Can you practice maneuverability at the BMV

Driving and maneuverability tests are coupled together in Ohio, with special emphasis on driving through a set of cones in a parallel-parking style to pass. The maneuverability exam can be a daunting task for experienced drivers, let alone teenage drivers. Here's how to prepare and pass the test with flying colors.

Scheduling Your Ohio Maneuverability Test 

Scheduling your maneuverability test is easy, but it's important to make sure you're prepared.

"Once a driver is confident with their capabilities and all requirements have been met, a driver can schedule a road test," said Ohio Department of Public Safety Assistant Director of Communications Lindsey Bohrer. 

Taking the Ohio Maneuverability Test

The road test and maneuverability test in Ohio are broken up into two parts. Most people take them both on the same day. If you fail one portion of the test, you're able to just take that part and not repeat the other. You have to pass both to secure your license.

Once there, you'll need to show your temporary license if you're under the age of 18. Drivers ed in Ohio is also required, and you have to have your certificate with you at the test.

Now, what are you going to drive at the test? You provide your own vehicle for testing. It has to be in good condition, so please don't bring your grandpa's lemon. Both blinkers and headlights need to work, and of course, you'll need enough gas to make it through the road and maneuverability tests. According to Bohrer, officials will perform a vehicle inspection before the test.

Ohio Maneuverability Test Specifics

The Ohio maneuverability test goes a little something like this.

  1. First, you'll drive forward through a 9' by 20' box formed by four markers (usually traffic cones).

  2. After passing through the cones, you have to back up past the center marker and straighten out the car to reach the two rear markers.

  3. Don't rest on your laurels once you're through the rear cones, as you have to leave the test area without hitting, bumping, or knocking over the markers.

How to Pass the Ohio Maneuverability Test

The above test instructions may sound simple, but there are many ways to fail. Your success hinges on a points system. If you lose 25 points or more, you will fail the exam. Certain actions result in losing points, while others result in immediate failure. 

  • Stopping to check progress: While your instincts might tell you to stop and start during this test, one fluid motion forward and back is what driving examiners are looking for. You'll lose five points every time you look behind you at the cones, peek out of your side mirrors, or stick your head out the window.

  • Bumping cones/markers: Accidentally go outside the lines of the test and bump a marker? This will make you lose points. Every time you bump one, you'll lose five points.

  • Misjudging stopping distance: If you stop too short of the final points of turning at the top or bottom of the exam area, you will lose five points every time you do it.

  • Not parallel with the test area: If you start or stop in a cockeyed formation or begin the test crooked after the exam has started, you lose 10 points.

  • Automatic failure: This is the only way to stop everything mid-test. This happens if you knock down or run over a cone/marker or remove a marker from the designated area.

Again, even if you believe you're done, you have to back all the way out of the testing area without losing points, or you may fail. 

"Stopping, bumping markers, misjudgment of stopping distance, and not being parallel with the test area are all deductions," said Bohrer.

As for when you finish the test and pass?

"Drivers may go to a deputy registrar to be issued their driver's license," Bohrer said.

For more tips and specifics on how to pass the Ohio maneuverability test visit us at Driver'

Where can I practice maneuverability in Ohio?

Your high school, driving school or local AAA office may have a maneuverability course on its property available for practice. You also can set up your own course according to the diagram found in your Ohio Driver's Manual.

How do you fail maneuverability in Ohio?

How to Pass the Ohio Maneuverability Test. The above test instructions may sound simple, but there are many ways to fail. Your success hinges on a points system. If you lose 25 points or more, you will fail the exam.

Do you fail if you can't do a maneuver?

Essentially, the only way a manoeuvre can fail the driving test is if you do something wrong. The fact that they are confined to a small area and are completed extremely slowly means you have a high level of control. Manoeuvres should be practiced until completely confident you can do each one of them successfully.