish bumps that attach to the hair shaft close to the scalp. After a female head louse attaches the nit to a hair shaft, it takes about a week for the nit to hatch. Nits are often mistaken for dandruff, they do not brush off hair as dandruff does.
  • Nymphs
    After a nit hatches, it is called a nymph. Nymphs are like adult lice, but they're smaller in size. It takes about a week for a nymph to grow into an adult louse.
  • Adults
    Adult head lice are about the size of a sesame seed, and they are yellow or gray in color. They have six legs. Adult head lice can live for three to four weeks. A female louse lays six to 10 eggs per day.

Head lice do not carry disease in any stage of life.

Head lice detection

Intense itching on the scalp and neck could indicate the presence of head lice. Sensations of something crawling or moving in the hair also could be a sign of head lice. To determine if head lice are present, look for signs of nits attached to the hair shaft. If it comes off the hair easily, it is most likely not a nit, but dandruff or hair product residue.

If head lice or nits are found, every member of the family should be checked. It is also important to notify your child's school, day care or playmates, as anyone who comes in close contact with someone with head lice should be examined.

Treating head lice

Thorough treatment of head lice is necessary to ensure all lice have been eliminated. This includes removing head lice from hair and any personal items that may have been infested.

Consider these ways to eliminate head lice:
  • Lice-killing shampoo
    Several over-the-counter shampoos designed to kill head lice. Shampoos only kill adult lice ― not nits ― so follow product instructions and repeat in seven to 10 days, if directed.
  • Comb hair with fine-toothed comb
    Use a fine-toothed comb every two to three days to remove nits or lice after shampooing. Check the comb for signs of nits or lice, and wipe the comb after each small section of hair.
  • Disinfect combs and brushes
    Soak combs and brushes in hot, soapy water after each use.
  • Wash belongings of person affected by lice
    Wash bedding, stuffed animals, clothes, hats, towels and other personal items in hot, soapy water. Dry items on high heat. A temperature greater than 130 degrees Fahrenheit can kill head lice and nits.
  • Store items that cannot be washed
    Because head lice can live for up to three days off the body, store items not able to be washed in an airtight bag for several weeks.
  • Vacuum furniture
    Vacuum carpets, mattresses, pillows, furniture, car upholstery and car seats.
  • Essential oils
    Tea Tree oil can be mixed in with shampoo to help prevent head lice infestation.
  • Head lice clinics
    A head lice clinic, which specializes in lice treatment, may be located near you.
  • Prescription treatments
    Your health care provider may prescribe stronger prescription shampoo if over-the-counter shampoos do not work. Talk with your health care provider if you cannot eliminate head lice with at-home treatments.

Maegen Storm is a nurse practitioner in Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine in Faribault, Minnesota.

What is the main cause of head lice?

A person gets head lice because the insects crawl from person to person by direct contact or by sharing items — including combs, brushes and hats — with another person who has head lice. Poor hygiene doesn't cause head lice.

Do lice like wet hair?

Wet or dry hair? You can check for lice in either wet or dry hair, but we recommend wetting the hair and preferably adding conditioner. The lice do not move as much and they attach more easily to the lice comb (10, 13).

Where do head lice come from in the first place?

Head-to-head contact with an already infested person is the most common way to get head lice. Head-to-head contact is common during play at school, at home, and elsewhere (sports activities, playground, slumber parties, camp). Although uncommon, head lice can be spread by sharing clothing or belongings.

Does shampooing kill lice?

The shampoo, cream rinse, or spray kills the live lice on the head but may not kill the nits. While the nits don't need to be removed from the hair, some people use a comb to remove nits after using lice treatment because they don't like the look of nits in the hair.