Can you get Tiger Eye wet?

Tiger’s eye is a beautiful crystal that can be used in many different ways. It is said to promote courage, strength, and determination.

However, there is a lot of confusion about whether or not Tiger’s Eye crystal can go in water.

Some people say that it is fine to put Tiger’s Eye in water, while others believe that doing so will damage the crystal.

So, what’s the truth?

Can Tiger’s Eye go in water or not?

In this blog post, we will explore the answer to that question and provide some tips on how to clean Tigers Eye crystals if necessary!

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

  • Can Tiger’s Eye Crystal Go In Water?
  • Tips For Cleaning Tiger’s Eye Crystal
  • Can You Shower With Tiger’s Eye Crystal?
  • Can Tiger’s Eye Go In Rainwater?
  • Can Raw Tiger’s Eye Go In Water?
  • My Favorite Tiger’s Eye Items
  • Conclusion

Tiger’s Eye can go in water. Tiger’s eye is a hydrothermal quartz, which means it was actually formed in water. As a result, Tiger’s Eye is resistant to water and can even withstand being submerged for long periods of time. Tiger’s eye is part of the Quartz family which is connected to water.

Also, it scores a solid 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness, which means you can cleanse your Tiger’s Eye crystal in water and it will not be harmed.

As long as your crystal does not show any signs of damage, such as cracks or chips, it is perfectly safe to cleanse it in water.

Can you get Tiger Eye wet?
Polished Tiger’s Eye crystals

If your Tiger’s Eye crystal does have any damage, it is best to avoid water and instead cleanse it with a dry method, such as using a soft cloth.

Now, if you do decide to cleanse your Tiger’s Eye crystal with water, there are some things to keep in mind.

Let’s find out what these are right away!

Tips For Cleaning Tiger’s Eye Crystal

If you want to cleanse your Tiger’s Eye crystal in water, the best way to do it is by using running water.

You can hold your crystal under a faucet or running stream of water and allow the water to flow over it.

You can also put your crystal in a bowl of water and let it sit for a few minutes before removing it.

If you do choose to cleanse your Tiger’s Eye crystal in water, there are a few things you can do to ensure that it is properly cleansed.

First, make sure the water you use is clean.

Second, avoid using salt water or chemically treated water, as these can damage the crystal.

Finally, be sure to dry your Tiger’s Eye crystal completely after cleansing it in water.

There are multiple ways to dry the crystal.

You can either air dry it or use a soft cloth to dry it.

However, if you choose to let the Tiger’s Eye crystal dry in the sun, be sure to do so for a limited amount of time, as sudden exposure to sunlight can damage the crystal.

It can either fade the color or make it brittle.

So, as soon as you feel the crystal has fully dried, it is best advised to collect the Tiger’s Eye and put it back in its place.

Can You Shower With Tiger’s Eye Crystal?

You can take a shower with Tiger’s Eye crystal. Because it is water-resistant, the crystal will not be harmed by the water. Just be sure to use natural cleaning products and dry your Tiger’s Eye crystal after your shower, as leaving it wet can cause it to degrade over time.

Tiger’s eye is actually a great crystal to take into the shower with you, as it can give that extra boost of energy you need to start your day.

Some other things to keep in mind if you choose to shower with your Tiger’s Eye crystal are to make sure the water is not too hot, as this can damage the crystal.

Second, avoid using salt water or chemically treated water, as these can damage the crystal.

Finally, be sure to fully dry your Tiger’s Eye crystal completely after showering with it. You can either towel dry it or allow it to air dry.

Can Tiger’s Eye Go In Rainwater?

You can put Tiger’s Eye in rainwater. Rainwater is a natural way to cleanse your crystals, and it will generally not damage your Tiger’s Eye crystal. In fact, rainwater can actually be beneficial for the crystal, as it will help to remove any dirt or debris that may be on the surface of the crystal.

However, if you happen to live somewhere that has hard water, it is best to avoid using rainwater to cleanse your Tiger’s Eye crystal.

Hard water can damage the surface of the crystal and leave it looking dull.

If you live in an area with hard water, it is best to cleanse your Tiger’s Eye crystal with distilled water instead.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, be sure to dry your Tiger’s Eye crystal completely after putting it in rainwater. You can either dry it by hand or allow it to air dry naturally.

Can Raw Tiger’s Eye Go In Water?

Raw Tiger’s Eye can go in water. The best way to cleanse your Raw Tiger’s Eye crystal is by using running water. You can hold your crystal under a faucet or running stream of water. You can also put your crystal in a bowl of water and let it sit for a few minutes before removing it.

The difference between raw and polished Tiger’s Eye is that raw Tiger’s Eye has not been processed or cut.

It is in its natural state, which means it has not been treated with any chemicals or heat.

Can you get Tiger Eye wet?
A piece of raw Tiger’s Eye

Polished Tiger’s Eye, on the other hand, has been processed and cut.

This means that it may be more fragile than raw Tiger’s Eye and more susceptible to damage.

When it comes to cleansing your Raw Tiger’s Eye crystal, the same rules apply as polished Tiger’s Eye.

My Favorite Tiger’s Eye Items

Now that you know all about the Tiger’s Eye crystal, why not check out some of my favorite Tiger’s Eye items?

Tiger’s Eye bracelet: This bracelet is made with natural Tigers Eye beads and elastic. It is stretchy and fits most wrists.

Tiger’s Eye necklace: This beautiful necklace is made with a polished Tigers Eye pendant on a silver chain.

Tiger’s Eye earrings:These stunning earrings are made with polished Tigers Eye beads and 925 Sterling Silver. They are lightweight and comfortable to wear.


So, to shortly sum things up, Tiger’s Eye can go in water.

However, there are a few things to remember if you choose to cleanse your Tiger’s Eye crystal in water.

First, make sure the water you use is clean. Second, avoid using salt water or chemically treated water, as these can damage the crystal.

Finally, be sure to dry your Tiger’s Eye crystal completely after cleansing it in water. You can either towel dry it or allow it to air dry.

It is important to remember that all crystals are different and some may be more sensitive to water than for example Tiger’s Eye crystal.

Malachite crystal for example is a sensitive crystal that can best not be cleansed with water.

So, if you are unsure whether or not your crystal can go in water, it is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid doing so.

We hope this blog post has been helpful in answering your questions about whether or not Tiger’s Eye can go in water!

Thanks for reading!

How long should I leave tigers eye in water?

Cleaning your Tiger's Eye with water Let your stones soak for several hours. If you think your stone is heavily loaded, let it soak for 4 hours or more.

How do I activate Tigers eye?

How to use tiger's eye..
Hold your tiger's-eye in your hand, and bring to mind the fear you want to overcome..
Stand tall with your feet firmly planted on the ground..
Place your tiger's-eye over your heart and say out loud, "I am courageous," three times..

How do you charge tigers eye?

Charging Crystals with Fire Fire can cleanse and charge crystals with the fire association or element, such as Bloodstone, Boji Stone, Tiger's Eye, Agate, Jasper, Rutilated Quartz, and Mahogany Obsidian. Take the crystal and pass it over a candle flame, allowing the direct fire to destroy negative energies.

Can I wear Tigers eye every day?

Tiger's Eye Pendant For centuries, it has formed the core of amulets, protecting the wearer from negative energies, promoting healing, and warding off curses. It not only brings the stone's frequency closer to other chakras, but it also makes quite a statement and can form part of everyday wear.