Can you play War of the Ring solo?

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Ben Llewelyn

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WOTR Solo Rules

Uploaded by

Ben Llewelyn



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Can you play War of the Ring solo?

Has anyone tried it? Specifically has anyone tried the Quellerbot that was created? I looked through the instructions and it looked overwhelming to me. Don't have too many people who would want to play this with me but if I could make it work solo then I definitely want to do so.

How long does it take to play War of the Ring?

War of the Ring is a 2-player game that takes approximately 3 hours, though there are variant rules for 3 or 4 players where one or both sides play as a team.

Is War of the Ring a good game?

This is an amazing game that I would recommend to any fans of Lord of the Rings or just epic gaming experiences in general. If indeed “all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us,” then give me three or four more hours and I'll play War of the Ring: anytime, anywhere, short of Shelob's lair.

How do you win War of the Ring?

A good strategy is to take the Sauron Army units that begin the game in Mordor and march them up north. The distance is quickly covered and unless the Free Peoples player dedicates some valuable Action Dice to actually rouse some of the DEW nations they won't be able to put up much of a fight.

Can you play War of the Ring Online?

Getting Started, Client Setup, WOTR Toolkit, and Playing Online. To play War of the Ring, you need the game client which is written in Java, so you also need to install the Java client. Directly download the game client at the War of the Ring Ladder page, and download the Java client from the Oracle Java page.